Eternal Thunder God/C16 The Seventhlayer of the Beginning Is Nothing
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Eternal Thunder God/C16 The Seventhlayer of the Beginning Is Nothing
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C16 The Seventhlayer of the Beginning Is Nothing

Life and death were matters of indifference to him. If he couldn't accept that, he was ready to fight!

Lee Yifan propelled himself off the ground, charging at Lee Tao like a whirlwind.

Lee Tao was momentarily taken aback, his eyes then ablaze with fury. He couldn't believe that such a worthless opponent would dare to strike first, clearly not taking him seriously.

Well, today, your blood will serve to cement my supreme authority.

Lee Tao sprang into action, the Essence Qi within him roiling. The power within him seemed to awaken in that instant, a torrential force pulsing through him.

Rolling Stone Fist!

Lee Tao's punch thundered out, filling the sky with shadows of his fist.

The shadows were like boulders tumbling down a mountain, gaining speed and mass with each passing second.

The relentless barrage of punches bore down on Lee Yifan, who now seemed insignificant in size, his whole being on the verge of being engulfed by the onslaught.

But then!

In a flash, a figure broke through the barrage like a bolt of lightning, closing in on Lee Tao.


Lee Tao inwardly screamed. He had thought his Rolling Stone Fist would force Yifan to submit, but it hadn't even fazed him.

But Lee Tao didn't dwell on it, for Yifan was already bearing down on him.

Suddenly, Yifan leapt into the air, his body arching back, taut as a drawn bowstring.

At his limit, Yifan unleashed a punch.

This punch, devoid of any flashy techniques, was the epitome of raw power. It seemed to carry the weight of a thousand kilos, bursting the air itself and setting off a series of sonic booms.

Feeling the dread of this punch, Lee Tao seethed with a sense of being overpowered.

As he contemplated retreat, another thought plagued him: if others witnessed him being pushed back by a nobody, wouldn't they mock him mercilessly?

Caught in his indecision, Yifan was already upon him.

The gale-force wind that accompanied Yifan's advance finally snapped Lee Tao to attention. His face contorted in alarm, realizing he had squandered his best chance to act, and now retreat seemed impossible.

With no other option, Lee Tao braced himself, raising his arms to guard his chest.


Lee Tao's body jolted as a tremendous force flooded into him. In that moment, he felt as though he had collided with a massive beast charging head-on. The overwhelming power pushed him back relentlessly.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

He retreated over ten meters before he managed to dissipate the force and regain his footing.

"Seventh level of the Beginning? Is that all there is?" Lee Yifan murmured.

Though spoken quietly, the words struck Lee Tao like a clap of thunder, flushing his face with a mix of rage and embarrassment.

Despite the initial setback, Lee Tao was far from conceding his inferiority to Lee Yifan. He shot back with a cold sneer, "I wasn't even trying just now. I merely wanted to test whether you were worthy of my effort. You may be worthless, but I must admit, you're not just any worthless person."

In praising Lee Yifan, Lee Tao was really trying to save face.

By elevating Lee Yifan, his own earlier defeat seemed less humiliating. But make no mistake, Lee Tao wasn't there to flatter. His gaze turned icy as he declared, "However, trash will always be trash, and I can crush you with a mere flick of my wrist."

"Really?" Lee Yifan said with a smirk.

"I haven't even begun to tap into my strength. Now, prepare to witness my true power."

With those words, Lee Tao's presence erupted, his entire being akin to a lit keg of gunpowder, ready to blow at any second.

Having been bested by Lee Yifan, he was eager to reclaim his pride.

"Lee Yifan, today you'll taste the might of a high-level Mortal Realm martial art—the Heart Destruction Hand."

Martial arts range from Mortal, earthly, heavenly, to divine, each categorized into elementary, intermediate, advanced, and super levels.

A high-level Mortal Realm martial art was considered second-tier in Ilanahil.

Lee Yifan was well aware of the Heart Destruction Hand's formidable power, a technique designed to target the heart. A direct hit could mean losing half one's life, if not death itself.

That Lee Tao possessed such a ruthless skill was likely thanks to his grandfather's intervention.

Lee Tao's aura grew increasingly wild, his hands shifting rapidly, casting multiple shadows in the air. Suddenly, these shadows converged into his grasp, and a dark silhouette lunged towards Lee Yifan's chest.

Sensing the formidable might of the Heart Destruction Hand, Lee Yifan's face took on a grave expression. With a mere thought, direct current surged from the nuclear power station within him, rapidly coalescing in his palm amidst crackling sparks.

Lee Yifan countered with a forceful palm strike.

In an astonishing turn, the Heart Destruction Hand technique that Lee Tao had unleashed crumbled like fragile paper, disintegrating into nothingness like wisps of smoke.

"This can't be... It's impossible!"

Lee Tao was utterly unable to come to terms with his martial skill being shattered so effortlessly. He stood frozen as if bound by a spell.

Lee Yifan seized the moment, closing the distance and delivering a swift kick to Lee Tao's abdomen.

Lee Tao doubled over like a shrimp, then was sent flying, crashing heavily to the ground.

The surrounding crowd erupted into a commotion, staring at Lee Yifan as if he were a creature from myth.

"How could this be? Lee Yifan actually won!"

"Wasn't he considered useless? How is he so formidable?"

"What just happened? How did he shatter Lee Tao's martial skill? Did I just see lightning? What's really going on here?"

The scene was in total disarray as everyone was left in shock.

After all, Lee Yifan was perceived by all as a has-been, someone whose dantian was destroyed, rendering him harmless. Yet, Lee Yifan had defied everyone's expectations and defeated Lee Tao, a practitioner at the seventh level of the Beginning.

Lee Yifan offered no explanation for his victory over Lee Tao.

Nor did he reveal to anyone the existence of a nuclear power station within him, a source of boundless strength.

Standing over Lee Tao, Lee Yifan gazed down at him with scorn, "Seventh level of the Beginning, is that all you have?"

Flushed with humiliation, Lee Tao was seething with anger, wishing the earth would swallow him whole.

"Lee Yifan, you'd better release me, or my grandfather will never forgive you! What does it matter if you won? You're nothing but trash. My grandfather could grind you into pulp with just one finger."

"I'll make sure my grandfather deals with you, you worthless..."


Before Lee Tao could get another word out, Lee Yifan's hand struck his face with force. The sharp sting left five crimson finger marks etched on Lee Tao's cheek. Lee Yifan regarded him with scorn, "You think your grandfather is invincible? Today, I'm taking you to the Lee family. Let's see if he has the guts to lay a finger on me."


Lee Tao burst into laughter. "You think you have the nerve to confront the Lee family? You wouldn't even make it through their front door before being crushed into pulp."

"Really? Not only will I visit the Lee family today, but I'll also demand an apology from them."

"You're living in a fantasy!" Lee Tao sneered.

Lee Yao's face was etched with concern. "Yifan..."

"No more words are necessary. The Lee family's home isn't some dragon's den or tiger's lair; they wouldn't dare harm me."

With that, Lee Yifan hoisted Lee Tao up as effortlessly as one would a small chicken and strode toward the Lee family's residence.

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