Everyone Is Beast Tamer/C12 The Tide of Job Advancement Lei Yang Followed
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Everyone Is Beast Tamer/C12 The Tide of Job Advancement Lei Yang Followed
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C12 The Tide of Job Advancement Lei Yang Followed

A pharmacist stood before the job-changing stone, a look of disbelief on their face.

"No way, the Fire Thorn Insect dungeon is off-limits now? This is unbelievably great!"

"Quick, let the crew know. With the Fire Thorn Insect dungeon out of play, today's job change is a golden opportunity!"

A wind elemental practitioner gazed at the mission listed on the job-changing stone, tears of joy brimming in their eyes.

"As a Wind Elemental Messenger with the weakest attack, I've been forced to battle the Fire Thorn Insect not once, but twice!"

"Is changing my job supposed to be this hard?"

"Thank heavens for this break. Today, I finally don't have to face that Fire Thorn Insect!"

Excitement buzzed among those gathered to change their jobs, as they eagerly called on friends and family to seize the moment.

Initially, the news circulated within a tight-knit group.

But as time ticked by, the buzz reached the professional forums.

Suddenly, the forum's activity surged, eclipsing even the chatter about record-breaking prodigies. Clearly, the chance to change jobs was the hotter topic.

Consider Gloomrock alone, where tens of thousands graduate high school each year, eager to change jobs.

Across the vast Eceosian, the numbers swell to the hundreds of millions.

Combat professionals are a rare breed compared to the more numerous assistant professionals.

Wealthy assistants, backed by family fortunes and resources, may not match combat professionals' future prospects, but they can at least advance and change jobs with stability.

But most are just regular folks.

They toil to hit level 29, only to have their One-circle mission success hinge on luck.

Many assistants wield feeble attacks, facing combat missions two out of three times during their One-circle.

Even if the first mission is somewhat easier, completing it in under ten minutes is a tall order for them, meaning even a stroke of luck won't yield the highest rewards.

Combat professionals typically rake in 80 to 90 free attribute points with each job change, some even hitting the hundred mark.

And the assistants?

They hover around 40 or 50 points, with the unluckiest facing the Fire Thorn Insect mission three times over.

For some, the prospect of completing their job change was a lifelong impossibility.

Each attempt at job-changing offered a mere three opportunities.

And even those fortunate enough to succeed in their job-changing quests were hampered by an insufficient number of attribute points, causing their stats to lag behind.

A single job change could mean a deficit of dozens of points, but after nine? The shortfall could run into the hundreds.

This was how the gap between them slowly widened.

So, when the forum buzzed with the news that the Fire Thorn Insect dungeon was out of commission for the One-circle mission,

practically every sub-professional in Gloomrock City sprang into action.

Many were seasoned professionals, perpetually stuck at level 29, unable to complete their job-changing quests.

Now, they surged toward the job-changing hall, grasping at what seemed like a lifeline.


Inside the job-changing hall, the beautiful mentor was taken aback by the swelling crowd.

"Why are there so many people?" she wondered.

She stepped outside and was astonished to see a line snaking out of the hall and down two streets.

"The high school job-changing just ended two days ago. The peak isn't supposed to hit for another week!"

"What's brought everyone out today?"

"Is it possible I've done my job too well?"

Despite her confusion, the sight of the eager crowd lifted the beautiful mentor's spirits.

Among the throng was Su Muyu, equally bewildered by the turnout and clueless about the cause.

Her turn at job-changing came swiftly. As she placed her palm on the job-changing stone...

She was startled to find the Fire Thorn Insect dungeon option had gone dark.

"No wonder there's such a crowd today. There's an issue with the Fire Thorn Insect dungeon, and the mentors here are oblivious."

"What could be wrong with the dungeon?"

"Could it be because of that swordsman?"

Su Muyu's thoughts raced back to the man who had shattered the Fire Thorn Insect dungeon record earlier that day.

"Could he be Faang Chen? If it is him, how did he manage it?"

"Is it possible that he's taken control of the insects in the Fire Thorn Insect instance?"

"That doesn't make sense. The insects in the instance are all illusions, and they're safeguarded by the job-changing stone!"

Su Muyu was puzzled, and it wasn't even certain whether Faang Chen was behind it.

She decided not to dwell on it and started her job-changing quest.


Meanwhile, Faang Chen had arrived at a grocery store.

The godhead skill could conceal all his information, but not his appearance.

A mask was the only solution. If he was going to hide, he needed to do it right.

So, Faang Chen picked up a mask at the store before heading towards the outskirts of the city.

With shop clerks inside and crowds on the streets, Faang Chen didn't rush to put on the mask, planning to do so once he was in the wilderness.

He had completed his One-circle mission and reached level 35.

Now, besides leveling up, his main goal was to test the might of the Fire Thorn Insect.

Without delay, Faang Chen set out for the city's edge.


In the novice training zone outside the city.

"What's happening today? Why is the training zone deserted?"

Lei Yang was baffled by the emptiness of the usually bustling area.

Just two days after job-changing, most people had hit level 10.

Heading to Wolfman Mountain without a team was risky.

"Mr. Yang, haven't you heard? The forums are ablaze. Something's happened to the Fire Thorn Insect instance in the job-changing hall—it's been compromised!"

"Now, tons of people have gone to see what's up."

Zhang Dong chimed in.

"No way, wasn't a Demon Beast just spotted there this morning?"

Lei Yang found it hard to believe.

"Many suspect that Demon Beast is responsible, but for now, it's just whispers. Everyone's eyeing the chance of a lifetime; no one wants to be left out."

"But I have a feeling that the job-changing hall will catch on by tonight at the latest. Too bad we haven't hit the One-circle level yet; otherwise, seizing the chance to switch jobs would be incredibly smooth sailing."

Zhang Dong couldn't help but feel envious.

Lei Yang was about to add something when he suddenly spotted Faang Chen emerging from the city.

"Mr. Yang, where's Faang Chen off to?"

Zhang Dong inquired.

Faang Chen, after stepping out, made a beeline for the pipe on the left.

"I'm not sure. That pipe leads to Northriver Province."

"My guess is that kid can't cut it in Gloomrock City anymore and is probably off to Northriver looking for opportunities."

"But the journey to Northriver is fraught with powerful Demonic Beasts."

"Has he lost his mind from some provocation? Going to Northriver Province all by himself?"

Zhang Dong shook his head.

"I doubt that's the case. Look at him; does he seem rattled to you?"

Lei Yang agreed.

"You have a point. Besides, no one's teaming up to level up today, so let's follow him and see what he's up to!"

"But Mr. Yang, there are lots of high-level monsters out there. If we follow, I'm worried that..."

"What's there to worry about? He's paving the way ahead, and we'll trail at a safe distance. If things turn sour, we'll just make a run for it."

Lei Yang suggested.

Without further ado, they set off after him.

To avoid tipping him off, they kept a considerable distance.

They could barely make out the silhouette of Faang Chen's back.

But this had its advantages, as Faang Chen remained blissfully unaware of their presence.

Beastmasters, unlike other professions, lacked almost any detection skills besides the godhead.

As a result, their greatest vulnerability was their poor self-defense.

If they ran into a swordsman or were ambushed while invisible, they were as good as dead.

This was why, despite being a combat profession, the Beastmaster was considered underwhelming.

They trailed Faang Chen for a good twenty minutes.

Zhang Dong's face turned ashen.

"Boss, we can't keep tailing him!"

"We're heading straight into the Seven Star Heavenly Ox Clan's territory. Faang Chen must have a death wish to venture there."

"If we keep on his trail, we'll be cursed with bad luck too!"

Lei Yang peered into the distance, Faang Chen's silhouette had vanished into the domain of the Seven Star Heavenly Ox Clan.

He felt a surge of frustration.

"Damn it, I refuse to believe he's on a suicide mission. If that were the case, Wolfman Mountain would've been his end a hundred times over."

"No way, I've got to find out what he's really up to!"

With those words, Lei Yang stealthily made his way forward.

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