Eternal Thunder God/C4 Sixth Level of the Beginning
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Eternal Thunder God/C4 Sixth Level of the Beginning
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C4 Sixth Level of the Beginning

Seconds after the confrontation, Lee Longtian was foaming at the mouth, his body convulsing uncontrollably, eyes rolling back to a ghostly white. His followers stood by, shivering, none daring to utter another word. To them, Lee Yifan had become the embodiment of a demon.

Yifan effortlessly snatched the money pouch from Longtian's grasp, giving it a shake as he coolly warned, "Next time, the consequences won't be as simple as losing a pouch of money."

Money pouch in hand, Yifan made a beeline for the Vault of Wonders.

The Vault of Wonders was Hongcheng's premier shopping destination, akin to a supermarket yet far more upscale. With the right amount of cash, one could acquire anything their heart desired.

Yifan's mission was to procure a pill capable of expanding his meridians, eager to test the theory that such an expansion could indeed bolster his strength.

He pulled out Longtian's money pouch, tallying his spoils with a grin. Despite Longtian's lackluster prowess, the man's wealth was substantial—eighty thousand silver notes in total. This fortune was likely tied to his grandfather, the Fifth Elder, who managed the Lee family's finances.

Initially concerned about his own financial means, Yifan now found himself reassured.

What a generous soul Longtian was!

Moments ago, Yifan had felt a tinge of irritation towards Longtian, but now, he was almost fond of the man. A few more benefactors like him, and Yifan's future cultivation would never lack resources.

Upon reaching the Vault of Wonders, Yifan inquired with a clerk and headed straight for the second floor.

It didn't take long for him to locate his quarry—the Meridian Nurturing Pill.

These pills were commonplace, designed to gently fortify the meridians. Priced at 60,000 silver for a box of twelve, they came down to 5,000 silver apiece. While seemingly affordable, the cost added up quickly due to the sheer volume needed for proper meridian nourishment.

To fully nourish the body's meridians, one would need at least ten boxes of Meridian Nurturing Pills, which would amount to 600,000 silver. Previously, as the young master of the Lee family, Lee Yifan received a monthly allowance of only 30,000 silver. Relying solely on this allowance, it would take him over a year to nourish all his meridians.

Yet, this was merely one aspect of his expenses. To enhance his strength, he would need to invest in a significant amount of resources. Rapid strength improvement required a substantial resource influx. Families often clashed over these precious resources, with the mightiest securing the lion's share.

In this survival-of-the-fittest world, the powerful had everything, while the powerless had nothing. After selecting a box of Meridian Nurturing Pills, Yifan proceeded to the front desk of the Vault of Wonders to settle his bill.

He didn't leave the establishment but instead found a quiet corner. Taking out a pill, he swallowed it, and it dissolved instantly upon entering his mouth. The medicinal power was swiftly absorbed by his meridians. Almost immediately, Yifan felt a warmth spreading through his meridians, as comforting as basking in the winter sun.

However, the sensation was fleeting as the medicinal power was rapidly absorbed. Yifan quickly examined his meridians; the previously damaged ones showed some recovery, but they were not fully healed. Without hesitation, he consumed the remaining Meridian Nurturing Pills.

The combined power of eleven pills rushed into his meridians like a torrential river. Yifan was enveloped in extreme comfort. He promptly activated his internal nuclear power station, and the current began to flow gently, aiding the absorption of the medicinal power. The damaged parts of his meridians were not only repaired but also became more resilient.

Yifan intensified the flow of the electric current, doubling its strength. The newly repaired meridians, highly elastic, expanded progressively as the current increased, widening them further.

It was an exceedingly lengthy process, taking roughly four hours, but Lee Yifan managed to expand his body's primary meridians by nearly ten percent.

He could feel the electricity coursing through his meridians more swiftly and without any obstruction.

Clenching his fists, Lee Yifan sensed a transformation in his power. He surmised that his current strength was likely on par with the sixth level of Beginning.

Reaching the sixth level of Beginning was an unexpected delight for Lee Yifan.

The most gratifying aspect for him was that his hypothesis was correct: by widening his meridians, he could enhance his strength. His future endeavors would involve finding ways to further expand his meridians.

Besides that, Lee Yifan resolved to delve deeper into the study of the nuclear power station within his body, eager to discover alternative methods to boost his strength.

After all, merely expanding the meridians was not a sustainable strategy, as it would become increasingly challenging to continue the expansion process.

"Yifan... Brother Yifan?"

Hearing his name, Lee Yifan turned to find Lee Yao approaching him.

Back when they were with the Lee family, Lee Yao had always been by his side, his most faithful follower.

Lee Yifan's expression darkened suddenly as he noticed Lee Yao's injuries, which were severe.

"Has someone from the Lee family been bullying you?" Lee Yifan asked, his tone icy.

"No... No!"

Lee Yao quickly shook his head, denying it.

"What, now that I'm no longer the young master of the Lee family, you think you can deceive me?" Lee Yifan said sternly. "Speak the truth. What really happened? If you lie to me again, consider our bond severed from this day forward."

Tears welled up in Lee Yao's eyes, and he burst into tears. "Brother Yifan, that scoundrel from your family... they're inhuman..."

With persistent questioning from Lee Yifan, Lee Yao eventually spilled the details.

Lee Yao, being Lee Yifan's staunchest ally, had been targeted by those currying favor with the new young master, Lee Aotian.

Today, Lee Longba had gone so far as to inflict grave injuries on him and even abducted Lee Yao's sister, demanding that Lee Yifan negotiate with Lee Aotian for her release.

"Lee Longba deserves to die! Take me to him!"

Lee Yifan's eyes blazed with icy determination. He understood exactly why Lee Longba was after him. Earlier that day, he had gravely wounded Lee Longtian, Lee Longba's own brother, who now sought retribution.

Lee Yao shook his head urgently, "Yifan, you can't go. Lee Longba is out to get you. If you confront him, they won't spare you."

"And if I don't, what about your sister?"

Lee Yifan gave Lee Yao a knowing look. "You've known I was here all along, haven't you? You want my help to rescue You'er, but you're also worried about dragging me into this mess. That's why you're torn and unsure of what to do, right?"

Lee Yao remained silent.

His silence was as good as a confirmation; Lee Yifan had hit the nail on the head.

Lee Yifan clapped Lee Yao on the shoulder, "You'er is such a sweetheart. She's not just your sister; I've always seen her as my own too. Let's go save You'er together today."


"Are you worried because my dantian is damaged, that I'm now useless? Rest assured, Lee Longba is nothing but a jumping jack. Here's what you'll do: go back and tell Lee Longba that if he wants revenge for Lee Longtian, he should bring You'er to the riverbank on the western outskirts. I'll be waiting for him there." A fierce glint shone in Lee Yifan's eyes.

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