Everyone Is Beast Tamer/C19 Flowered Moth Showing Goodwill to Faang Chen
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Everyone Is Beast Tamer/C19 Flowered Moth Showing Goodwill to Faang Chen
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C19 Flowered Moth Showing Goodwill to Faang Chen

2 billion was a figure Faang Chen once couldn't even fathom.

But now, with the system in his possession, he was certain his path ahead would stretch even further.

The 2 billion in Eceosian currency was merely a trifle to him. He had already reaped such profits without even departing from Gloomrock City. The potential earnings outside were beyond his wildest dreams.

He was also acutely aware of why the Beastmaster profession was considered weak.

Despite possessing the God-level talent of Divine Insect Fission, maintaining invincibility would require significant investment in evolving his Divine Insects.

He had completed his One-circle, earning rewards tied to his talents, but no new mythical insects had come his way.

Evolving his current collection of insects was essential.

Su Mo quickly checked and reported,

"Our firm currently has ten Commander-level (blue) Scarlet Moths."

"Gloomrock City has its spending limits; hardly anyone here can afford them. They were slated for transport to Northriver Province, but if you need them, I can fetch them immediately!"

"Alright! Bring them all. We'll figure out the exact amount needed later," Faang Chen instructed.

Su Mo nodded and promptly departed.

Insect evolution carried a risk of failure, leaving Faang Chen unsure of the quantity needed for success.

Yet, with 2 billion at his disposal and each Scarlet Moth valued at 100 million, he could afford to sweep them up.

"Surely out of ten, not one would fail," Faang Chen mused.


Su Mo, having left the room, hurried with Faang Chen's sold items to a private booth within the auction house.

This booth was a hidden sanctuary, rarely visited by its owner except for recent unrest in Gloomrock City, which brought him there today.

"Sir! There's been an incident!" Su Mo announced anxiously from outside the door.

The door soon opened, and a voice beckoned,

"Come in and talk!"

Without delay, Su Mo entered, clutching the items.

"You're from Northriver Province, so what's got you so rattled?" Su Mutian asked with a smile as he sat in his chair.

Indeed, Su Mutian was the mastermind behind the Su Auction House, with his enterprises sprawling across Northriver Province. The Gloomrock branch had been established just three years prior. Before its inception, Gloomrock didn't even have an auction house, highlighting its isolation.

"Sir, there's been a serious incident. You've heard about the Goblin Ancestor Projection this afternoon, haven't you?"

Su Mutian nodded; the citywide system broadcast had made sure of that.

Su Mo hurriedly placed two pieces of equipment on the table.

"The very person who took down the Ancestor Projection is in one of our private rooms right now!"

Su Mutian's eyes widened as he quickly examined the equipment. The sight of the Goblin King Ancestor's name made him leap to his feet.

"The Goblin Ancestor Projection was level 90, a formidable Three-circle entity. The fight this afternoon? Over in a mere three minutes!"

"Speculation is rife that a Seven-circle, or perhaps even a Six-circle powerhouse, was involved."

"No one else could dispatch a Goblin Ancestor Projection so swiftly. That Demonic Beast is not only immune to physical attacks but also possesses a life-sapping ability," Su Mo elaborated.

Su Mutian gestured that he was already informed.

"What's the word from City Lord Nangong?"

"By the time City Lord Nangong and Instructor Qian arrived, the individual had already departed. And sir, it seems the recent disturbances in Gloomrock might all trace back to this person."

"How so?" Su Mutian inquired, intrigued.

"He also looted a Goblin King's scepter but chose not to sell it. He claimed he needed it for himself."

"For his own use?"

A realization dawned on Su Mutian.

"A Goblin King's scepter would be level 60, which suggests he's just advanced to Two-circle."

"Sir, it might not be so simple. If he were truly at Two-circle, he'd have used it immediately. My suspicion is that he stored it away because... well..."

"You're suggesting he's still at One-circle? That he hasn't ascended to Two-circle yet?"

At that thought, Su Mutian slumped back into his chair, overwhelmed.

"At level 59, he managed to slay a level 90 projection of a Goblin Ancestor!"

"Could it be that the recent surge of Fire Thorn Insect spawns around Gloomrock were all his doing?"

"Sir, he's also interested in purchasing our shop's Commander-level (Blue Rank) Striped Moths!"

"The weapon he left is suitable for Mages, Summoners, and Beastmasters, which leads me to believe he's likely a Beastmaster."

Su Mo pointed out that buying insects and a weapon usable by Beastmasters made it rather obvious.

Mages certainly have no use for insects, and Summoners only seek Skill Cards. It's the Beastmasters who require insects.

Su Mutian's eyes sparkled at the revelation.

"A Beastmaster? And an exceptional one at that. There's hope for Xiao Xue's illness yet!"

With that thought, Su Mutian asked urgently,

"Did you catch a glimpse of his face?"

Su Mo shook his head.

"He wore a mask, and he likely possesses the universal godhead skill, making it impossible to discern any information."

Su Mutian nodded in understanding.

"That makes sense. With City Lord Nangong and Qian Hee searching for him, he probably prefers to stay under the radar."

"Give him whatever he wants to buy, and apply the full discount. Someone of his caliber is bound to rise to prominence, and we might need his help with Xiao Xue's condition."

"Still, be cautious in your dealings with him. We must extend our goodwill without overdoing it, lest we offend him."

"If City Lord Nangong and Qian Hee come asking, be honest with them. But keep his profession confidential!"

"Make sure he understands our friendly intentions; otherwise, how will he recognize our overtures?"

"And hold onto those two pieces of equipment; Xiaoyu can make good use of them."


With a nod, Su Mo turned and hurried off.


Inside the private room, Su Mo quickly delivered ten Commander-level (Blue) Striped Moths, each carefully encased in its own brocade box.

Each one is worth a hundred million, after all.

When Su Mo lingered, Faang Chen spoke up.

"You're free to go now. I'll call for you once I've finished up!"

Su Mo responded with a smile.

"Of course, but before I take my leave, esteemed guest, there's a matter I'd like to discuss with you."

Faang Chen, taken aback, gestured for him to continue.

"The items you've put up for auction, some of them bear the distinct script of Goblin Ancestor Projections."

"The issue has escalated. The City Lord may inquire about it. Our auction house, being based in Eceosian, is duty-bound to assist the Guard Army's investigation."

"Therefore, I need to inform you beforehand that if the City Lord or his delegates come asking, we may not be able to keep your secrets."

Faang Chen nodded, smiling in response.

"There's nothing that needs hiding. Besides, you know I'm here to sell items, but you don't have any details on my appearance or profession, right?"

"I understand your point, but make sure to tell the truth if they question you!"

"However, if you reveal my whereabouts now, our future collaborations would be off the table."

Su Mo quickly assured him.

"Rest assured, we're obligated to cooperate, but we're not in their debt. I can guarantee that on behalf of our boss!"

"Very well! You may leave now."

Faang Chen gave a nod of approval.

Businesspeople are indeed sharp-minded; they grasp the situation with just a hint.

With the power I've demonstrated, I'll only acquire more valuable items in the future.

Offending me would surely sever their own source of wealth.

And Su Mo's proactive approach to this matter is clearly an overture of goodwill.

An appraiser like him wouldn't have such extensive authority.

"The person pulling the strings at this auction house knows how to play the game. Intriguing!"

Faang Chen dismissed further thought and opened one of the brocade boxes.

Inside, he found a moth adorned with blue spots.

The moth was bound by a golden cord, yet it was evidently still alive.

Spotted Blue Moth: Zerg

No attributes

Rank: Commander (Blue)

A domesticated Zerg species, posing no threat to humans.

As Faang Chen perused the introduction, he felt a pang of pain in his chest.

How could such worthless creatures be priced at a hundred million Eceosian currency each?

It was nothing short of daylight robbery!

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