Eternal Thunder God/C6 The Beginning Is the King's Bomb
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Eternal Thunder God/C6 The Beginning Is the King's Bomb
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C6 The Beginning Is the King's Bomb

Lee Longba stepped forward, his presence erupting as his robes billowed without a breeze, rustling ominously.

His eyes sparked with the ferocity of a tiger, fierce and domineering.

The steel spear in his hand targeted Lee Yifan's throat. "I had intended to let you live a little longer, but since you're seeking death, I'll oblige you."

With those words, Lee Longba took action.

He flicked his wrist, and the steel spear vibrated menacingly, hissing like a venomous snake.

Just as Lee Longba prepared to strike, his vision blurred. Lee Yifan had charged forward, his fist hammering down like a sledgehammer.

The punch was mighty and heavy, carrying with it the sound of tearing through the air.

Lee Yifan gave it his all, holding nothing back.

He was determined to test the limits of his strength and to find out if the nuclear power station's energy could indeed be inexhaustible.

Sensing the punch's formidable force, Lee Longba's face twisted. He was about to thrust his spear when he abruptly withdrew it, using it to shield his chest.


Lee Yifan's fist collided with the steel spear, the immense power forcing Lee Longba to stagger back.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

It took five steps for Lee Longba to regain his footing.

Meanwhile, Lee Yifan also retreated three steps, feeling his blood roil slightly within him.

A sharper gleam appeared in Lee Longba's eyes as he regarded Lee Yifan meaningfully. "I didn't expect you to possess such formidable strength even with a crippled dantian. But this must be the extent of your power, right?" he said gravely.

"I doubt you can muster such force many more times."

Lee Yifan grinned. "Why not test that theory? Watch out for my fist!"

No sooner had he spoken than his fist was in motion!

Once again, he unleashed his full power in a thunderous punch aimed at Lee Yuanba.

Lee Yuanba chose not to engage in a reckless clash. Raising his spear defensively, he saw Lee Yifan as a cornered animal, desperately trading blows for a sliver of survival.

But he wouldn't allow Lee Yifan to have his way.

All he had to do was wear Lee Yifan down gradually. Once Lee Yifan was spent, he would be as vulnerable as a fish on a cutting board, ready for the taking.

One punch after another, Lee Yifan's fists relentlessly hammered down, each strike seemingly his last, full of desperate force. Yet, bizarrely, he showed no signs of fatigue, like a tireless machine, delivering one punch after another in an unending sequence.

By the fifteenth punch, Lee Longba's internal energy was roiling, his bones felt like they were on the verge of shattering.

Gone was Lee Longba's earlier composure.

He had intended to wear down Yifan, but now he realized that his opponent was like a beast with boundless strength. Continuing to defend passively would lead to a gruesome end.

He had to strike back!

With a roar, Lee Longba's power burst forth, like a slumbering tiger suddenly snapping awake.

His aura surged.

His strength returned.

But before he could show his might, Yifan's fist was already inches away.

Unable to counter, Lee Longba was forced to keep defending against Yifan's increasingly rapid punches, which came like a tempest.

Thirty punches!

Forty punches!


Lee Longba was sent flying, crashing down hard onto the ground.

The onlookers gasped, their eyes nearly popping out of their heads.

"This... How is this possible? Brother Ba actually lost?"

"Brother Ba was on the defensive the whole time. Why didn't he go on the offensive?"

"Brother Ba is a sixth-level Beginning expert. How could he lose to someone like Lee Yifan, whose dantian is shattered?"

The crowd was in shock, struggling to come to terms with the reality before them.

They might have accepted Lee Yifan's victory if it had been through cunning or a surprise attack. But to witness him overpower Lee Longba in a direct confrontation was beyond belief.

They couldn't help but turn their gazes to Lee Yifan. His dantian was supposed to be shattered, so how could he still be so formidable?

The most relieved in the crowd were Lee Yao and his sister. They had feared being a burden to Yifan, but now they could finally relax.

Looking down at Lee Longba, Lee Yifan smirked and said, "With those skills of yours, you're just not up to scratch."

Lee Longba's face burned as if he had been slapped, his voice icy with contempt. "Lee Yifan, don't get cocky. Even if you've beaten me, what does it matter? You're nothing but a broken man with a shattered dantian. Your strength will never progress beyond this point."

"And me!"

"I can still cultivate. Soon enough, I'll surpass you. Then, I'll make you pay a hundredfold for this!"

Lee Yifan's grin was chilling.


With a swift kick, Lee Yifan sent Lee Longba tumbling across the ground, rolling over and over. He then planted his foot firmly on Lee Longba's chest, looking down at him with disdain.

"If you had any sense, you wouldn't threaten me. Haven't you learned that those who threaten me never fare well?"

Lee Longba's face paled, "What... What are you going to do?"

"Nothing much, just destroy your dantian."


Lee Yifan's foot pressed into Lee Longba's abdomen, a surge of electricity blasting into his dantian, obliterating it.

Ah! Ah! Ah!

Lee Longba's screams filled the air as he glared at Lee Yifan with venomous hate. "You dare cripple my dantian? I'll have you torn to shreds..."


Lee Yifan's hand struck Lee Longba's cheek, his tone frosty. "Believe me, I'm not afraid to kill you."

Lee Longba's face reddened as though he was being choked.

The onlookers held their breath, too terrified to make a sound, lest they share Lee Longba's fate.

Lee Yifan yanked the purse from Lee Longba with a sharp tug, claiming it for himself.

He then turned his gaze to the other members of the Lee family. "Pay up, and I'll spare your lives."

After a moment's hesitation, they hastily tossed their purses to Lee Yifan.

Collecting all the purses, Lee Yifan chuckled, "Next time you come looking for trouble, bring more money. If it's not enough, your lives will make up the difference."


The crowd, as if pardoned, lifted Lee Longba and scurried away.

Lee Longba's eyes seethed with boundless resentment, but Lee Yifan was too preoccupied to care. His attention was wholly captured by the heap of purses before him.

How much loot did I manage to gather this time? How many Meridian Cultivating Pills can I afford?

Lee Yifan began tallying the spoils of war. After ten minutes, he completed his inventory: a grand total of 180,000 silver notes, more than enough to purchase three boxes of Meridian Cultivating Pills.

Lee Yifan pondered that, with the Meridian Cultivating Pills to widen his meridians, his strength should reach the Seventh Level of the Beginning.

"You'er, what's wrong with you?"

Lee Yao's sudden shout broke the silence.

Lee Yifan's joy was quickly overshadowed by concern as he rushed over, asking, "What happened to You'er?"

"I don't know. She was just fine a moment ago... You'er, please don't frighten me." Lee Yao was so worried he was on the verge of tears.

Then, Lee You'er slowly opened her eyes and murmured weakly, "Am I dying?"

Lee Yao embraced her tightly, reassuring her, "You'er, you're not going to die. You absolutely won't."

"You'er, why has your health deteriorated so much? Did Lee Longba and the others do something to you?" Lee Yifan inquired.

"Before, because I was close to you, Yifan, they wanted me to betray you. They tried to make me confess to having an affair with you in front of Jiang Yurou. When I refused, they forced me to ingest the cold marrow."

Lee You'er was so frail that just speaking a few sentences left her gasping for breath. She looked at Lee Yifan and said, "Yifan, they're trying to drive a wedge between you and Sister Jiang Yurou. They want to eliminate you completely."

A chilling fury flashed in Lee Yifan's eyes.

The Lee family's cruelty knew no bounds. They had not only sabotaged his dantian but even now sought to utterly destroy him. To achieve their ends, they were willing to coerce a vulnerable woman like Lee You'er.

"If you show no mercy, then expect none in return! Lee family, unless you are wiped out, I will not rest!" Lee Yifan declared with an icy resolve.

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