Eternal Thunder God/C3 Electricity
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Eternal Thunder God/C3 Electricity
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C3 Electricity

Silence fell over the area like a heavy blanket.

Everyone stared at Li Yifan in disbelief. Wasn't he supposed to be a cripple? How on earth did he take down Jiang Kui so quickly?

What was happening?

"This cripple dared to ambush Young Master Jiang. Let's get revenge for him."

"Take him down!"

"Let's go at him together!"

The group hesitated, wary of Li Yifan, but they charged at him en masse.

As Li Yifan laid his hands on them...

Screams and groans filled the air.

One by one, they convulsed, foam frothing from their mouths, until they lay motionless on the ground.

Fear was etched on every face as they looked at Li Yifan.

None of them could comprehend what Li Yifan had done; they had collapsed without explanation. This man was like a demon incarnate.

As Li Yifan approached, their hearts leapt into their throats.

"Don't provoke me again, or you'll regret it," Li Yifan warned before striding away.

Jiang Kui watched him go, his face a mix of emotions.

His subordinate rose from the ground, asking, "Young Master Jiang, what's our next move?"

"Hmph, this kid is strange, but someone else will deal with him. Inform the Lee family immediately. With my sister gone from Flooding City, and without her protection, they won't let him off the hook."

"Young Master Jiang, your wisdom is unparalleled!"


Leaving the Jiang residence, Li Yifan headed straight for the outskirts.

He had held back in his fight with Jiang Kui, curious to test the limits of his full strength.

An hour later, Li Yifan reached the deserted outskirts. He tapped into the energy of the nuclear power plant, feeling the electricity surge through his meridians.

With a mere thought, the current converged in his palm, sparking to life.

Without any restraint, Li Yifan unleashed a punch at a nearby boulder.


The boulder shattered into fragments.

Li Yifan didn't stop there. Perhaps it was the electricity that made his attacks so ferocious, but his power was now on par with the Fifth Level of the Beginning Realm.

In the world of martial arts, there are ten major realms, ascending from the lowest to the highest: Beginning, Inner Forge, Starlit, Mystic, Nirvana, Neonatal Metamorphosis, Radiant Sun, Astral Form, and Ascension.

The Beginning realm involves opening the body's ten Mystical Gates. Within these gates lies a mysterious power; once unlocked, this power floods out to temper the body, making it stronger. Each Mystical Gate opened can increase one's strength a thousandfold, and some prodigies can even push beyond these limits.

In the Inner Forge realm, practitioners condense their True Yuan, which allows them to project it outward with destructive force far surpassing that of Origin Qi—often by several or even ten times.

It is rumored that the City Lord of Flooding City is a high-level Inner Forge expert, having achieved the ninth level and standing just a step away from the Starlit realm.

The Starlit realm enables one to project True Yuan to lethally strike from a distance, a capability far more fearsome than before.

"The Fifth Level of the Beginning realm is somewhat lacking," Li Yifan mused. Before his dantian was compromised, he had attained the eighth level of the Beginning realm and had even grazed the threshold of the ninth level.

However, his current strength had significantly diminished. What troubled Li Yifan even more was his uncertainty about how to proceed with his cultivation.

Having activated the nuclear power plant, he theoretically possessed boundless energy, yet the power he could muster was frustratingly limited. To enhance his strength, he needed to find the right method.

"Could it be because the nuclear power plant supplies direct current? If it could provide alternating current, or even high-voltage power, might I become stronger?" he pondered.

"But how can I convert the nuclear power plant's output to alternating or high-voltage current?" Li Yifan was at a loss.

Then, an idea struck him—if he could widen his meridians, allowing for a greater flow of current, his strength would surely increase.

In the next moment, Li Yifan's brow furrowed with concern. With less than 10,000 silver notes to his name, acquiring the necessary pills to expand his meridians seemed an unlikely prospect.

Let's just wait and see.

Head back to the city!

Upon returning to the city, Lee Yifan was on his way to the Vault of Wonders to purchase some elixirs when he noticed a group approaching him. It was clear they were headed his way.

They were members of the Lee family.

The one leading them was Lee Longtian. Back when he was the young master of the Lee family, he would eagerly follow Yifan around, affectionately calling him "Brother Yifan."

But Yifan had no fondness for sycophants, especially one who had caused him embarrassment.

Now, this man was blocking his path, likely looking to cause trouble.

A sharp glint appeared in Yifan's eyes. He hadn't yet sought out the Lee family for a confrontation, but they seemed eager to provoke him. He was not opposed to teaching them a lesson.

"Well, if it isn't the worthless young master. Not going to say hello to an old acquaintance?" Lee Longtian's gaze was predatory as he looked at Yifan, his eyes brimming with malice.

Yifan scoffed, seeing yet another doomed soul before him.

Lifting his head, Yifan met Longtian's gaze with a cool detachment, "Don't mess with me, or you'll regret it."

"Hahaha!" Lee Longtian was taken aback at first, then burst into laughter. "Did you all hear that? Is he actually threatening me?"

"Young Master Long, he's definitely threatening you."

"How dare a nobody threaten Young Master Long. He's clueless about his own mortality."

"Lee Yifan, come over here and apologize to Young Master Long right now!"

Longtian's cronies jeered.

"He doesn't deserve it!" Yifan dismissed Longtian with a glance.

Longtian's face twisted with anger. After all, he was the grandson of the Fifth Elder, with strength at the Fourth Level of Beginning. To be belittled by someone he considered a nobody was more than he could stand.

"Ridiculous!" Lee Longtian sneered at Yifan, "Do you still think you're the young master of the Lee family? Get it through your head: you're nothing but a has-been. To scrape by, you've had to marry into the Jiang family as a mere son-in-law."

"You're a son-in-law who ranks lower than a dog. Where do you get off feeling superior?"

"My wife is incredible!"

Lee Longtian was left speechless.

Lee Yifan's remark nearly rendered Lee Longtian mute.

Being the son-in-law to the city's most beautiful woman, and its top martial artist, was hardly a disgrace. Many would covet such a position.

Lee Longtian hastily steered the conversation elsewhere, "Without the Jiang family, you're nothing."

"Is that so?"



Before Lee Longtian could finish, Lee Yifan slapped him across the face, leaving five bright red finger marks.

"Slapped by a 'worthless' son-in-law. Young Master Long, care to share a few words on this humbling experience?"

"You dare strike me!"


Lee Yifan slapped Lee Longtian again, then said with utmost seriousness, "You're nothing but trash. Beating you is non-negotiable."

"You're the trash. Believe it or not, I could incapacitate you with just one finger."

"You think?"

Lee Longtian's eyes glinted with malice, "Lee Yifan, do you still consider yourself the Lee family's young master? You're nothing but a cripple now. Today, I will make you wish for death, kneeling and begging for mercy."

Lee Yifan replied with a sardonic grin, "Really?"

"Yes... Ahhh... Oh!"

Lee Longtian's body convulsed. Even a direct electric shock would be too much for his frail frame. After several cries of agony, he collapsed to the ground.

"How dare you ambush Young Master Long! You won't get away with this!"

"Revenge for Young Master Long!"

"Brothers, take him down!"

Lee Longtian's lackeys sought vengeance but ended up writhing from electric shocks, meeting the same fate as Lee Longtian.

Lee Yifan stood on Lee Longtian's chest, shaking his head, "Kid, you just don't measure up."

His face twisted into a cruel smile, "You wanted me to beg for death? Now, it's your turn to get a taste."

The electrocution commenced!

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