Eternal Thunder God/C17 Back to the Lee Family
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Eternal Thunder God/C17 Back to the Lee Family
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C17 Back to the Lee Family

Lee Yifan was determined to return to the Lee family!

The news spread rapidly, as if it had grown wings, reaching every corner in no time.

It was common knowledge that Lee Yifan's dantian had been destroyed, stripping him of his title as the Young Master and resulting in his expulsion from the Lee family.

Most believed that Lee Yifan would wither away like a neglected weed. Yet, contrary to expectations, he did not falter. Instead, he had Lee Tao under his heel and seemed poised to challenge the Lee family's honor.

Could this really be happening?

Whether it seemed feasible or not, the gossip-hungry crowd was ablaze with curiosity.

Consequently, many trailed behind Lee Yifan, eager to witness whether he was on a path to his demise or if he truly had the audacity to face his family.

Before long, the Lee family caught wind of the situation.


In the grand hall of the Lee family, Lee Aotian's eyes were icy as he declared, "This failure has the audacity to show his face here? Does he truly believe we wouldn't dare to end him?"

"Lee Tao is just as worthless, incapable of handling even this failure. He has completely disgraced our family."

"Of course, Lee Tao cannot hold a candle to the Young Master. The honor Lee Tao has squandered must be reclaimed by the Young Master."

"With the Young Master here, Lee Yifan is no more significant than a stray cur, easily crushed with a flick of the finger."

"The Young Master is unbeatable. Lee Yifan is merely a jester."

The Lee family members lavished praise upon Lee Aotian, eager to curry favor.

Basking in their adulation, Lee Aotian's murderous aura subsided, and a smug smile crept across his face. He agreed with their sentiments; as the current Young Master of the Lee family, Lee Yifan was nothing but a non-threat.

And as for Lee Tao, his inability to handle a so-called failure made him just as pathetic.

This situation was ideal. By dealing with Lee Yifan, Lee Aotian would solidify his authority as the Young Master.

He had previously attempted to ascend to power by stepping over Lee Yifan, nearly succeeding with his grandfather's covert assistance. However, his plans were thwarted when Jiang Yurou arrived and forcefully whisked Lee Yifan away.

Jiang Yurou has ventured into the Lu Xia Forest. Who will come to your rescue now, Lee Yifan? Since you've chosen a path leading to your demise, I'll ensure your life is worse than death!" Lee Aotian silently vowed.

Settling back into his chair, Lee Aotian spoke with a nonchalant air, "Let's enjoy some tea and wait for him to deliver himself to his fate."

"Young Master, I've come across some interesting information."

"What might that be?"

"Rumor has it that Lee Yifan possesses a third-grade medicinal pill. Lee Tao's pursuit of him is driven by his desire to seize that pill."

"Really? So, Lee Yifan is not just walking into his doom but also bringing me a medicinal pill? I never imagined this good-for-nothing would turn into a bearer of treasures. If this is true, I might actually regret having to kill him." Lee Aotian burst into laughter, his eyes alight with thrill.

"Fortune falls into the lap of those who wait at home. Young Master, you truly are favored by fate."

"Congratulations, Young Master!"

Once more, the sycophants showered him with praise, and Lee Aotian's grin stretched nearly ear to ear.


Outside the Lee family estate!

Lee Yifan stood at the threshold, his eyes blazing with determination.

He had once shed blood and risked his life for this family, willing to face any peril for their sake.

Yet, his fervent loyalty was met with betrayal.

The Lee family, indifferent to his devotion, not only sold him out to his enemies, leading to the destruction of his dantian, but they also cast him aside and left him for dead.

Thankfully, a woman saved him, or his body might now be cold in the grave.

The next moment, Lee Yifan's gaze hardened with lethal intent.

Lee family, there will come a day when I will eradicate you root and stem, and the blood debt will be repaid in kind.

But for today, I'll start by collecting some interest!

"What's the matter? Too scared to enter?"

Lee Tao sneered at Lee Yifan, contemptuously taunting, "The Lee family is not something a worthless person like you can provoke. Be smart, release me, hand over the third-grade medicinal pill, and I might just spare your miserable life."


Five vivid red marks appeared on Lee Tao's cheek.

"Silence! Utter one more word of nonsense, and believe me, I'll rip out your tongue!"

Lee Tao was about to say something, but upon catching sight of Lee Yifan's eyes, which seemed devoid of any human emotion, he swallowed his words and glared resentfully at Yifan.

"Yifan, I'll go ask them to open the door," Lee Yao offered.

"Just let him do it!"

With that, Lee Yifan forcefully hurled Lee Tao out.


Lee Tao crashed heavily against the door, breaking it open.

"See, isn't the door open now?" Lee Yifan said as he walked to the doorway, hoisted Lee Tao up, and stepped into the Lee family estate.

Yifan's presence was becoming more commanding by the moment.

Watching Yifan march ahead, Lee Yao quickly followed.

"Yifan, why is it so empty? Where is everyone from the Lee family?"

Shortly after entering the estate, Lee Yao sensed something was amiss. They hadn't encountered a single person since stepping through the door, and the silence of the Lee family home was eerie.

Lee Yao nervously scanned the surroundings, a sense of foreboding creeping over him.

Lee Yifan, however, was unfazed. He had come to the Lee family with confidence, armed with a plan.

Suddenly, the sound of disordered footsteps approached. Within moments, a large group of people emerged before Lee Yifan and his companion.

"Weren't you just worried about there being no one here? Well, here they are," Lee Yifan remarked.

A wave of apprehension washed over Lee Yao as he whispered, "Yifan, it's Lee Aotian and his group."

"It's said that Lee Aotian is now the Young Master of the Lee family. He's taken a powerful pill, which has significantly boosted his strength. He's already at the eighth level of the Beginning and is close to breaking through to the ninth level."

Surprise flickered across Lee Yifan's face, but he quickly smirked and said, "The Lee family really spares no expense for Lee Aotian."

His tone dripped with irony.

When he was the Young Master of the Lee family, he too had access to the family's resources, but they were never as plentiful.

His strength had been built up gradually, bit by bit.

But what about Lee Aotian?

Lee Aotian's talent paled in comparison to his. When he was expelled from the Lee family, Lee Aotian was merely at the peak of the seventh level of the Beginning. Yet now, he had not only advanced to the eighth level, but he was also closing in on the ninth.

Given Lee Aotian's modest abilities, reaching such a level would require an enormous amount of resources.

In that moment, Lee Yifan came to a realization: perhaps the Lee family had never truly seen him as one of their own. They had provided him with resources solely for the purpose of exploiting his service to the family.

And when they feared he might become uncontrollable, they sought to destroy him.

Suddenly, Lee Yifan remembered being called a bastard by someone in the Lee family. Could it be...

"How dare you barge into the Lee family's territory? Who gave you the audacity?" A voice thundered in rebuke, as hostile gazes fixed on Lee Yifan.

Lee Tao, as if spotting a lifeline, cried out, "Lee Yifan has deceived me! Help me, everyone! Take down this worthless fool!"


With a swift slap, Lee Yifan knocked Lee Tao unconscious and flung him to the ground. Dusting off his hands, Lee Yifan remarked, "Finally, some peace and quiet."

He then addressed the crowd, "I'm here today to demand an explanation from the Lee family. Go, summon your person in charge."

Lee Yifan stood before the Lee family members, unflinching and defiant.

Lee Yao nervously gulped, thinking to himself, "Yifan, with your brazen attitude, aren't you worried they'll beat you to a pulp?"

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