Everyone Is Beast Tamer/C14 The Video Was Uploaded and Qian Hee Was Stunned
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Everyone Is Beast Tamer/C14 The Video Was Uploaded and Qian Hee Was Stunned
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C14 The Video Was Uploaded and Qian Hee Was Stunned

"Is this kid tailing me? Good thing I was busy with the Heavenly Ox King at the bottom of the pit earlier, or I might have blown my cover!"

"I need to teach this kid a lesson!"

Faang Chen mused.

Lei Yang was annoying, but he was still a classmate. It wasn't worth killing him over this.

Besides, this was a conservation area. Any aggression would draw the Guard Army's pursuit.

It would be a loss all around.

A lesson to remember would suffice.

With that thought, Faang Chen gestured to deactivate the auto-retaliation and took manual control.

He began directing swarms of mini noxious insects toward Lei Yang.

"Mr. Yang, run for it! A quick snap is all you need. We're dealing with a mysterious big shot here, not someone we can mess with!"

Zhang Dong was crouched behind Lei Yang, shaking in fear.

Forget the mini noxious insects; even the Heavenly Ox could bite them to death.

And against the mini noxious insects, the Heavenly Ox had no chance to retaliate.

They were usually dead in seconds once swarmed.

If those mini noxious insects came after them, would they stand a chance?

"Don't freak out. We haven't even approached the heart of the Heavenly Ox Clan's territory. We're just on the outskirts filming those insects. They won't come after us!"

"But what I don't get is why we haven't spotted Faang Chen. Could it be that he's already been taken out by the mini noxious insects?"

Lei Yang wondered aloud.

"Boss, could it be that these mini noxious insects are... could they be Faang Chen's work?"

"He's the only one who's been here, after all."

Zhang Dong suggested.

Lei Yang shot him a look.

"That's nonsense! If he could create such formidable insects, I'd eat crap on a live stream!"

"I'll eat as much as you dish out!"

"His lousy profession, conjuring up so many God-level Zerg? Pure fantasy!"

"But Mr. Yang, Faang Chen is a Beastmaster too, and specifically a Zerg Beastmaster. That seems to fit the bill, doesn't it?"

Zhang Dong pointed out.

Lei Yang retorted,

"Have you forgotten what Instructor Qian Hee said? Only a major player can control God-level Insects! We're talking about someone at least at the Seven-circle or Eight-circle level!"

"Suddenly, there's a swarm of them—it's got to be some hotshot testing out Zergs around here."

"Once I upload this video, it's going to rock the whole city. I wouldn't be surprised if the Celestial Wolf Guild comes knocking with an offer."

"Haha, this is just too... Wait, why are those mini noxious insects heading our way?"

Lei Yang's face turned ashen.

Zhang Dong felt a wave of cold sweat break out upon hearing this. He hastily wiped it away, but a glance downward left him gobsmacked.

"Mr. Yang, you've... you've got a mini noxious insect corpse on your shoe!"

"You squashed one!"

"What are you talking about?"

Lei Yang was bewildered. He looked down and indeed, there was the tiny carcass of a mini noxious insect.

"Crap, we've got to run!"

Lei Yang shouted, but when he looked up, Zhang Dong was already a good ten meters ahead.

"Damn it! Wait for me!"

Without another thought, Lei Yang bolted!

The two stumbled and sprinted away, quickly vanishing at the end of the road.

Faang Chen watched the scene unfold and shook his head in resignation.

Was it really his fault that Su Muyu was so clingy?

She even tracked him down just to level up—talk about having too much time on her hands.

"But that video... well, I'll let them speculate. Time to move on!"

The video was bound to stir up a frenzy once released; staying here was no longer an option.

Perfect timing to head straight to the Goblins' territory. If he hustled, he might even make it back in time to tackle the Two-circle mission.

Faang Chen gathered the mini noxious insects with a wave of his hand and set off toward the Goblins' lands.


Back to Lei Yang.

They had barely reached a safe area when Lei Yang couldn't wait to share the video on the Professional Forum.

Faang Chen was the last thing on his mind with such explosive footage in hand.

It was sure to cause a sensation.

True to his expectations, within just ten minutes of posting, the views soared past a million.

And in under an hour, they skyrocketed to over a hundred million.

Viewers flooded the comments section after watching the video.

"Damn, is that even possible? All these bugs? What kind are they?"

"They've got to be computer-generated. No way someone can control that many bugs!"

"Don't be so sure. A Beastmaster who can command cockroaches could probably handle hundreds, right?"

"Take a good look, buddy. We're talking tens of thousands of bugs here!"

"These bugs are way more formidable than cockroaches. They're Seven-star Heavenly Bugs, and they've been killed just like that!"

"Holy smokes, with an insect army like this, leveling up would be a breeze. Just kick back with a cup of tea, chat, and watch your level soar!"

"Whoever can wield control over this many bugs has got to be a powerhouse. I need to alert our guild leader!"

"What's going on today? Why all the bizarre happenings?"

"Exactly. Do you think the person who reset the Fire Thorn Insect dungeon and this bug whisperer could be one and the same?"

"No way. Only at One-circle level, how could they possibly control this many bugs? And wasn't the record breaker a swordsman?"

"Who's to say they're really a swordsman? Maybe it's just a name to throw us off!"

"Damn, if it's the same person, and they're only at One-circle, to control this swarm of bugs? Are they even human?"


As the buzz grew on the forums, the video quickly caught the attention of the three major powers.

Upon hearing the news, Heaven Howling Wolf wasted no time in seeking out Qian Hee and Nangong.

They were both feeling frustrated.

Despite an extensive search, they couldn't identify the prodigious talent who shattered the record.

Moreover, the job-changing hall was overflowing with people, making it impossible to check the records there.

They would have to wait until evening.

In the midst of their gloom, Heaven Howling Wolf finally located them.

When Heaven Howling Wolf showed them the forum video, Qian Hee and Nangong were stunned.

"Teacher... This... Who could this formidable expert be?"

Qian Hee said, feeling somewhat overwhelmed.

"I... I have no idea. So many bugs, and all of them are mini noxious insects!"

"It's doubtful even a Nine-circle Beastmaster could pull this off!"

"Is this person a Ten-circle Expert? But I've never heard of any Ten-circle Experts in Eceosian!"

"Maybe he's a Summoner?"

Heaven Howling Wolf suggested.

"It's highly unlikely for a Beastmaster to control that many mini noxious insects, but it seems within a Summoner's capabilities."

Qian Hee shook her head in disagreement.

"True, Summoners do call forth Demonic Beasts using Summoning Cards."

"But the stronger the Demonic Beast, the fewer can be summoned. A Summoner's psychic force is finite; summoning such a vast number of God-level poisonous insects is out of the question!"

"No, something's not right. With such a formidable expert showing up in Gloomrock, there's got to be an issue!"

"I need to meet him!"

Qian Hee said, rising to her feet hastily. Heaven Howling Wolf interjected,

"Hold on a second. Besides this, there's another issue being discussed on the forum. The One-circle mission at the job-changing hall, involving the Fire Thorn Insect, seems to be compromised!"

"That's why the job-changing hall is overflowing with people today!"

"This needs your attention!"


Upon hearing this, Nangong's face turned a shade of steel, and he immediately ordered those outside,

"Dispatch someone to the job-changing hall to assess the situation. If it's as the forum suggests, shut it down at once!"

"Also, have the person who uploaded the video brought to the castellan's residence to wait for me!"


A voice responded promptly from beyond the door.

Meanwhile, Qian Hee, Nangong, and Heaven Howling Wolf left the castellan's residence and made a beeline for the territory of the Seven Star Sky Ox.

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