Eternal Thunder God/C19 Actually I Want to Die
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Eternal Thunder God/C19 Actually I Want to Die
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C19 Actually I Want to Die

To act or not to act?

It was a tough decision.

If he went through with the deal, he would have to kill one of his own, a blatant betrayal of his principles.

Yet, if he refused, Lee Yifan would destroy the nearly third-grade pill that rightfully belonged to him, and the thought made Lee Aotian's heart ache.

Such a pill wasn't easily come by. If he could secure it, it might even aid him in breaking through to the Beginning stage and reaching the Inner Forge.

"Make your decision quickly. After all, my patience is limited," Lee Yifan declared haughtily.

Lee Aotian remained silent.

But he shot a meaningful glance at his confidant, who caught on immediately. Lee Aotian was protecting his reputation, unwilling to dirty his hands. He wanted his confidant to do the deed.

As Lee Aotian's henchman, it was his duty to alleviate his master's troubles.

Without warning, he struck Lee Kun.


Lee Aotian's henchman delivered a palm strike to Lee Kun's back, instantly shattering his heart.

Lee Kun, who had just been eager to impress Lee Aotian and gain his favor, had instead become a target. He failed to secure the support he sought and lost his life in the process.

Lee Kun collapsed, his eyes wide open in disbelief as he drew his last breath.

"Lee Kun is dead. Shouldn't Lee Yifan present the pill to the young master now?" Lee Aotian's henchman remarked.

Lee Yifan responded, "Lee Aotian, I tasked you with killing Lee Kun, but since you didn't do it yourself, I intended to give you the pill. You didn't value that opportunity, and now, you've lost your chance at the pill forever."

"Lee Yifan, are you reneging on your word?" Lee Aotian asked, his expression darkening.

"Reneging? Young Master Lee, what are you talking about? Did you kill Lee Kun? If not, what right do you have to demand the pill?"

Lee Aotian passed the pill to Lee Yao, instructing, "Take it."


"Enough talk. Just do as I say," Lee Yifan ordered sternly.

Seeing Lee Yifan's firm stance, Lee Yao bit back any further words. He clenched his jaw and swallowed the pill, then set about refining it.

"Lee Yifan, you bastard! You never intended to give me that pill. You've been toying with me all along!" Lee Aotian's eyes were bloodshot, his face twisted into a terrifying snarl, as if he were about to devour someone.

Lee Yifan mocked, "So you've caught on. Not bad, you're pretty clever."


"Are you upset? Do you want to kill me? Go ahead, I'll let you. If you don't, we won't get anywhere," Lee Yifan said, fearlessly egging Lee Aotian on.

Lee Aotian's aura of murderous intent was nearly palpable as he clenched his teeth and spat out, "Do you truly believe I wouldn't dare to kill you?"

"If you're going to act, then cut the talk."

Suddenly, Lee Yifan's expression contorted, "Ever since you mongrels destroyed my dantian, I've lost the will to live. But I refuse to give in; I still want to restore my dantian. Bai Ruoyun told me there's no chance left for me. Do you know what went through my mind when I heard that?"

"My first thought was to get revenge on the Lee family."

"And I've succeeded."

"Succeeded?" Lee Aotian sneered, "By killing Lee Kun, you call that success?"

"Of course not."

A fanatical look spread across Lee Yifan's face as he declared, "I plan to have the entire Lee family join me in death..."

"Just you? Lee Yifan, aren't you overestimating yourself?"

"I hold myself in high regard, indeed. Even as a cripple, I'm beyond comparison with trash like you. You think being the Young Master of the Lee family is impressive? You're nothing compared to Yifan," Lee Yifan boasted.

"Lee Yifan, your bragging could burst a drum. If you're so great, why don't you ascend to the heavens?"

"Exactly, you're nothing but a has-been. You should take a good hard look at yourself and see what you've become."

"Some people just lack self-awareness."

The Lee family members looked on with disdain as Lee Aotian added, "Lee Yifan, I'm curious to hear, with what face do you boast about yourself? Enlighten us with your so-called strengths; let's see if you can impress us."

"I'm afraid that once I tell you, you'll start questioning your entire existence."


"Well, since you're masochistically inclined, I'll indulge you. First off, my wife, Jiang Yurou, could single-handedly take down the entire Lee family. Of course, you might accuse me of living off her, but aside from my wife, I also have a deep connection with Bai Ruoyun from White Cloud Ravine."

While speaking, Lee Yifan produced a golden cloud badge and regarded the onlookers with scorn. "A golden cloud badge—something you'll never obtain in your lifetimes, right?"

"A golden cloud badge? How do you have one?"

Even Lee Aotian was shaken.

Not one member of the Lee family possessed such a badge, an object they could only dream of acquiring. Holding a golden cloud badge meant establishing a profound partnership with White Cloud Ravine.

The Lee family, despite all their efforts, had never managed to secure a golden cloud badge, yet it had fallen into the hands of someone they had dismissed as worthless.

At that moment, many were conflicted, pondering whether the Lee family would have had a golden cloud badge if they hadn't expelled Lee Yifan.

"Do you know why I have a golden cloud badge?"

All ears were perked, eager for the answer.

Lee Yifan didn't play coy and revealed, "Because I saved Bai Ruoyun's life. I'm her lifesaver."

"Perhaps you're unaware, but not long ago, I brokered an alliance between White Cloud Ravine and the Jiang family."

Faces within the Lee family turned sour.

Had they not ousted Lee Yifan, it could have been the Lee family allied with White Cloud Ravine.

Doubt began to creep in among many regarding the leadership's decisions.

Lee Aotian, sensing the shift, hastily retorted, "Lee Yifan, even if what you're saying is true, you're still nothing but trash."

"Indeed, I am trash, and that's why... I yearn for death."

Suddenly, Lee Yifan's eyes blazed with loathing, and he declared chillingly, "My downfall is the Lee family's doing. Therefore, I intend to take the Lee family down with me."

"I never intended to leave the Lee family today. As long as I die here, my wife and Bai Ruoyun will seek vengeance for me. The Lee family's downfall is inevitable."

With those words, Lee Yifan lifted the sword in his hand to his own neck.

He then turned to the members of the Lee family, his mouth spreading into a wide grin as he laughed heartily. "Being buried alongside a nobody like me must be so frustrating for you. Such is your destiny!"

"I'll be waiting for you in the afterlife. Hahaha!"

"Stop right there!"

In that instant, a figure approached rapidly.

The powerful presence hit them before the person was even in sight.

Lee Yifan recognized this aura immediately; he was certain that it was none other than the head of the Lee family, Lee Zheng.

Far from being scared, Yifan was thrilled. He had been posturing all day just for this moment, waiting for Lee Zheng.

Now that the main event was here, the real drama was about to unfold.

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