Everyone Is Beast Tamer/C16 The Projection of the Ancestor the Poisonous Mist Instantly Killed Him
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Everyone Is Beast Tamer/C16 The Projection of the Ancestor the Poisonous Mist Instantly Killed Him
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C16 The Projection of the Ancestor the Poisonous Mist Instantly Killed Him

"The Goblin Ancestor's projection has arrived?"

"I recall the Goblin Commander's ancestral summoning passive skill has a very low chance of triggering, doesn't it?" Qian Hee remarked.

Nangong nodded in agreement.

"This Demonic Beast's passive trigger chance is divided into two types. The first is entirely luck-based!"

"The second type guarantees activation if we can defeat it within ten seconds, twice in a row. It's designed to prevent people from exploiting the system for materials!"

"Was this just a fluke?"

Heaven Howling Wolf inquired.

Qian Hee, picking something up from the ground, murmured as he examined it.

"It's likely not a coincidence. The one who reset the Fire Thorn Insect instance might be the same person we're dealing with here. We've all been mistaken!"

"The master of those insects could very well be a novice who's just completed their One-circle!"

"Hurry! To the Goblin territory!"

With a wave of his hand, Qian Hee summoned the Wind Eagle, which soared into view.

Without hesitation, Nangong and Heaven Howling Wolf leapt onto the Wind Eagle's back.

Nangong then noticed that the item in Qian Hee's hand was a fiery red bug.

If not a Fire Thorn Insect, then what?


A look of astonishment spread across Nangong's face.

Qian Hee continued, "There's likely an issue with the Fire Thorn Insect instance. This individual might have taken the insects from the instance!"

"Someone who can extract insects from a job-changing stone is quite formidable!"

"They're probably a mysterious figure with a hidden profession. Otherwise, they might be..."

Qian Hee trailed off, leaving the thought hanging.

Nangong, standing beside him, stared in utter disbelief.

Meanwhile, within the Goblin territory, Faang Chen was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the Goblin Ancestor projection.

The creature was enormous.

It towered over him, standing seven or eight meters tall.

Its robust frame was akin to a small mountain.

Goblin Ancestor Projection: Humanoid Demonic Beast

Rating: Leader (Yellow)

Level: LV.90

Attack Power: 10,000

Health Points: 100,000

Physical Defense: 5,000

Magic Defense: 5,000

Active Skills: Enrage, Earth's Shelter, Life Siphon

Upon reading the description, Faang Chen couldn't help but gulp.

He now fully grasped the situation with the Goblin Ancestor.

He recalled learning about the Goblin Ancestor back in high school, but he never imagined it possessed the power to project itself.

The true form of the Goblin Ancestor was a dark gold-tier, high-level world boss.

This brings us to the classification of wild beasts in this world:

White (Common), Green (Elite), Blue (Commander), Yellow (Chief), Orange (Lord), and Red (Mythical).

Most world bosses are at the Chief (Yellow) level.

An Orange-level World Boss is also referred to as a high-level World Boss, typically of the dark gold tier (Orange).

Such World Bosses are so formidable that no lesser monsters dare enter their domain, earning them the title of Lord Level.

The Goblin Ancestor is one such Lord Level Boss.

Though the Goblin King only summoned a projection of the Goblin Ancestor, its power still matched that of an average World Boss, at the Chief (Yellow) level.

The projection boasted an attack power of 10,000 and a staggering 100,000 HP.

Its defenses were equally fearsome at 5,000.

Average professionals wouldn't stand a chance at breaching its defenses.

It's no surprise the system issued a citywide broadcast; a World Boss of this caliber isn't a challenge a single team can overcome—it would take at least ten teams to stand a chance.

The three skills it wields are equally formidable.

The Enrage skill boosts its attack, health, and defense by 10%.

Earth's Shelter is beyond what the Goblin King could muster, granting the Goblin Ancestor's projection a full minute of immunity to physical attacks.

Life Siphon is particularly lethal, allowing it to draw vitality from the surrounding flora to heal itself continuously over a short duration.

Thus, when facing this Boss, groups typically have to chip away slowly at its health.

The strategy involves depleting its health by half, then allowing it to use Life Siphon to regain 80% of its HP before resuming the assault.

After enduring three or four cycles of Life Siphon, the Boss's HP would no longer sustain it until the next use of the skill.

The entire ordeal was both lengthy and perilous.

Yet for Faang Chen, such challenges were inconsequential.

He eyed the projection of the Goblin Ancestor before him, lips tightening.

"The moment I attack, he'll resort to using Enrage and Earth Protection!"

"In a minute's time, neither the mini noxious insect nor the Fire Thorn Insect will make a dent in him."

"I can't afford to let this drag on!"

"A swift kill is the way to go!"

With that thought, Faang Chen gestured, retracting the Fire Thorn Insects.

"Spread the Venomous Mist!"

At his command, swarms of mini noxious insects converged, and a vast expanse of purple poison mist surged toward the Goblin Ancestor projection.

The Venomous Mist was an unstoppable force, impervious to defense.

While it relied on the poison's attrition to weaken the foe, it spared his Insect Army from excessive depletion.

Hand-to-hand combat would mean his Insect Army could eventually defeat the Goblin Ancestor projection, but it would be time-consuming.

And the loss of insects would be substantial.

The cost outweighed the benefit, making the Venomous Mist skill far superior.

As the mist wafted over, the Goblin Ancestor projection's head began to display a series of damage indicators.




Now at level 54, the mini noxious insect's poison was potent, each mist attack stripping away 2,800 HP, with the cumulative effect of over 20,000 insects being truly fearsome.

The HP loss per second was staggering.

In under two seconds, the mist had done its work.

The Goblin Ancestor projection's health had plummeted by more than half.

Faang Chen observed as the projection began to glow with a green hue, the vegetation around it rapidly wilting.

Clearly, it was siphoning the life force from the nearby flora.

Yet, Faang Chen could see the Goblin Ancestor's HP was slowly recovering, though it was no match for the relentless assault of the poison.

After five more seconds, as the final drop of blood was drained, the colossal Goblin Ancestor projection collapsed to the ground, accompanied by the glint of a few golden rays.

Faang Chen's eyes sparkled with excitement at the sight of the golden light—clearly, something valuable had emerged. Without hesitation, he dashed forward to collect the items, and a series of notifications chimed in his ears.

Ding! Congratulations on successfully slaying the Goblin Ancestor's projection and earning a massive amount of experience!

Ding! Congratulations on reaching level 59. Your experience storage is full. Please complete your job transition task promptly.

Ding! The Goblin Ancestor projection has been defeated, and the emergency has been resolved.

Ding! As a result of your victory over the Goblin Ancestor, the Goblins have been struck by fear and have fled their territory.

Upon opening his attribute panel, Faang Chen confirmed his advancement to level 59 and discovered that his accumulated experience could skyrocket him straight to level 65. The bounty of experience from a world BOSS was simply staggering.

Name: Faang Chen

Profession: One-circle Zerg Beastmaster

Level: LV.59 (Experience stored for level 65)

Health Points: 3000

Physical Defense: 300

Magic Defense: 300

Strength: 64

Intelligence: 148

Physique: 69

Spirit: 598

Free Attribute Points: 240

Profession Skills: Beastmaster Technique: Attack Form Switch, Evolution

Universal Skills: Godhead

Profession Specialty: As a Zerg Beastmaster, highly likely to control Zergs successfully, guaranteed failure with other beast types.

God-level Talent: Divine Insect Fission enhances psychic force and increases division cap. (Current cap: 20,000)

God-level Talent: Perfect Control guarantees success with a Perfect Control skill on Zerg targets, provided they are no more than 30 levels above the user. Cooldown: 24 hours.

Faang Chen could hardly contain his excitement as he reviewed his stats. The division cap for his Zerg had soared to an astonishing 20,000. Combined with a second type, his Insect Army could reach a formidable 50,000—a truly impressive force.

"Hold on, what was that system alert about the Goblins fleeing their land?" he wondered aloud.

"Better not dwell on it; I need to make a quick getaway. With all this commotion, it won't be long before someone shows up!"

"Let's take advantage of their confusion and head to the city to sell off the spoils of war!"

With that thought, Faang Chen took a detour and swiftly departed the area, making his way back to Long Hua City.

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