Eternal Thunder God/C21 Mysterious Jade Pendant
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Eternal Thunder God/C21 Mysterious Jade Pendant
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C21 Mysterious Jade Pendant


Lee Yifan expressed his surprise.

Lee Zheng nodded. "Lee Yunmeng gave this to me before he passed away. He told me that this jade pendant is tied to your origins and that I should give it to you when the time was right. I believe that time is now."

"My origins?"

It all made sense!

Lee Yifan had previously harbored doubts that he might not truly belong to the Lee family.

Lee Zheng's words further confirmed his suspicions.

Despite his significant contributions to the Lee family, not being a blood relative meant they would never fully accept him.

"This jade pendant is quite remarkable. It's possible you come from an extraordinary lineage. Finding your true family might even help you heal your dantian," Lee Zheng suggested.

Lee Yifan couldn't argue with that. Lee Zheng's decision to hand over the jade pendant likely had ulterior motives.

The intention was probably to instill hope in him and divert his attention to searching for his family. In doing so, the Lee family could seize the opportunity to dispose of him discreetly.

The more he pondered, the more plausible it seemed, especially since Lee Yifan had just dealt a heavy blow to the Lee family's interests.

Moreover, Lee Yifan's wife, Jiang Yurou, possessed an astonishing talent. If she were to come into her own, Lee Yifan could potentially influence her against the Lee family, posing a significant threat to them.

The most effective solution would be to eliminate Lee Yifan and neutralize the looming danger.

Having unraveled Lee Zheng's ploy, Lee Yifan inwardly smirked. Lee Zheng assumed he would seek out his family, unaware that Lee Yifan hailed from another world and had no intention of finding his relatives.

At present, Lee Yifan was single-minded in his resolve to grow stronger and, when the opportunity arose, to stir up trouble for the Lee family and the Hua family, biding his time until he could uproot both clans entirely.

Lee Yifan kept his true intentions hidden, feigning excitement and casting a thankful glance at Lee Zheng. "I appreciate your generosity, Patriarch Lee. Should I find my family, I'll be sure to express my gratitude."

"You will!"


Without further ado, Lee Yifan promptly departed with Lee Yao.

The members of the Lee family could never have imagined that Lee Yifan would make such a dramatic entrance, issuing threats and feigning a death wish. In reality, his true motive was to reclaim the heavenly-level cultivation technique discovered by Lee You'er.

After his departure, Lee Aotian couldn't contain his curiosity, "Patriarch, why did you reveal his origins to him? It would have been better if he spent his life unable to find his family."

Lee Zheng shot Lee Aotian a stern look. "Think about it. Do you really believe I'd be that generous? I disclosed his identity to divert his attention and give him hope, to prevent him from seeking death within the Lee family."

"Now that he's left, his fate is no longer our concern."

"Patriarch, are you suggesting..."

Lee Aotian made a cutting motion with his hand.

"We should eliminate Lee Yifan, but not openly. It's preferable to manipulate the Hua family to do it. You don't need me to spell out how, do you?"

Lee Aotian nodded vigorously. "Patriarch, you can count on me for good news."

"Don't disappoint me!"



Having left the Lee family compound, Lee Yao breathed a huge sigh of relief. "That was close. I was nearly scared out of my wits."

Lee Yifan gave him a sidelong glance. "That frightened you?"

Lee Yao's face twisted into a wry smile, but he couldn't help expressing his admiration. "Yifan, you're incredibly bold. I thought retrieving the item from the Lee family would be a huge ordeal, but it turned out to be surprisingly straightforward. And the way you shook down the head of the Lee family? I was on the edge of my seat."

Lee Yifan internally reveled in the praise, yet he maintained a cool exterior. "Standard procedure."

"For you, maybe it's standard procedure, but for me, it was a masterful stroke of genius. Weren't you worried about the Lee family turning on you when you confronted them?"

"Fear wasn't an option. The Lee family wouldn't dare."


"It's because those who have nothing to lose aren't afraid of those with something at stake. To them, I'm nothing more than a worthless man with a shattered dantian. Betting my life against the entire Lee family, even with just a ten percent chance of success, the Lee family wouldn't dare take the risk. Lee Yao, remember this: sometimes, to win big, you've got to be willing to take bold risks."

What Lee Yifan hadn't anticipated was that his words today would utterly transform Lee Yao's life. In the future, Lee Yifan, who would become known as the King of the Reckless Warriors, had just awakened his audacious nature.

"Let's head back to White Cloud Ravine."

Excitement shone in Lee Yifan's eyes.

This time, he had profited handsomely from the Lee family and had the opportunity to significantly enhance his strength. Moreover, he was eager to see the Heavenly Body Refining Technique that Lee You'er had stumbled upon.

The very thought of the Heavenly Body Refining Technique thrilled him.

More than ten minutes later, they arrived back at White Cloud Ravine.

"Yifan, brother, you've returned."

Upon seeing Lee Yifan and Lee Yao, Lee You'er quickly approached them.

Her manner of addressing them revealed her deep concern.

Once she was sure they were both unharmed, Lee You'er's anxiety subsided. Then she inquired, "Brother, did you manage to obtain the technique?"

Lee Yao nodded with a sense of pride, "You'er, is this what you're referring to?"

He produced an ancient-looking sheepskin scroll, its surface bearing the marks of time.

Additionally, the scroll was exceptionally thin, as supple as silk.

"That's the one, Yifan. Check if this is the Heavenly Body Refining Technique," Lee You'er said as she eagerly snatched the scroll from Lee Yao and handed it to Lee Yifan.

Lee Yao's heart soured, feeling as though his sister might as well be a stranger.

Taking the scroll, Lee Yifan scrutinized it closely. The script was tiny, and it appeared to be imprinted with a spiritual essence. After only a short while, his eyes began to sting, and his head felt heavy.

Although he hadn't finished reading, Lee Yifan was certain that what he held was a scroll detailing a Heavenly Body Refining Technique.

The technique was a body refining method of heavenly caliber, known as the Eight Layered Godly Body.

The Eight Layered Godly Body consisted of eight levels. When mastered, it was akin to donning eight layers of impenetrable armor, resistant to both blades and spears, as well as impervious to the elements of fire and water.

However, cultivating the Eight Layered Godly Body was an arduous task, requiring a vast array of heavenly treasures.

Yet, after just one look, Lee Yifan resolved to take on the challenge of cultivating the Eight Layered Godly Body.

The stronger his body became, the more intense the electrical currents it could endure, allowing him to tap into the full potential of a nuclear power station's might.

"This is certainly a heavenly level technique. Both Lee Yao and I can practice it," Lee Yifan declared.

"Yifan, I've already got a technique I'm working on. You should keep this one."

Even though Lee Yao was tempted by the prospect of a heavenly level technique, he believed that Lee Yifan had a greater need for it and thus decided to step aside.

Lee Yifan understood his intentions and responded, "This technique is for body refining and won't interfere with your current practice. Moreover, if we all cultivate, we can share insights on any issues that arise. The real challenge, though, is that cultivating the Eight Layered Godly Body demands substantial resources, which poses a problem for us."

"That won't be a problem. I can provide for you both," interjected Bai Ruoyun, who had remained quiet until now.

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