Everyone Is Beast Tamer/C17 The Legend of the Divine General the Demonic Beast Went into Chaos
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Everyone Is Beast Tamer/C17 The Legend of the Divine General the Demonic Beast Went into Chaos
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C17 The Legend of the Divine General the Demonic Beast Went into Chaos

Ding! The projection of the Goblin Ancestor has been slain. Kudos to the professionals for quelling the turmoil. Keep up the good work!

As the system-wide announcement echoed through the city.

Suddenly, Gloomrock City was abuzz with excitement.

Many, clueless about the situation, flocked to the forums in search of answers.

"What's happening? The Goblin Ancestor's projection just showed up, right? How did it die so fast?"

"I'm not sure. Looking at the time, it's been less than three minutes. Could a powerhouse have stepped in?"

"It's probably Instructor Qian. The Goblin Ancestor's projection is said to be level 90, which means Three-circle strength!"

"That makes sense. Not even the City Lord or the Sky Wolf Union's president could take it down in under three minutes!"

"Do we even need to ask? Plus, I just saw Instructor Qian heading out of town with the Heaven Howling Wolf and City Lord Nangong. No wonder they were together—it was for this!"

"Wait a minute, the Goblin Ancestor's projection hadn't appeared before they left the city!"

"You're right. So, could there be another person behind the Goblin Ancestor's projection's demise?"

"Maybe it's that mysterious summoner who's been spotted near Gloomrock City?"

"Who's calling them a summoner? Clearly, they're a poison master!"

"Seriously, since when can a poison master control so many poisonous bugs? That's definitely a Beastmaster's work!"

"Come on, you think a lowly Beastmaster could match up to a big shot? An Elf Mage is far more likely than a Beastmaster!"

"Let's keep this civil, folks. Why are we Beastmasters being trashed in this debate?"

"Are Beastmasters not the bottom of the barrel? Prove me wrong then—come duel me. I'll even let you unleash your beasts first!"

The forum was ablaze with heated arguments.

Out beyond the city, Instructor Qian and his companions were now close to the Goblin territories.

The system alert caught them off guard.

"To kill the Goblin Ancestor's projection in under three minutes, this person is nothing short of a freak of nature!"

A gleam of admiration shone in Instructor Qian's eyes. If this prodigy had indeed just completed their One-circle task, they were undoubtedly a genius!

"Teacher, to take down the projection of the Goblin Ancestor in under three minutes, one would need to be at least a Seven-circle professional, right? Can such strength truly belong to a mere One-circle professional?"

Nangong inquired, struggling to accept that the recent bizarre events in Gloomrock could be the work of a One-circle professional.

Qian Hee squinted his eyes and responded,

"Why not? Have you forgotten the tales of the God General?"

"The tales of the God General?"

Nangong was taken aback.

Heaven Howling Wolf was equally shocked.

As the leader of Gloomrock's premier guild, Heaven Howling Wolf was well aware of the significance behind the God General legend.

Once full of self-importance, he believed he was destined for greatness.

Yet, transitioning from academia to the realm of professionals, he came to a sobering realization.

He wasn't the prodigy he thought he was. Facing Demonic Beasts that others couldn't handle, he too felt powerless.

Despite his efforts, he remained merely the top guild leader in Gloomrock.

In the grand scope of Northriver Province, there were many far more formidable than Heaven Howling Wolf.

The legend of the God General was an existence envied by nearly every professional.

"Instructor, could you elaborate?" asked Heaven Howling Wolf, his eyes ablaze with eagerness, despite knowing he was no mythical God General.

Listening to the specifics of the God General legend would make his journey worthwhile.

Qian Hee stroked his beard and began,

"When the game merged with reality, it transformed our entire Blue Star into a world overrun by Demonic Beasts!"

"Many viewed this as a catastrophe, yet as professionals emerged and grew in strength, a different perspective took hold."

"Some of the more formidable figures uncovered a quandary!"

"It's possible that Blue Star didn't change into its current state solely because of the catastrophe!"

"They delved into historical texts, and works akin to the Classic of Mountains and Seas gained renewed attention."

"A hypothesis slowly emerged—the Truth Theory."

The so-called Truth Theory posited that Blue Star might have always been a world where Demonic Beasts roamed freely.

The Classic of Mountains and Seas served as compelling evidence.

Yet, for reasons unknown, such beasts became scarce in the world following the era of the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

"The truth of the matter is that this rift in history is known as the 'Era of the Divine General!'"

"The so-called Era of the Divine General began when at least one such figure emerged after the era of the Mountain and Sea Scripture. Their presence granted humanity thousands of years of peace and stability!"

"However, it's believed that this Divine General may have perished, leading Blue Star to its current state."

Instructor Qian's eyes blazed with fervor as he spoke.

"Mr. Wo Long, the president of the Diviner Guild and the chief diviner of all Gloomrock, revered as the Imperial Advisor, once rallied a thousand diviners for a grand divination!"

"Their consensus was that our era would see the rise of at least one Divine General!"

"But the specifics are murky—the location uncertain, possibly even outside our borders!"


Nangong's face clouded over at the suggestion.

"If this Divine General were to emerge in Triostan, that would be..."

Heaven Howling Wolf's gaze turned icy at the thought.

"Triostan is the sworn enemy of Eceosian, with a long-standing feud. We can only hope that's not the case."

Instructor Qian continued.

"Have you not noticed the increased activity among the top powers of the guilds in recent years?"

"The uncertainty surrounding the Divine General's emergence, their profession, necessitates the utmost protection for those with exceptional talents!"

"This may not concern you directly, but we must take great care with the individual who's caused such an uproar in Gloomrock!"

"Regardless of whether we find them, a confidentiality agreement is mandatory upon our return."

Nangong nodded in agreement.

"I'm aware. The higher-ups have made it clear: locate this individual, and if they pass the talent test, we'll initiate the confidentiality protocol."

Qian Hee acknowledged with a nod.

Heaven Howling Wolf swallowed hard, familiar with the weight of such a protocol. Should this person prove to be a prodigy who clears the talent test,

they too would be bound by the confidentiality agreement. Breaching it would alert the Diviner Guild,

who would then dispatch a formidable purge team, possibly led by a Seven-circle or Eight-circle luminary, to exact retribution.

The value placed on talent by nations was immense, for among these gifted individuals could very well be a future Divine General.

The emergence of a Divine General holds immense importance for a nation.

Its significance goes without saying.

While they were discussing, Qian Hee and company had reached the Goblins' domain.

Yet, surveying the area, they found nothing but a patch of charred land at the heart of the Goblin territory.

Not a single Goblin Demonic Beast was in sight.

This sight left Nangong and his companions utterly perplexed.

"Where have all the Demonic Beasts gone?"

The Heaven Howling Wolf was equally baffled, having never encountered such a scenario.

Instructor Qian's face, however, suddenly turned grave.

"Could it be fear?"

"This is bad!"

Instructor Qian exclaimed.

"We need to check on the city immediately!"

As Nangong was about to question his men, an abrupt system alert interrupted them.

Ding! The Goblins have instigated a rebellion, joining forces with the Demonic Beasts of Wolfman Mountain to storm Gloomrock, now less than fifty kilometers away!

Professionals are urged to act swiftly to quell the uprising!

A message followed swiftly on the heels of the alert.

"City Lord, we have a problem. The Goblins have inexplicably headed to Wolfman Mountain, and now the whole mountain is in turmoil!"

"The Demonic Beast army is already charging toward our city walls!"

Nangong's face paled as he commanded.

"Order the Guard Army to intercept immediately. The Goblins and Wolfman Mountain creatures are not highly ranked—avoid inciting panic!"


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