Everyone Is Beast Tamer/C10 It Shocked the Entire City
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Everyone Is Beast Tamer/C10 It Shocked the Entire City
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C10 It Shocked the Entire City

As the cascade of system notifications echoed in his mind, Faang Chen felt a bit bewildered.

Yet, he quickly regained his composure, prioritizing the urgency of the situation.

It appeared he had shattered the record for the job advancement quest and was even instructed to proclaim it citywide.

This was a matter that required immediate attention.

Without an alias, a system-wide broadcast would surely turn every eye in the city upon him.

This was particularly concerning when it came to Qian Hee and Nangong—if they connected him to yesterday's poisonous fog, he'd be in deep trouble.

Faang Chen couldn't be certain they wouldn't haul him off for dissection and research upon discovering his involvement.

After some deliberation, he resolved to adopt an alias.

"Since I need an alias, it should be one that buys me time to bolster my strength," he mused.

With that thought, Faang Chen typed a name into the alias field: "Swordsman Who Loves to Eat Soft Rice!"

Ding! Your alias has been successfully applied, and the record has been updated.

Ding! The Gloomrock One-circle mission "Annihilate the Fire Thorn Nest" record has been refreshed.

Duration: 3 minutes and 10 seconds

Creator: Swordsman Who Loves to Eat Soft Rice

As the system announcement rang out, nearly every professional in Gloomrock City received the news simultaneously.

The forums went wild.

"Whoa, who's this guy? He's incredible! Cleared the dungeon in just three minutes?"

"Right? Weren't there like five thousand Fire Thorn Insects? How's it possible in three minutes?"

"And don't forget the BOSS. This guy's off the charts. Could he be from a hidden profession?"

"The name screams swordsman. Maybe he's a unique class, like the Slaughter Swordsman?"

"It's a possibility. Or perhaps a Demon Swordsman. I'm so jealous—three minutes! Wasn't the last record held by the Celestial Wolf Guild's president?"

"When did Gloomrock City start harboring such an extraordinary talent?"


In Gloomrock City, within the Celestial Wolf Guild, Heaven Howling Wolf sat sorting through recent financial reports.

As the guild president, he was swamped with responsibilities.

Suddenly, a chime rang out.

"Ding! Your record for annihilating the Fire Thorn Insect Burrow has been broken. The new record stands at 3 minutes and 10 seconds. Please continue to strive for excellence!"

As the former record holder, Heaven Howling Wolf received a system alert that was distinctly different from the rest.

He shot up from his chair, his eyes wide with astonishment.

"Three minutes? A hidden class? And incredibly powerful at that!"

"Xiao Yue!"

Heaven Howling Wolf spun around and bolted from the room.

As the guild leader, he was acutely aware of how extraordinary someone would have to be to shatter his record and conquer the dungeon in a mere three minutes.

What was crucial was that this individual had only recently completed their One-circle transformation and was still budding. If Heaven Howling Wolf could recruit this person into the Celestial Wolf Guild, it would undoubtedly propel the guild to new heights.

Xiao Yue was the name of Heaven Howling Wolf's mount, a Xiao Yue Wolf. The man himself wasn't actually named Heaven Howling Wolf, but his real name had long since been forgotten.

It was because of his mount, the Xiao Yue Wolf, that he earned the moniker Heaven Howling Wolf.

No sooner had Heaven Howling Wolf dashed out of the room than a snow-white Xiao Yue Wolf came bounding towards him.

Without a moment's hesitation, he leaped onto the wolf's back and sped off toward the job-changing hall, calling out to his guild members as he went.

"Everyone, to the job-changing hall at once! We're looking for a swordsman named 'Love to Eat'!"


Meanwhile, at the castellan's residence, Instructor Qian and Nangong were in the midst of a conversation when the system notification left them momentarily dumbfounded.

"Three minutes? To clear the most challenging high-level dungeon of the One-circle in three minutes?"

"Nangong, how could you not inform me of such a prodigy in your Gloomrock?"

A gleam sparked in Qian Hee's eyes. If this talent were to enroll at his University of Northwich, it would surely elevate the institution's prestige across all of Eceosian!

"Teacher, I was unaware myself!"

"Judging by the name, it seems we're looking for a swordsman. This time around, Gloomrock has seen thousands of them!"

"Enough talk. We must head to the job-changing hall immediately!"

Instructor Qian insisted.

"Right away!"

Nangong responded promptly.

Such talent was coveted not only by the University of Northwich but even Nangong himself was enticed, going so far as to personally award a gold medal before setting out!

In Eceosian Country, power was split among three main factions: the academies, the Guard Army, and the guilds. Far from being at odds, these entities were deeply intertwined. Many formidable professionals hailed from prestigious academies and often enlisted in the Guard Army to serve their nation. They also sought membership in guilds to access valuable resources. Thus, the three pillars of power were, in fact, mutually reinforcing.

The emergence of a prodigious talent naturally sparked a fierce competition among these factions, each eager to secure allegiance.

Beyond these power players, numerous professionals within the city, upon hearing the news, made a beeline for the job-changing hall. No one wanted to miss out on meeting the person behind the record-breaking feat, and perhaps even witness the ascent of a prodigy. Whether it was joining the ranks of Instructor Qian, aligning with City Lord Nangong, or becoming part of the Celestial Wolf Guild, with their exceptional gifts, their potential was boundless.

"A swordsman who freeloads? Could it be him?" Su Muyu mused, sensing a resemblance to Faang Chen's modus operandi. Without hesitation, she dashed toward the job-changing hall.

Meanwhile, as the city buzzed with excitement over the record, Faang Chen finally found a moment of respite within the dungeon to delve into the additional prompts from the system. He had to exit the dungeon within half an hour, or face the respawned Fire Thorn Insect Commander. While he wasn't opposed to defeating it once more, lingering in the dungeon served no purpose.

"I'll wait for the system to process my rewards and get a handle on things before I leave," Faang Chen resolved. Using an alias meant facing inevitable inquiries upon departure. Better to stay put and enjoy the quiet while assessing the rewards soon to come.

The system's voice soon broke the silence. Ding! The system has detected that the host has completed the One-circle mission! The Divine Miracle Talent System is now initiating the reward draw!

Ding! Congratulations, Host, on drawing the God-level talent: Perfect Control!

Please review the specific effects on your own.

Faang Chen was thrilled. Though he wasn't sure what this talent entailed, it sounded incredibly powerful.

He eagerly accessed his attribute panel.

Name: Faang Chen

Occupation: One-circle Zerg Beastmaster

Level: LV.35

HP: 3000

Physical Defense: 300

Magic Defense: 300

Strength: 40

Intelligence: 100

Physique: 45

Spirit: 390

Free Attribute Points: 60+100 (60 from leveling up, 100 from job advancement)

Occupation Skills: Beastmaster Technique, Attack Form, Evolution

Universal Skills: Godhead

Occupation Specialty: High affinity with Zerg. As a Zerg Beastmaster, control over the Zerg is highly likely to succeed, while attempts to control other wild beasts will invariably fail.

God-level Talent: Divine Insect Fission - Enhances psychic force, increasing the division limit. (Current limit: 22,000)

God-level Talent: Perfect Control - Guarantees successful control of a Zerg once activated, provided the target is of the same level as the user and no more than 30 levels above. Cooldown period: 24 hours.

Faang Chen's eyes sparkled as he read the description.

"Guaranteed control over Chen Gong? So, if I use it once a day, I can control any Zerg up to 30 levels below me, regardless of their strength?"

His excitement was palpable. With this skill, as long as he met the level requirements, he could control any Zerg, even a World Boss!

And with his Divine Insect Fission, the possibilities were limitless.

Faang Chen was ecstatic.

He then reviewed the new skills added after his job advancement.

Evolution allows for the evolution of controlled Zerg, requiring the consumption of another Zerg of the same tier but a different species. The process carries a risk of failure.

He was already familiar with this skill; it wasn't particularly special. Essentially, success in evolution was a matter of luck.

The other was a universal skill, available to all professions.

Godhead: Enables the user to actively conceal various details, including name, occupation, equipment, and the ownership of summoned beasts and controlled creatures.

This skill is available to every profession upon their first circle advancement; it's quite common.

Its primary function is to safeguard personal privacy, allowing individuals to choose whether to enable it.

Without giving it much thought, Faang Chen opted in, planning to purchase a mask for further disguise once he was outside. That way, truly no one would be able to identify him.

Upon reviewing his abilities, Faang Chen was most thrilled to have mastered the god-level talent of perfect control.

As he was mulling this over, the system's voice abruptly interrupted.

[Ding! Adventurers are advised to exit the instance dungeon promptly. The Fire Thorn Insect Commander will respawn in ten minutes!]

Faang Chen, taken aback, looked towards the fiery red mound in the distance.

"Perfect control, and now the Fire Thorn Insect Commander is about to respawn. What a day for everything to come together!"

"This Fire Thorn Insect Commander isn't just an illusion, right? It's the perfect opportunity to put my abilities to the test!"

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