Everyone Is Beast Tamer/C11 The Three Parties Fought Crazily and They Successfully Controlled It
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Everyone Is Beast Tamer/C11 The Three Parties Fought Crazily and They Successfully Controlled It
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C11 The Three Parties Fought Crazily and They Successfully Controlled It

When Heaven Howling Wolf and his entourage arrived at the job-changing hall, Qian Hee and Nangong were already there. The stunning job-changing mentor stood up to greet them.

"Welcome, City Lord, and Lord Qian Hee!"

"Cut the chit-chat. Where's the kid who set the record?" Nangong pressed.

"City Lord, we haven't located him yet. However, I've compiled a list of swordsmen who completed the job-changing quest in fifteen minutes. There are twenty in total—they can't have gone far."

"And those who haven't emerged yet?" Qian Hee inquired.

"Teacher, are you suggesting the record-setter might still be in the dungeon?" Nangong asked, taken aback.

"It's a possibility. Check the list for any swordsmen still inside the dungeon," Qian Hee advised.

The mentor quickly ran a check and reported, "Sir, there are currently no Sword Masters left in the dungeon."

Overhearing this, Heaven Howling Wolf glanced at the list and then bellowed out to the crowd outside the hall.

"All members of the Celestial Wolf Guild, set out immediately to find the individuals on this list! I've sent it to the guild already. We can't let any other guilds beat us to it!"

By the time he finished speaking, Heaven Howling Wolf was already at the entrance, addressing the throng of onlookers.

"Who's the young hero who broke the record? I, Heaven Howling Wolf, extend an invitation on behalf of the Celestial Wolf Guild to join us. All our resources will be at your disposal. Please, come forward and let's talk!"

"Wow, all the resources? That's a deal on par with the guild leader himself!"

"A three-minute record? This person must be an extraordinary talent. If we can get him to join our guild—even offering him the guild leader's position—I bet Heaven Howling Wolf wouldn't hesitate."

"Absolutely. The advantages a powerhouse brings to a guild are immense!"

"Man, I'm green with envy. Why couldn't it be me?"

The crowd buzzed with excitement and speculation.

Not missing a beat, Heaven Howling Wolf called out once more.

"If you're willing to join the Celestial Wolf Guild, I, Heaven Howling Wolf, am ready to step down and offer you the guild leader's seat!"


"Wow, Chairman Xiao is so badass!"

"I'm green with envy! I'm not after the chairman's seat, but could I possibly join?"

The crowd around them erupted into chaos.

Su Muyu scanned the area, left and right, yet she couldn't spot Faang Chen anywhere. She was not only curious but also found it odd.

"He couldn't have left in such a short time!"

"Did I get it wrong? But the name's style, it's just so him."


Instructor Qian and City Lord Nangong made their way out swiftly.

Upon seeing Heaven Howling Wolf, City Lord Nangong said,

"Let me know the moment you have any news!"

"Will do!"

Heaven Howling Wolf nodded in agreement. There was no animosity between them; in fact, they often supported each other.

If this prodigy were to join the Celestial Wolf Guild, it would naturally mean he'd spend most of his time in Gloomrock. Joining the Gloomrock Guard Army would then be a logical step.

The reverse was also true. Thus, even though they were all in search of this individual, there was no conflict of interest.

The three factions quickly departed the job-changing hall to seek out the twenty individuals on their list.

Meanwhile, the orchestrator of all these events, Faang Chen, was seated beneath a slope in the dungeon, waiting for the Fire Thorn Insect Commander to respawn.

During this downtime, Faang Chen reviewed the stats of his mini noxious insect.

It had leveled up from 29 to 35.

He had allocated all the free attribute points from his job change to psychic force, which in turn increased the cap of Divine Insect Fission by another 1,000, hitting a new high of 23,000!

Name: Mini Noxious Insect

Rating: Mythical

Level: 35

Attack Power: 4,500

Health Points: 4,200

Physical Defense: 650

Magical Defense: 650

Special Effect: Severe Poison (Each attack inflicts a potent poison, causing the afflicted to lose 2,200 HP per second for 3 seconds) (At level 30, +1,000)

Special Skill: Poison Mist (Releases a cloud of poison that afflicts all enemies in the area. If there are no enemies, the fog lasts for 30 minutes)

Note: The potency of the poison effect increases with level.

Reminder: The Mythical Divine Insect cannot evolve.

Divine Insect Fission talent is active: Currently undergoing fission with a cap of 23,000; current count is 22,000/23,000.

"The mini noxious insect is known for its high offense and potent venom—a truly aggressive creature!"

"The Fire Thorn Insect boasts an invincible passive ability that weakens an opponent's defense. Acquiring it would mean no longer fearing substantial losses of mini noxious insects when facing adversaries with formidable defenses."

Faang Chen pondered his strategy.

The mini noxious insects were formidable, but they would struggle against an opponent with robust defenses, especially one with skills that temporarily nullify physical and magical damage.

Should his swarm of mini noxious insects be depleted, he would be left virtually powerless, as even fission takes time.

Securing the Fire Thorn Insect would undoubtedly be a significant boost to his arsenal.

Ding! A Fire Thorn Insect Commander has spawned!

As Faang Chen mulled over his options, a sharp system alert interrupted his thoughts.

The next moment, he spotted a massive fire-red insect emerging from the tranquil, fiery hillside.

It was none other than the Fire Thorn Insect Commander.

Elated, Faang Chen targeted the commander and immediately executed the Perfect Control skill.

Ding! Perfect Control has been successfully applied. You now command a Fire Thorn Insect Commander.

The Perfect Control skill is now on a 24-hour cooldown.

With a surge of excitement, Faang Chen listened to the system's announcement and swiftly accessed the Fire Thorn Insect's profile.

Name: Fire Thorn Insect

Rating: Commander Level (Blue)

Level: LV.30

Attack Power: 1,500

Health Points: 1,500

Physical Defense: 100

Magical Defense: 100

Passive Skill: Fire Armor Piercing (Attacks can reduce the opponent's defenses by 10%, stacking effects that can potentially reduce defenses to near zero)

Note: The armor-piercing effect is fixed and cannot be enhanced.

Reminder: Commander and Divine Insects are capable of evolving.

Divine Insect Fission talent is active: Currently undergoing fission with a cap of 23,000; current count is 3/23,000.

Faang Chen was momentarily taken aback when he reviewed the information. The attributes of the Fire Thorn Insect Commander were identical to those of the Fire Thorn Insects he had previously slaughtered. But he quickly put two and two together. All the Fire Thorn Insects had been transformed from their Commander, which naturally meant they shared the same attributes.

However, that was of little consequence to Faang Chen. What truly caught his interest was the Fire Thorn Insects' unbeatable passive ability. The fact that their defense was a meager 100 points, making them extremely vulnerable, was irrelevant. The critical point was their ability to reduce an opponent's armor by 10% before perishing. That was the game-changer.

"At last, I've got a new insect. Evolution might be costly, but there's no rush. I can take my time with it in the future," Faang Chen mused with a sense of accomplishment. "Armed with this flawless control skill and the Fire Thorn Insects' armor-weakening ability, I'm really set to soar."

Content with his progress, Faang Chen turned and made his way to the dungeon exit. Moments later, he stepped through a shimmering light screen and exited the dungeon. Back in the hall of the job-changing hall, the commotion outside was unmistakable.

The stunning job-changing instructor was peering out the door, clearly indicating that something was amiss. "Instructor, what's happening out there?" Faang Chen inquired.

Recognizing him, the instructor replied with a smile, "You've been on your job-changing mission for quite a while. You've missed quite the spectacle! A prodigy emerged in Gloomrock City, clearing the Fire Thorn Insect dungeon in just three minutes. Now, both City Lord Nangong and the Celestial Wolf Guild are on the lookout for this individual."

"I wonder if they've found him yet."

Upon hearing this, Faang Chen felt a surge of anxiety. He quickly adjusted his clothing and stealthily made his exit from the job-changing hall. Unbeknownst to them, a few individuals were gathered around several job-changing stones within the hall, preparing for their One-circle advancement.

"Hey! Wasn't this job-changing mission supposed to offer three choices? Why has it been reduced to two?" one of them questioned.

"Why is the mission to annihilate the Fire Thorn Insect now unavailable?"

"Damn, does that mean we can't opt for the toughest one anymore? Has fortune finally smiled upon us?"

"This is my last shot, and I can't believe I get to pick from the two simplest options. When did the job-changing hall start offering deals like this!"

"I can't waste any time. I need to let my brothers know right away so they can come and advance!"

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