Eternal Thunder God/C18 You Are Arrogant
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Eternal Thunder God/C18 You Are Arrogant
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C18 You Are Arrogant

"Bastard, how dare a piece of trash like you ignore us? Who gave you the courage?"

"Lee Yifan, do you really think we can't force you out of the Lee family?"

"Leave now and apologize, and I'll spare your life."

Lee Yifan stood defiantly on their turf, his arrogance fueling the Lee family's fury. If looks could kill, he would have been reduced to dust.

Yet, Lee Yifan remained composed and dismissive, the Lee family's threats not even registering with him.

"Say one more word, and I'll kill him."

With that, Lee Yifan drew a long sword from the scabbard in Lee Yao's hand, its tip aimed directly at Lee Tao's back. A mere push was all it would take to pierce Lee Tao's heart.

Lee Yifan lifted his gaze to meet the crowd's eyes and said, "If I kill Lee Tao, his blood is on your hands. Do you think the Second Elder will forgive you?"

The crowd was speechless, wanting to argue but too afraid to speak, fearing Lee Yifan might follow through on his threat.

After all, Lee Yifan was considered worthless. His life for Lee Tao's would be a profitable exchange.

But even if they killed Lee Yifan in retribution, would the Second Elder just let it be?

If Lee Yifan died, the Second Elder's wrath would surely descend upon them, and the first to speak would become the focus of his rage.

In that moment, no one dared to utter a word.

"Trash, you're all trash. I come onto your turf, threaten you, and you shrink away. If the Lee family is full of cowards like you, it's doomed," Lee Yifan taunted with a sneer.

His words struck them like a dagger to the heart, and the truth of them made the pain all the more acute.

"You think the Lee family is full of brutes like you? They bear these insults not out of cowardice but to protect the clan's younger members. Their tolerance isn't weakness; it's a testament to their unity and love."

Lee Aotian approached with measured steps, his words dissolving the Lee family's humiliation.

Once Lee Aotian had spoken, the others quickly chimed in, "The Young Master is right. We simply couldn't stand to see Lee Tao get hurt."

"What's a bit of humiliation for Lee Tao's comfort? You, with your brute force and ignorance of anything but fighting, will never understand."

"A brute like you will only plunge our family into an abyss. That's why the family stripped you of your title as Young Master. Brother Long is our beacon of hope, destined to lead us to greatness."

"Brother Long? It's Young Master now."

"The Young Master is invincible!"

As the flattery poured in, Lee Aotian's face lit up with a radiant smile. He then asked, "As the former Young Master, seeing such unity in the Lee family must stir some feelings, right? What are your thoughts, Lee Yifan?"

"Scum, just patting yourselves on the back."

Lee Yifan, of course, had nothing positive to say.

Lee Aotian's smile vanished. He felt like slapping himself for even hoping that Lee Yifan would compliment him. What a foolish thought.

"Lee Yifan, I know you're jealous. You're no match for me and never will be. As the Young Master, I command you to release Lee Tao immediately and kneel to beg for forgiveness. Otherwise... you will die!"

The word "die" hung in the air, accompanied by a chilling wave of murderous intent that made the atmosphere turn icy.

"Do you really want to disregard Lee Tao's life?" Lee Yao interjected.

To Lee Yao, Lee Tao was their ace in the hole. As long as they held Lee Tao, the Lee family would have to tread carefully.


Lee Aotian scoffed with disdain, "Do you really think holding Lee Tao will make us capitulate? Moreover, if you kill Lee Tao, we'll simply claim he was dead before you even arrived at the Lee family's doorstep. Then, it will have nothing to do with us."

"Isn't that right?"

"Whatever the Young Master decrees, we follow."

"Exactly, Lee Tao had already fallen prey to Lee Yifan's treachery before he even set foot in the Lee family's home."

"Lee Yifan, the Young Master's wisdom is unparalleled. You stand no chance against him. Surrender now."

Lee Yao's face tensed upon hearing the Lee family's remarks.

Lee Tao was their only card to play, but it seemed to have lost its value. Glancing at Lee Yifan, Lee Tao saw his unshakable calmness, a demeanor he couldn't match.

Yet, he racked his brain and still couldn't figure out how Lee Yifan would turn the tables.

"Are you determined to be obstinate, Lee Yifan?"

Lee Aotian gazed down at Lee Yifan like a wolf king eyeing his prey. "You're out of options. And I've heard about your third-grade pill. Hand it over now. My, my, you're quite the cash cow for me, aren't you? Hahaha."

"Someone, seize Lee Yifan for me!"

Lee Aotian commanded, indifferent to whether Lee Tao lived or died.

"I'll handle this!"

A man stepped forward, recognized by Lee Yifan as Lee Kun. He had once been a follower of Yifan, who had even saved his life.

But when Lee Yifan's dantian was destroyed and the Lee family backed Lee Aotian as the new Young Master, Lee Kun quickly switched allegiances.

"Hmph, to get to Yifan, you'll have to go through me," Lee Yao declared, positioning himself in front of Lee Yifan.

"Step aside, Lee Yao," Lee Yifan instructed. "A good-for-nothing like you poses no threat to me."

Angered by Lee Yifan's contempt, Lee Kun retorted, "Bah, Lee Yifan, you think you still possess the strength of the ninth level of Beginning? You think you're still the Lee family's Young Master? You're nothing but trash now. What's with the act?"

Unfazed, Lee Yifan maintained his disdainful gaze and coolly responded, "Even if I'm down to my last breath, I'm beyond comparison to a good-for-nothing like you. I wouldn't even need to lift a finger to deal with someone of your caliber."

"If you don't lift a finger, do you really think Lee Yao can do anything to me?" Lee Kun taunted.

Lee Yifan shook his head. "It's not Lee Yao you should worry about; it's Lee Aotian. Just one word from me, and Lee Aotian will be after your life."

Lee Kun burst into laughter. "You're delusional. You think you can boss around the young master?"

"Why not? I believe I can."

Lee Yifan turned to Lee Aotian. "Lee Aotian, I want you to kill him."

Lee Aotian gave Lee Yifan a sideways glance. "You must be out of your mind."

"You mentioned earlier that I possess a third-grade pill. That's a rumor; I don't have one. However, I do have a nearly third-grade pill. Kill him, and I might consider parting with the pill. If you refuse, I'll destroy it right here and now."

"Don't question my resolve. The pill isn't that useful to me. I won't shed a tear if it's destroyed."

With that, Lee Yifan produced the pill, ready to destroy it at a moment's notice.

Instantly, all eyes were on Lee Kun.

Lee Kun's scalp prickled with anxiety. He hadn't anticipated Lee Yifan resorting to such a ruthless strategy. He quickly pleaded, "Young Master, please don't be swayed by his ploy. He..."

"This isn't a ploy. The whole of Fuyun City knows I have a third-grade pill, yet I lack the strength to safeguard it. The best course of action is to give it away. That's the only way I can live in peace. My initial plan was to trade the pill for Lee Tao's life, but since you've made yourself a target, I'll start with you."

Lee Yifan's smile was sly as he watched Lee Aotian. "So, Lee Aotian, are you in or out?"

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