Eternal War Songs/C15 Kill and Break out of the Encirclement
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Eternal War Songs/C15 Kill and Break out of the Encirclement
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C15 Kill and Break out of the Encirclement

The floating Spirit Master suddenly loosened his grip on the sword. The sword that was stabbed into the ground suddenly turned, and just as he was falling, the sword flew up.

Clonk, the long sword in the air deflected the enemy's attack and miraculously returned to Ling Jun's hand.

Whoosh * A fireball with a diameter of two feet flew towards him. The two eerie long swords behind him blocked his path of retreat. Ling Jun chopped out a ray of sword light with his left hand. His right hand stabbed back at the person behind him.

Clang, clang, clang, the enemies behind him were dragged together by his sword.

Boom! The sword beam struck the flame, but it failed to shatter it. The ball continued to rush towards Ling Jun.

At this point in time, the three Dharma cultivators also took the initiative to close range attacks and arrived in front of him.

The cultivator formed a triangle as he unleashed two spells. Phew, both spirits were within the sea of fire.

The heat wave struck, and a sword light flashed in the flames. 「 Bang! Bang! Bang!」 The flaming sword beams interweaved into a net that attacked Ling Jun.

"Puchi! Puchi!" A strong gale broke out, piercing both his left leg and his lower abdomen.

The fire net was torn apart, and the two long swords carrying flames flew towards his heart one after the other. Ling Jing wielded his sword and made a circle.

A circle of sword-light quickly expanded outwards.

Whoosh! A fireball descended from the sky. The Spirit Master exerted strength through his legs as he used his body as a sword to strike at one of the cultivators.

Puchi. He stabbed at the Spellcaster, but was also trapped by the Spellcaster's Flames.

Beneath his feet were blazing flames, and around him were the four people who had pounced on him. The spirit was formed by drawing circles with the sword, using Qi Condensation as a shield.

Boom! The sword and shield exploded. The four flew backwards, their spirits taking advantage of the victory to pursue, knocking down the second cultivator.

Bang, ah, Zhu Yue screamed and fell to the ground. The third sword cultivator stabbed her with his sword as she fell to the ground.

Five Zhang away, it was too late for him to reach out and save her. They could only use the Hundred Steps Flying Sword.

Swoosh! The sword left his hand. Puff! His chest was penetrated. The person holding the sword in front of him revealed a sinister smile. The price of being a hero is death. " He tried to turn the sword, but was sent flying with a kick from Spirit.

Their individual strength wasn't that great, but their teamwork was flawless. In addition, the fighting spirit that didn't fear death immediately thought of one type of person — Assassin. Except for the Zhu Family, he hadn't met any enemies, so how could he be ambushed and killed?

"Wah! Puah!" The spirit with the sword stuck in his chest spat out a mouthful of blood, his body on the verge of collapse. If this sword attack missed by even a little bit, his own life would be gone.

"Let's attack together and kill the man first." One was a sword cultivator wielding a sword. Everyone rushed over at the same time.

If you want to kill me, you are qualified! Ling Du raised both of his hands and revolved the flame in his palms.

Frowning, grinning, gritting his teeth, spitting blood. The current him was like a demon from hell. Just when the four of them were two feet away from him. Ling Jun squatted down. "Flames ignited from his hands into the ground." "Flaming Star Explosion."

Boom! A two Zhang high wall of flame appeared around Ling Jun.

Bang! Bang! Bang! The four collided with the wall of flames and were simultaneously sent flying.

As the flames were extinguished, the four people had already arrived. There was no fear in those scarlet eyes, only death. No matter how strong the enemies were, they could only charge forward.

"Phantom skill, Entanglement of Evil Spirits." The four people who were charging at Ling Jun stopped in their tracks at the same time. Their bodies were trapped by something, struggling and screaming.

He was hit in the chest and was bleeding profusely. He no longer had the strength to cast spells. Thus, he could only borrow some strength to deal with this bloody matter.

He spat out a mouthful of blood and shouted, "Death to the evil spirits."

Puff! Puff! Puff! A few muffled sounds rang out and the four of them fell to the ground. Even his spirit had lost its strength.

"Ghost Domain, Spirit Race!" The first cultivator to be struck down by the Spirit Needles was extremely terrified. He struggled to stand up straight. But just as his hands left the ground … Zhu Yue, who was covered in blood, had his heart pierced. It ended his life.

Ling Jun's flying sword had saved her life. The fear of dying kept her from moving. When the enemy fell to the ground and saw that Ling Jun had a sword stuck in his chest, she struggled to get up. After killing her enemy with a single sword strike, she felt as though her entire body had collapsed, collapsing onto the ground. She threw up. This was her first time killing someone.

When Ling Du executed the Phantom Technique, he discovered that the difficult problem that had been bothering him all this time had disappeared. A thousand years ago, he spent a lot of energy to study ghost skills, but he couldn't completely release it. There was always a resistance in the body, and now it was gone.

"Ghost Domain, Spirit Race." His words gave rise to a new doubt about his background. In his previous life, he only knew that Tian Lai Zi had picked him up from nowhere, but he had never known which clan he belonged to. He practiced all kinds of cultivation techniques, but his sorcery stepped into the sage realm. There was no Ling family in the Witch clan. He had once suspected that he was of the spirit race. However, it was extremely difficult to cultivate a ghost technique.

"Was there a restriction on my body before?" Impossible, as one of the Three Saints, if he could not even sense the shackles on his body, then what kind of cultivation level would the caster have? He was the first man of the Three Saints to ever exist.

Reality was contradictory. He was searching for too much. Staring at the sword in his chest, he felt endless grief sweeping over him. The wounds on his body were uncountable, but this time they were the worst. The blade was only a tenth of an inch from the heart.

This was just the beginning, and he was already so close to death. The Immortal Soul was already exhausted. The next time he died, he would be annihilated.

Concentrate, reach out, grasp the sword.

"Don't move." Zhu Yue shouted. "He scrambled to Ling Jun's side." If we pull it out, you will die. "

Ling Du looked up and saw Zhu Yue's tear-stained face. He gave a miserable smile and said, "It's just a small wound."

Chi. He had already pulled out his sword. Puff, the blood couldn't stop flowing out.

Ling Jun waved his hand and sealed the acupuncture points on the wound. Before Zhu Yue could react, the sword on Ling Jun's chest had already fallen to the ground. She shouted, "If you die, what should I do? I haven't learned any witchcraft yet. "

"I won't die." Ling Jun struggled to get up, his body trembling uncontrollably. Zhu Yue hurriedly supported him, complaining, "You just have to lock them up and they'll be fine."

"I didn't think they were killers." The cost of making a wrong judgement was extremely heavy, and the current him didn't even have the ability to deal with Zhu Yue.

"It's all my fault. I should have told you that they're not the Zhu Family." Zhu Yue blamed herself. The danger of this coefficient is too great. He didn't have the strength to fight back at all. She originally wanted to escape with her speed, but she didn't break through the Spirit Formation. Instead, she received two sword strikes. After dodging a few strikes, the enemy kicked him down. The spirits were all distracted and injured.

"It's because I'm not strong enough." Ling Jun clenched his teeth and walked to the edge of the barrier. He reached out his hand to touch the barrier, and a powerful force immediately rebounded.

The two of them retreated at the same time and asked, "What other pills do you have?"

"Yes, yes." Zhu Yue hurriedly took out a jade bottle from her storage ring. "Origin Returning Pill."

"What about Pei-Yuan Dan?" Ling Jun couldn't help but ask.

"No, I don't." Zhu Yue whispered.

Slurp, slurp. Ling Quan lifted the jade bottle and poured the pill directly into his mouth.

Heartache, heartache. Zhu Yue said, "Slow down. If there was an enemy, he would have appeared a long time ago." A single Origin Returning Pill could absorb a quarter of an hour. Even if you ate so much, it would still be useless.

After sixty breaths, Ling Du returned the empty bottle to Zhu Yue. He said softly, "Breaking through this barrier will allow the World Spiritist to sense it. I'll have to trouble you to use Phantom Shadow to bring me away. "

Zhu Yue flipped through the jade bottle, once, twice. After a short period of blankness, he flew into a rage, "Why didn't you leave something for me?"

"Yah, I forgot." Ling Jun scratched his head and said.

"Spit it out." Zhu Yue stretched out her jade hand and asked Ling Du for it.

Ling Jun said, "Just return it to me in the future." He focused his attention on his luck and waved his sword.

Bang. A sword light flashed, and the barrier shattered with a sound. Ling Du could only feel his blood roiling as he spat out a mouthful of blood onto Zhu Yue's shoulder. They were out of the valley.

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