Eternal Thunder God/C9 Bad News
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Eternal Thunder God/C9 Bad News
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C9 Bad News

"Yifan, You'er's condition is quite dire," Bai Ruoyun stated gravely.

Lee Yao felt a heavy weight in his chest upon hearing this. He immediately knelt before Bai Ruoyun, pleading, "Alchemist Bai, I beg you to save my sister. She's only sixteen, so young. I'll do anything for you if you can just save her."

"Stand up. If Ruoyun can save You'er, rest assured she will," Lee Yifan reassured him, pulling Lee Yao to his feet. However, Lee Yao hesitated to rise, concerned that Yifan's bluntness might offend Bai Ruoyun.

Everyone in the city was well aware of Bai Ruoyun's pride. If Lee Yifan's lack of deference upset her, it could lead to trouble.

Lee Yao hastily offered an apology to Bai Ruoyun, "Alchemist Bai, what Yifan meant to say is that you have the heart of a saint and will surely save You'er."

Noticing his anxious demeanor, Bai Ruoyun responded, "There's no need to worry. All of my skills were taught to me by Yifan. Without him, I wouldn't have achieved what I have today. Even White Cloud Ravine was established by Yifan."

"What?" Lee Yao was astonished. It was beyond his wildest dreams that the renowned White Cloud Ravine was actually founded by Lee Yifan. The prestige of White Cloud Ravine was certainly on par with that of the Lee family.

Suddenly, Lee Yao burst into laughter and couldn't help but say, "After Yifan's dantian was damaged, the Lee family deemed him worthless and cast him out. If they knew he was the founder of White Cloud Ravine, they'd be green with regret."

The more he thought about it, the more Lee Yao felt like laughing, his admiration for Lee Yifan growing by the second.

Yifan was truly impressive, having silently established White Cloud Ravine.

"Don't take Ruoyun's words to heart," Lee Yifan interjected. "White Cloud Ravine is her creation, and her skills are the result of her own innate talent and dedication."

Five years prior, Lee Yifan had rescued Bai Ruoyun, who was then an obscure alchemist. He later imparted to her his knowledge of the five elements: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

When Bai Ruoyun was enlightened, her alchemy skills skyrocketed, and she eventually became the premier alchemist in Ilanahil.

Concerned that Bai Ruoyun might become the target of those with malicious intent, Lee Yifan encouraged her to establish White Cloud Ravine. He also introduced the White Cloud Badge and the Golden Cloud Badge, which significantly boosted her renown.

Lee Yifan, however, never claimed any credit for himself. In truth, Bai Ruoyun's achievements were the result of her own dedication and effort.

Fearing that the Lee family might exploit his past assistance to Bai Ruoyun for their own gain, he kept their relationship under wraps.

"No, everything at White Cloud Ravine belongs to Yifan. I was on the brink of death when Yifan rescued me and imparted a secret technique. Without Yifan, there would be no Ruoyun today."

"From the moment Yifan saved me, I resolved to dedicate my life to repaying his immense kindness."

Bai Ruoyun's gaze was intense as she looked at Lee Yifan, a subtle tenderness flickering in her eyes.

Regrettably, Lee Yifan was oblivious when it came to matters of the heart.

He chuckled and said, "Repay? You call me 'brother,' and I've always seen you as my sister. It's only natural for a brother to help his sister, isn't it?"

Before Bai Ruoyun could respond, Lee Yifan asked with gravity, "Ruoyun, how is You'er doing?"

On the topic of serious matters, Bai Ruoyun's demeanor turned grave. "You'er suffers from an innate chill. The older she gets, the more intense the cold within her becomes, and I'm unable to heal her."

Lee Yao collapsed in despair.

Lee Yifan's brow furrowed with concern. "Is there truly no solution?"

"There might be a way. I can't heal You'er's condition, but I can manage to provide some relief."

"If we can find a cure during this time, there might still be hope for You'er."


Bai Ruoyun gave Lee Yifan a meaningful look and continued, "To suppress the chill within You'er, I need to concoct a Flaming Yang Pill. I'm capable of creating it, but it requires a particularly rare ingredient that, to my knowledge, only the Jiang family possesses in all of Ilanahil."

Does the Jiang family have it?

Lee Yifan's brow furrowed. Jiang Yurou was not with the Jiangs, and they weren't fond of him either. He had no intention of returning after leaving this time, but it seemed he had no choice but to make the trip.

"What's the herb? I'll take care of it," Lee Yifan offered.

"The Nine Flames Fruit. It's the key ingredient for concocting the Flaming Yang Fruit. Rumor has it that Jiang Yurou stumbled upon it in the Falling Dawn Forest. The Jiangs treasure the Flaming Yang Fruit, so acquiring it will be challenging," Bai Ruoyun stated gravely.

"I'll go to the Jiang family now and request the Nine Flames Fruit. Please look after You'er in the meantime."

With that, Lee Yifan headed out.

Half an hour later, he stood before the Jiang family's gates.

Pausing briefly, he proceeded inside.

"Lee Yifan, you have the nerve to return?"

Just after he arrived, a voice seething with hatred confronted him.

"And you are?"

Jiang Kui was livid, nearly choking on his rage. Lee Yifan had given him a thrashing that very morning, and now seemed to feign ignorance.

"You think you can just pretend not to recognize me and we'll call it even?" Jiang Kui sneered.

"Oh, now I recall. I did give you a lesson today. Is this a visit to express your gratitude?"

Lee Yifan's response left Jiang Kui shaking with fury. "Don't get smug. You ambushed me today, and for that, I've brought the family's best to settle the score. Your end comes today."

No sooner had Jiang Kui spoken than Lee Yifan sensed an imposing presence. A group approached from a short distance away.

As they drew near, Jiang Kui boasted, "Lee Yifan, do you know who this is?"

"I truly don't."

Lee Yifan shook his head. As the former heir to the Lee family, he was acquainted with the elite of the major houses. Ordinary individuals were beneath his notice.

"My cousin, Jiang Yishan, has just advanced to the seventh level of the Beginning. Impressive, isn't it? Are you scared?" boasted Jiang Kui.

Lee Yifan rebuked, "You sneak-attacked Jiang Kui's cousin. Kneel down and apologize to him, then compensate with five hundred thousand taels of silver, and I might just spare you."

"Isn't five hundred thousand taels a bit meager?"

"If you find that amount insufficient, then let's make it one million taels."

Jiang Kui's eyes gleamed at the thought of one million taels of silver. He was on the verge of striking it rich.

Grinning, Jiang Kui said, "Since you're being reasonable, I accept your offer."

Lee Yifan held out his hands, "Hand over the money. One million taels in exchange for my future protection is a bargain for you. If anyone dares to bully you, I'll be there to settle the score."

"You expect us to hand over the silver?" Jiang Yishan's gaze turned icy, sending chills down one's spine as he said through clenched teeth, "It seems I need to teach you a lesson today, or you'll never understand my strength."

Lee Yifan regarded Jiang Yishan with a hint of scorn, "You think you're strong? Out of respect for the fact that you're related to my wife, I'll warn you—I'm charged with electricity. Touch me, and you'll get shocked."

Jiang Yishan burst into laughter, looking at Lee Yifan as if he were an utter fool, "Do you really think I'm that gullible?"

"To utter such a pathetic lie, aren't you afraid of making a fool of yourself?"

"He's desperate, resorting to scare tactics. He's as laughable as a clown right now."

"Keep talking, Lee Yifan. If we take you seriously, consider it our loss."

Unfazed by their ridicule, Lee Yifan watched Jiang Yishan with a half-smile, "Don't say I didn't warn you. Touching me will have grave consequences."

"Really? I'm curious to see just how grave," retorted Jiang Yishan as he strode toward Lee Yifan, reaching out to grab his shoulder.

Sizzle! Sizzle! Sizzle!

Electric shock!

Jiang Yishan hit the ground with a thud, convulsing uncontrollably.

Lee Yifan shook his head, "Sigh, I warned you. Why insist on tempting fate? There's truth to the saying, 'Ignore the wisdom of the elders and suffer for it right before your eyes.'"

Looking up, Lee Yifan turned his gaze to Jiang Kui and the others, his smile dripping with cunning. "Maybe it was just a fluke. Care to give it a go?"

Jiang Kui hastily backed away several meters, wary of Lee Yifan's malevolent grin. He was clearly up to no good.

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