Everlasting Conceited Supreme/C18 Breakthrough!
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Everlasting Conceited Supreme/C18 Breakthrough!
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C18 Breakthrough!

The people of the Astrology Guild waited in the black market personally, and in the end, they discovered that the person that Jiang Feng had hired did not continue selling any weapons.

To their surprise, the man claimed that the weapon was not his, but was only for sale to a masked man.

"What kind of person and how old?" The people from the Astrology Guild asked quickly.

"It's just a normal person. He's wearing a mask, so it's impossible to tell his age." In fact, many people had already asked him today to find the owners of these weapons. He also wanted to know who the other party was, because after selling these weapons, it caused huge waves in the market.

However, that mysterious person wearing a mask seemed to have already expected this. Yesterday, he told him that he wouldn't come to sell again in the future.

"Such a cautious person, who exactly is he?" The people from the Astrology Guild could not help but sigh. The clues had been cut off and they might not even have the chance to see the other party again. Perhaps, it was just a grandmaster who happened to pass by the Tian Luo Ancient City and did so because he did not want to cause a commotion.

No matter what, this should be an old Star Scar Master that was extremely proficient in the human heart. Elder Lin's deduction was correct. Such a person would definitely be an otherworldly expert.


At this time, Jiang Feng had already exchanged the gold he had earned for ten stellar stone s and had returned to the Star River Academy. He knew that he would attract some people's attention, so he did not leave any traces behind.

There were only four days left until the date of the arranged battle, Jiang Feng was still wandering around, causing him to become truly anxious: "I say, brother, if we can't beat him, why don't we go out early to hide? In short, no matter what method we use, it's still better than sending yourself to your death. "

"What are you so anxious for? Don't you still have four days?" Jiang Feng still maintained his calm appearance, neither hurried nor impatient.

It's only been four days. I say, Jiang Feng, don't blame me for being frank and honest, Zhao Wuchen might have already broken through his Astral Reaching Realm. Tell me, how are you going to beat him? " He was truly worried for Jiang Feng. In Star River Academy, he was the only loyal brother, so he did not wish for an accident to befall Jiang Feng at all.

"What if I break through within four days?" Jiang Feng's eyes flickered with a strange light as he looked at Wang Lie.

"Break through within four days?" Wang Lie was shocked by his words. He stared blankly at Jiang Feng, wanting to see if he had gone mad or if he had misheard. Isn't this nonsense?

"Alright, no need to worry. I'm going to cultivate." Jiang Feng said with a smile, and turned to leave, leaving a stupefied Wang Lie behind.

Jiang Feng did not go to the Nine Layer Palace. Instead, he directly went into seclusion in a courtyard reserved for geniuses. He took out a piece of stellar stone and placed it in his hand before sitting down cross-legged to cultivate the Nine Dragons Heaven Swallowing Technique.

The power of the surging stars gathered from beyond the nine heavens. A halo of the stars enveloped Jiang Feng's body, making him look as if he was in a dream.

At the same time, the wood power from all directions continuously gathered up like threads, replenishing Jiang Feng's energy continuously. The crystal-like stellar stone was quickly sucked dry by Jiang Feng's hands, and then shattered like dust.

Immediately after, Jiang Feng took out another piece of stellar stone s and placed it in his hand, continuously swallowing it. stellar stone s were extremely rare ores, and contained an incomparable amount of star power, if not, a single one of them would not be worth 10,000 gold coins.

However, there were very few people who used them, because they were reluctant to part with them. For Jiang Feng to be so rude to them, one after another, made them speechless.

Under Jiang Feng's continuous cultivation, the dragon's constellation continued to grow stronger. In just a day's time, it had already increased explosively by about three feet, and its complete body was already around three meters.

In this way, Jiang Feng's hope of cultivating the second Draconis seemed to have failed, but it didn't matter anymore. If he were to cultivate the first Draconis to the extreme, his fighting strength would also increase by a lot.

Jiang Feng continued to work hard. On the second day, his body formed the image of a dragon. This was a manifestation of the dragon's constellation, which made Jiang Feng slightly surprised.

After a normal star image returned to the body, it was a runic constellation. He had never heard of such a thing happening after it returned to the body.

Although it was very strange, it was not a bad thing because Jiang Feng could feel his power increasing. At the same time, he also felt the terrifying strength of the Draconis, because after the star power that was being devoured entered his body, the Draconis was also being devoured, as if it was growing stronger.

Furthermore, Jiang Feng also noticed a strange thing. As the first Draconis gradually grew bigger, the rhombus shaped crystal in his body started to form a light pattern at the bottom of the rhombus, in a rising posture. Could it be that every time I cultivate to a single point, the rhombus shaped crystal will be covered with light patterns?

"If that's the case, my dragon image is an extremely rare star sign that can be continuously upgraded. When I master the [Nine Dragons Heaven Swallowing Art], the secret of the diamond crystal will be exposed." Jiang Feng was faintly looking forward to it.

On the third day, he had already finished devouring all the stellar stone s, and fiercely attacked. The power of the stars exploded again and again, and under Jiang Feng's control, he started to charge towards the ninth level of the Elephant Soul Realm, causing the starlight halos that enveloped his body to tremble.

This scene continued for a quarter of an hour before it finally quieted down. Jiang Feng had successfully stepped into the ninth heaven.

Now, with only a day remaining, Jiang Feng used this time to cultivate the Golden Wall Incantation to make it more stable.


Finally, under the anticipation of tens of thousands of people, ten days passed in a flash, welcoming the day of Zhao Wuchen's and Jiang Feng's showdown.

In the corner of Star River Academy, more than a thousand people had already gathered. Almost all of the disciples had come, and in the center of the crowd, there was a fifteen meter square stone platform.

Once on the Life and Death Stage, life and death would be determined. The dried up blood on it was the result of the decisive battle on the Life and Death Stage by countless of people.

At this time, on the life and death arena, there was a white clothed figure who was still seated cross-legged. This person was Zhao Wuchen, and early in the morning, he had been waiting for the opportunity to kill Jiang Feng.

Beside Zhao Wuchen, there was also a sword. An incomparably sharp sword, with a faint purple color, was sent over by his father intentionally.

It was said that in the last few days, a mysterious Star Scar Master appeared in the Tian Luo Ancient City, selling a batch of weapons that had been amplified by the Star Scar Rune.

Such a fine sword like this naturally had to be compatible with Zhao Wuchen.

At this time, what people were paying more attention to, was not the time that Jiang Feng had come, because death was inevitable. What people were more concerned about, was whether or not his cultivation had reached Astral Reaching Realm.

"Look, the principal is here!"

The crowd exclaimed as they turned their heads to look, only to see that in a pavilion not far away, Dean Li Ruoqiu was currently watching the life and death arena with her hands behind her back.

Beside him were a few other elders and a person whom everyone could not shift their gaze away from. The daughter of a genius, Lin Xianer.

In the eyes of many, Lin Xianer was no longer something that could be summarized by a goddess. Instead, he was like a goddess standing in the nine heavens, unreachable.

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