Everyone Is Beast Tamer/C15 Triggered by the Passive He Summoned His Ancestor
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Everyone Is Beast Tamer/C15 Triggered by the Passive He Summoned His Ancestor
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C15 Triggered by the Passive He Summoned His Ancestor

"Heaven Howling Wolf, what's the status of your investigation?"

Nangong inquired as they journeyed toward the Seven Stars Heavenly Ox territory.

The job-changing hall had provided a list that morning, which Heaven Howling Wolf was tasked with investigating. Now, as evening approached, there was still no word.

"It seems unlikely that our target is on the list. We've located nearly all the names, and none are the record-breaker!"

"I'm starting to think we've been led astray. The name suggests a swordsman, but that might not be the case!"

"Moreover, this individual's reluctance to come forward suggests that the 'swordsman who loves to eat soft rice' moniker might be a deliberate red herring," Heaven Howling Wolf speculated.

Nangong's brow furrowed upon hearing this.

"However, such deception seems pointless. I can simply check the job-changing records from just before the record was set tonight!"

"I'm confident we can track him down!"

"While we can't witness the entire event, the records are accessible," Heaven Howling Wolf added.

"What puzzles me is his desire for anonymity, yet he seems unsure how to effectively conceal his identity!"

"Finding him is just a matter of time."

"But now, the question is whether the same person who set the record is behind the infestation of ten thousand venomous insects in the outskirts," Heaven Howling Wolf mused, glancing at Qian Hee.

"It's highly improbable in reality. Controlling so many God-level insects is hardly something a novice at the One-circle level could achieve!"

"But, theoretically, it's not impossible," Qian Hee stated.

"Theoretically?" Nangong and Heaven Howling Wolf echoed, taken aback.

Daoist Qian Hee continued, "We've arrived. We can discuss this further if the opportunity arises."

With that, the pair followed Qian Hee, dismounting from their steeds.

Regrettably, the Seven Stars Thousand Bulls Territory was undisturbed, leaving no trace behind.

"Ah, we're too late. Let's search thoroughly for any clues," Nangong suggested.

The trio nodded and dispersed to comb the area.


Meanwhile, Faang Chen had already departed from the Seven Stars Thousand Bulls Territory and emerged upon a vast expanse of dark gray land.

This area was the last protected zone near Gloomrock, known as the Goblin Territory.

It was also the final safe haven for professionals to level up before advancing to the Two-circle stage.

Yet, some professionals with connections and resources wouldn't bother training here.

Take Su Muyu, for instance; Faang Chen had never seen her leveling up in this area. Her wealthy family had hired a mercenary group for her, likely taking her to more advanced training grounds.

The Goblin Territory lay a half-hour journey from the Seven Stars Thousand Bulls domain.

The distance was considerable, allowing Faang Chen to train without worry.

However, the Goblin Territory was sparse with monsters, and they were widely scattered.

But the experience each monster provided was quite substantial.

Hence, teaming up was the optimal strategy for leveling up. For someone like Faang Chen, who trained solo, it was more challenging.

"Covering the entire territory with mini noxious insects would be too flashy. If someone took notice, I'd be completely unable to train!"

"I guess I'll just go straight for the bosses. Taking down two should suffice."

"It's too bad these bosses aren't from the Zerg. If I could control them, I might even be able to evolve the Fire Thorn Insect."

Faang Chen felt somewhat resigned. He had already used his Perfect Control for the day, and since the Goblins were humanoid, he had to abandon the idea of evolving the Fire Thorn Insect.

After calling forth the Fire Thorn Insect and the mini noxious insect, Faang Chen made his way toward the heart of the Goblin Territory.

He dealt with any Goblin monsters he encountered en route; if there were none, he simply pressed on.

Ten minutes later, he reached the core of the Goblin Territory.

From a distance, he spotted the Goblin Commander wearing ragged grass clothes and wielding a wooden stick.

Goblin Commander: Humanoid Demonic Beast

Rating: Commander Level (Blue)

Level: LV.60

Attack Power: 5000

Health Points: 12000

Physical Defense: 2000

Magical Defense: 2000

Active Skills: Goblin Summoning, Berserk, Earth's Protection

Passive Skill: Ancestral Summoning

Reading through the description, Faang Chen quickly remembered the skill set of the Goblin Commander. As a humanoid Demonic Beast, the Goblin Commander would call upon nearby Goblins for assistance if attacked. This is why most adventurers in this area would eliminate the surrounding Goblins before engaging the Commander.

But Faang Chen didn't need to worry about that. If they were bold enough to come to his aid, he'd simply take them all down together.

Moreover, once the Goblin Commander's health dropped below fifty percent, it would enter a frenzied state with its attack power doubling. The Earth Shelter skill also meant it could constantly regenerate health, making it a tough opponent for any team lacking in firepower.

Then there was the passive skill Ancestor Summoning, which was essentially useless. It was rumored to have a slim chance of summoning the projection of a Goblin Ancestor upon the Commander's death, but it had never been witnessed. So, it was generally disregarded.

After briefly reflecting, Faang Chen didn't delay any further. At his command, the Fire Thorn Insects swarmed towards the Goblin Commander. The mini noxious insects split into two groups: one to guard the perimeter against any Demonic Beasts that might come to reinforce the Goblins, and the other ready to take on the Commander at a moment's notice.

The Fire Thorn Insects closed in on the Goblin Commander, who was highly alert. As it saw the swarm approaching, it swung its wooden staff, crushing hundreds of them instantly. Yet, more Fire Thorn Insects surged forward like a crimson tide.

Within just five seconds, Faang Chen noticed that the Commander's defenses were so diminished they were practically invisible. The Fire Thorn Insects, while not very powerful, were numerous enough to be lethal. However, such a strategy would result in significant losses.

So, as soon as the Goblin Commander's defenses were breached, Faang Chen withdrew the Fire Thorn Insects and sent in the mini noxious insects. Each one packed an impressive 5,000 points of attack power, more than enough to handle the Goblin Commander, who had just over ten thousand HP and was already defenseless.

It was practically an instant kill.

The moment the mini noxious insects made contact with the Goblin commander, Faang Chen witnessed it.

With a thunderous crash, the Goblin leader hit the ground.

And astonishingly, the surrounding Goblin Demonic Beasts didn't even respond.

Faang Chen glanced at his level.

He had shot up from level 42 straight to level 50!

"BOSSes really are something else, with their hefty experience rewards. At this pace, I'll level up again after just two or three more encounters!"

Faang Chen was feeling great.

After today, he could start thinking about advancing to Two-circle.

He could hardly believe the speed of his leveling up; it was something he had never even dared to dream of before.

While he was mulling over this, the Goblin commander respawned.

Faang Chen repeated his strategy, directing the Fire Thorn Insects to shatter the armor while the mini noxious insects delivered the finishing blow.

In under ten seconds, the freshly respawned Goblin commander was downed once more.

Now, Faang Chen's level had soared from 50 to 54!

As Faang Chen was collecting his loot, the system's voice unexpectedly chimed in.

Ding! For slaying the Goblin commander twice within ten seconds, the [Goblin Commander's Passive Skill: Ancestor Summoning] has been activated!

Reminder: The Goblin Ancestor is a leader-level (Yellow) BOSS.

[Note: The Goblin Ancestor will descend upon the Goblin territory in ten seconds. Professionals, please dispatch it swiftly!]

"Summoning the Ancestor? A city-wide announcement?"

Faang Chen was taken aback. Such a rare occurrence that hadn't happened in years had just unfolded before him.

Moreover, a city-wide announcement was a privilege usually reserved for World Bosses.

But what weighed most on his mind was that the city's professionals would surely converge on the scene upon hearing the news. Not only would he risk exposure, but his rewards could be significantly diluted.

With a steely look in his eyes, Faang Chen resolved,

"If they think they can share in my spoils, they'll have to be quick about it!"

"Come forth!"

At his command, the mini noxious insects and Fire Beetles swarmed out. The Insect Army, nearly fifty thousand strong, transformed the ground into a swirling sea of white and red.

Almost simultaneously, a flash of light burst forth, and a golden figure emerged.

It was none other than the projection of the Goblin Ancestor!

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