Eternal Thunder God/C8 Blinding Eyes
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Eternal Thunder God/C8 Blinding Eyes
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C8 Blinding Eyes

"Is this a fake? How on earth did Lee Yifan get his hands on so many White Cloud Badges?"

"Did he steal them or something?"

"And where would you steal them from? Try stealing one yourself and see how that goes."

The crowd was in an uproar, jaws dropping in sheer astonishment.

Lee Yifan, grinning at Lee Lang and Hua Zhiming, offered, "Do you guys want a White Cloud Badge? How about I give you a few?"

"I've even got a Golden White Cloud Badge."

With that, Lee Yifan produced another badge, this one shimmering in gold.

The Golden Cloud Badge!

A collective gasp rose from the onlookers.

The Golden Cloud Badge was the VIP badge of White Cloud Ravine, reserved only for the most distinguished individuals.

In the entire city, fewer than ten people possessed such a badge.

Holders of the Golden Cloud Badge had the privilege of entering White Cloud Ravine whenever they wished, and could request Bai Ruoyun to concoct pills for them, providing only the raw materials.

It was inconceivable that Lee Yifan could possess such a prestigious Golden Cloud Badge.

Lee Yifan, with a mischievous look at Lee Lang, taunted, "Everything you have, I have, and more. It seems I have something you don't."

Lee Lang and Hua Zhiming's faces were metaphorically slapped, their pride in obtaining the White Cloud Badge shattered as Lee Yifan nonchalantly displayed a hefty bunch of badges, including the Golden Cloud Badge, to their faces.

"Lee Yifan, where did you get your badges?" Lee Lang asked, his face darkening with anger.

"Of course, I made them," Lee Yifan replied as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

"You're claiming you made these badges?"

Lee Lang, who had been fuming moments before, now sported a radiant smile, as did Hua Zhiming beside him.

Hua Zhiming gave Lee Yifan a look that one might give to a condemned man. "Lee Yifan, you've got some nerve forging the White Cloud Ravine's badges and flaunting them here. You're finished."

Lee Yifan retorted, "Who's to say I forged them? The badges I made are genuine."


Lee Lang and Hua Zhiming burst into raucous laughter, their faces thick with mockery.

At that moment, the gates of White Cloud Ravine swung open, and several guards emerged.

"Guests bearing the White Cloud Badge, please come inside."

"Hold on!"

Lee Lang approached the guards and inquired, "What happens if someone is caught forging a White Cloud Ravine badge?"

A sharp glint appeared in the guard's eyes as he declared with lethal intent, "Anyone forging the White Cloud Ravine badge will be executed without mercy!"

Feigning outrage, Lee Lang pointed at Lee Yifan and accused, "Gentlemen, this man has counterfeited dozens of White Cloud Ravine badges. Even more heinous, he has forged the Gold Cloud Badge."

Hua Zhiming joined in the condemnation of Lee Yifan, adding, "What's worse, he flaunted them openly, showing no respect for anyone present."

"If you doubt my word, feel free to ask the other witnesses here. They all saw it."

The White Cloud Ravine guards glared menacingly as they approached Lee Yifan. "Young man, did you forge the White Cloud Badge?"

Lee Yifan replied, "I did not."

"Not? Lee Yifan, would you dare to show us those badges?" Lee Lang asked with a cold laugh.

Lee Yifan presented the badges, "These badges you mean?"

"Look, guards! This man has so many badges. If they aren't forgeries, then what are they?" Lee Lang challenged.

The guard's gaze turned even icier as he demanded, "Do you have anything else to say, young man?"

"These badges are genuine. Please, feel free to examine them."

With that, Lee Yifan handed over a bag filled with White Cloud Badges to the guard.

"Ha! Lee Yifan, you're in denial until the bitter end. You still claim these badges are genuine? If they turn out to be authentic, I'll eat my words right here in front of everyone."

After a thorough inspection, the guard expressed his astonishment, "The badges are authentic. How do you have so many?"

"Hahaha, you heard him! The guard confirmed the badges are real. You..."

Suddenly, Lee Lang's smug expression seized up as he turned to the guards, "Are you sure you're not mistaken? How could these badges possibly be genuine?"

"It's genuine, bearing the unique mark of White Cloud Ravine. It can't be a forgery. Sir, how did you come to possess so many badges?"

Not just the guard, but everyone was all ears.

"Because I'm the one who makes the badges for White Cloud Ravine."

Lee Lang: "..."

The guard: "..."

Everyone: "..."

There was a collective silence. You've put on quite a show, only to reveal you're the badge maker.

Can't you have a little shame?

Lee Yifan turned to Lee Lang with a teasing tone, "You claimed the badge was authentic, and you'd eat your words. Isn't it time to keep your promise?"

"What promise? Did I ever promise you anything? You're nothing but a nobody skilled in badge-making. What right do you have to demand a promise from me?"

"Lee Yifan, it's truly pitiful. You're quite adept at crafting the White Cloud Badge, but it's a shame that while you can make it, you can't enter White Cloud Ravine. Only those of noble status like myself and Young Master Hua have that privilege. Such is destiny."

Lee Lang was smug, looking down on Lee Yifan with an air of superiority.

"You don't have the right to enter White Cloud Ravine."

Suddenly, a voice rang out from behind Lee Lang.

Who is this?

Daring to defy me!

Lee Lang turned around, ready to lash out, but his anger turned to a smile when he saw who it was. "Lady Jiu, were you just having a bit of fun with me?"

Lady Jiu, whose true name was Feng Nine, was Ilanahil's premier alchemist and Bai Ruoyun's personal attendant. Rumor had it that Bai Ruoyun treated her like a sister.

To offend her was to offend Bai Ruoyun.

Confronted with the imposing Feng Nine, Lee Lang had no choice but to try to ingratiate himself.

Unfortunately for him, Feng Nine was unimpressed and said sternly, "Joking? As of today, you're blacklisted from White Cloud Ravine. You're forever barred from entry."


"Because you've offended someone you shouldn't have."

With that, Feng Nine approached Lee Yifan and bowed, "My respects, Young Master. The young lady is presently bathing and dressing. She will be out shortly to greet you."


Everyone was in disbelief, questioning whether their ears had deceived them. Bai Ruoyun was actually coming out to welcome Lee Yifan.

Moreover, she had taken the time to bathe and change her clothes before greeting him.

The person most unable to come to terms with this reality was Lee Lang. Just moments ago, he had been boasting in front of Lee Yifan, only to have the tables turned on him in an instant.

And it wasn't just a slap in the face; it was the kind that left a mark.

The rest of the crowd stared at Lee Yifan in astonishment. Wasn't he the one who had been unceremoniously ousted from the Lee family?

Why was the alchemist Bai treating him with such ceremony?

"This is a sham. It has to be. Lee Yifan, did you hire these people to stage this whole scene?" Lee Lang, unable to accept this turn of events, bellowed at Lee Yifan.

Feng Nine's eyebrows shot up as she icily commanded, "You've disrespected Young Master Lee. Take him away and throw him out."


The guards of White Cloud Ravine hoisted Lee Lang up and flung him out with great force.

"And him, he insulted Yifan as well," Lee Yao pointed at Hua Zhiming.

"Throw him out too."

Hua Zhiming found himself sharing the same fate as Lee Yifan.

The Hua and Lee families, both prominent clans in Ilanahil, saw their heirs humiliated before Lee Yifan, a sight that left the onlookers incredulous.

Soon after, the crowd's attention shifted as the gates of White Cloud Ravine swung open and a line of guards emerged, positioning themselves on either side of the entrance.

Then, a figure came into view, captivating everyone with her extraordinary beauty, skin like porcelain, and a lithe silhouette.

She was clad in a long red gown adorned with an embroidery of a hundred birds paying homage to a phoenix, its train trailing behind her like royalty.

Yet, she gazed at Lee Yifan with the giddy excitement of a young girl.

"Yifan, have you finally decided to come and see your little sister?"

My goodness, the most esteemed alchemist in Ilanahil spoke with a hint of longing. Could it be that...

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