Everyone Is Beast Tamer/C13 Sevenstar Heavenly Bull Defensive Skill
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Everyone Is Beast Tamer/C13 Sevenstar Heavenly Bull Defensive Skill
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C13 Sevenstar Heavenly Bull Defensive Skill

The Seven Stars Heavenly Bull is a Demonic Beast akin to a beetle.

Its territory, along with the Goblin lands and the newbie training zone, are all protected areas.

This protection means that attacking other Professionists within these zones is forbidden, lest one incurs the wrath of Gloomrock's Guard Army.

The Seven Stars Heavenly Bull territory is suited for levels 30 to 45.

Goblin territory is recommended for levels 45 to 60.

Essentially, Gloomrock's safeguarding of Professionists extends only up to level 60, enabling them to complete their Two-circle quests.

Beyond that, leveling areas are unprotected, and whether one is leveling or vying for BOSSes, success hinges on individual strength.

Rumor has it that among the low-level World BOSSes near Gloomrock, two fall under the Celestial Wolf Guild's control.

The remaining two are dominated by other guilds.

Thus, the advantages of joining a formidable guild are beyond imagination.

Faang Chen's primary goal this time around is leveling, but he's particularly keen on testing the Fire Thorn Insects.

Hence, the Seven Stars Heavenly Bull territory is an excellent choice.

"The BOSS of the Seven Stars Heavenly Bull territory is merely an elite (Green) class—too inferior to aid in evolving the Fire Thorn Insects. Yet, its robust defense and potent magical attacks make it ideal for experimentation."

"Once I hit level 45, I'll head over to the Goblin territory to level up."

With that in mind, Faang Chen strides into the vast expanse of the Seven Stars Heavenly Bull territory, encompassing several sprawling hills.

The outskirts are teeming with lesser creatures, while the heart of the land is ruled by the Sky Bull King.

Not one to dally, Faang Chen releases his swarm of mini noxious insects with a flick of his wrist.

A tidal wave of white engulfs the landscape, carving a direct path through the throngs of Sky Bull monsters to the Zerg's core.

All the while, the system's notifications chime incessantly.

Ding! Congratulations on slaying a Sky Bull. Experience +500

Ding! Congratulations on slaying the Seven Star Sky Bull. Experience gained: +600.

Ding! Congratulations on advancing to Level 36. You've earned 10 Free Attribute Points.

In a mere three minutes, Faang Chen had reached the heartland of the Seven Star Sky Bull Clan.

Ahead, he spotted a depression in the ground where a colossal Seven Star Sky Bull was pacing back and forth. This formidable creature was none other than the Boss, the Seven Star Sky Bull King.

With a swift gesture, Faang Chen deployed the mini noxious insects to create a defensive perimeter.

Any Sky Bull that dared come near would be swiftly dispatched by the lethal bite of the mini noxious insects.

Now secure, he could descend into the pit and focus on experimenting with his Fire Thorn Insects.

Mask in place, Faang Chen leaped into the depression.

He locked eyes with the Seven Star Sky Bull King for a moment.

Seven Star Sky Bull King: Zerg

Rating: Elite

Level: LV.45

Attack: 2,000

Health Points: 10,000

Physical Defense: 1,000

Magic Defense: 1,000

Active Skills: Heavenly Bull's Thrust, Defensive Stance, Short Flight

Warning: When the Seven Star Sky Bull King's health drops below 50%, it will attempt to flee using its flight skill. Ensure you defeat it before it can take off.

Reviewing the stats, Faang Chen glanced over his Fire Thorn Insect's attributes once more.

His relentless advance had not only raised his own level by three but also increased the Fire Thorn Insect's level by five.

It was now at Level 35.

Name: Fire Thorn Insect

Rating: Commander Level (Blue)

Level: LV.35

Attack: 2,000

Health: 1,700

Physical Defense: 100

Magic Defense: 100

Passive Skill: Fire Armor Penetration (Attacks can reduce the opponent's defenses by 10%. This effect is cumulative, potentially reducing the opponent's defenses to nearly zero.)

Reminder: The Fire Armor Penetration effect is static and cannot be enhanced.

Note: Commander and Divine Insects are capable of evolution.

Divine Insect Fission Talent: Currently undergoing fission, with a cap of 23,000. Current count: 23,000/23,000.

The fact that leveling up the Fire Thorn Insect only boosted its attack and health, without any increase to its defenses, left Faang Chen feeling quite frustrated.

With the miraculous passive ability of Fire Armor Penetration, that was more than sufficient.

"The Seven-Star Heavenly Bull King boasts a formidable double defense of 1,000 points. A single attack from a Fire Thorn Insect would reduce it to 900, another attack to 810. With ten Fire Thorn Insects' passives triggering simultaneously, we're talking about a defense of only 385!"

Faang Chen couldn't help but gulp at the thought. Just ten Fire Thorn Insects could slash the Seven-Star Heavenly Bull King's defense down to a mere 385 points. What an astonishing prospect!

And he had a staggering 23,000 Fire Thorn Insects at his disposal!

Unleashing just a hundred of them would effectively strip the Seven-Star Heavenly Bull King of its defenses, leaving it as vulnerable as if it were streaking!

With this in mind, Faang Chen gestured decisively, summoning the entire swarm of 23,000 Fire Thorn Insects.

They swarmed over the slope of the hollow, a writhing mass that resembled a ring of blazing fire.

The Seven-Star Heavenly Bull King, sensing the impending threat, tensed its body, scanning its surroundings with heightened alertness.


At Faang Chen's command, a single Fire Thorn Insect from the horde advanced.

But the Seven-Star Heavenly Bull King was on high alert. The moment the insect drew near, one of its antennae lashed out, pulverizing the Fire Thorn Insect into a pulp. Yet, Faang Chen noted with satisfaction, the Bull King's defense had indeed plummeted to 900 points.

"Just as calculated. Keep it up!"

Faang Chen directed the second Fire Thorn Insect forward, then the third, the fourth...

By the time the two-hundredth Fire Thorn Insect met its end beneath the Bull King's antenna, Faang Chen observed that the defense of the Seven-Star Heavenly Bull King had dropped to an unseeable low.

The value was so diminished it no longer registered.

The Fire Thorn Insects' assault couldn't reduce the foe's defense to zero, but it could whittle it down to nearly nothing—a fact Faang Chen was well aware of.

"For all intents and purposes, it's as good as zero now. Let's see what happens next."

With that, Faang Chen dispatched the first Fire Thorn Insect on a stealthy ambush mission.

The Fire Thorn Insect boasted an attack power of 1,700, while the Seven Star Sky Bull's defenses had been whittled down to virtually nothing.

This meant that, in theory, Faang Chen would need only six Fire Thorn Insects to take down the Ten Thousand Blood Seven Star Sky Bull Commander.

The first Fire Thorn Insect swiftly approached the Seven Star Sky Bull, and upon its demise, Faang Chen witnessed a cascade of red damage numbers erupting above the Seven Star Sky Bull King's head.


The defenses were shattered!

"It's outrageously powerful. The Sky Bull King's defense can't possibly be zero, but this level of defense reduction is nothing short of a God-level passive ability!" Faang Chen thought, his excitement palpable.

Armed with the Fire Thorn Insect's God-level passive, Faang Chen felt confident in his ability to slay even the toughest monsters and professionals.

With a flick of his wrist, Faang Chen unleashed five more Fire Thorn Insects.

Moments later, a flurry of damage numbers sprang forth.

A thunderous crash echoed as the Seven Star Sky Bull King fell, unable to even deploy its flight skill, and exploded into a shower of loot.

Faang Chen barely glanced at the spoils before sweeping them up with a wave of his hand.

He checked his level and found himself at level 42.

"Boss kills really rack up the experience. At this pace, I might just hit the Two-circle level today!"

"The thrill of this speed is unbeatable!"

As Faang Chen contemplated heading to the Goblin territory for a leveling spree, having already tested the Fire Thorn Insect, he decided that leveling up should be his priority.

But just then, the system's voice chimed in.

Ding! "Your Fire Thorn Insect has been attacked by the professional, Lei Yang. It will switch to automatic counter-attack mode in five seconds!

To override this, please make a manual selection."

Faang Chen was taken aback.

"Lei Yang? What's he doing here?"

He scrambled up the slope and, sure enough, spotted Lei Yang crouched behind a mound, video camera in hand, capturing footage of the mini noxious insect.

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