Everyone Is Beast Tamer/C2 Divine Insect Fission Mini Noxious Insect
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Everyone Is Beast Tamer/C2 Divine Insect Fission Mini Noxious Insect
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C2 Divine Insect Fission Mini Noxious Insect

As Faang Chen was about to leave, a voice suddenly echoed in his mind.

Ding! Host job transition complete. Occupation confirmed as Zerg Summoner. God-level Talent System activated, extracting reward.

Ding! Congratulations, host, on acquiring the God-level Talent: Divine Insect Fission. Check the talent for specific effects.

Ding! Host's first job transition is complete. Novice gift pack dispatched to personal storage.

"Is it here? Finally?"

Faang Chen's entire body shook with excitement.

Three years. He had waited three long years, and at last, the blasted system had shown up.

"Do you have any idea what I've been through these past three years? You damn system!"

Unable to wait, Faang Chen eagerly accessed the system.

[God-level Talent System: Each profession change will trigger a random reward for the host, which may include God-level Talents or Divine Insects, among others.]

[Divine Insect Fission: Every insect under the host's control gains the ability to split, with a current maximum of 10,000 insects. Increasing psychic force will raise this cap.]

"Splitting ability? Up to 10,000 insects? Sounds pretty good!"

Faang Chen hurriedly checked his storage space and found the novice gift pack waiting. Without a second thought, he used it.

Ding! Novice gift pack successfully deployed!

Congratulations, host, on acquiring the Divine Insect: Mini Noxious Insect.

Congratulations, host, on obtaining the Dantian Insect Nest: An infinite reservoir for poisonous insects, seamlessly integrated into your Dantian.

As the system's voice faded, Faang Chen sensed a new, unique space within his Dantian.

It appeared tiny, seemingly too small to even hold a watermelon, yet it could house an infinite number of poisonous insects—a truly formidable feature.

Inside the Dantian Insect Nest, he noticed a small white insect, diminutive in size but with a hint of purple at its tail, indicating venom. It was aptly named the Mini Noxious Insect.

Take a look!

Name: Mini Noxious Insect

Rating: Mythical

Level: LV.0 (Increases with the host's level)

Attack Power: 1000

Health Points: 3000

Physical Defense: 300

Magical Defense: 300

Special Effect: Potent Poison (Each attack inflicts a potent poison, causing the afflicted to lose 1000 HP per second for 3 seconds)

Special Skill: Poisonous Mist (Releases a toxic fog that poisons all enemies within its range. If no enemies are present, the fog persists for 30 minutes)

Note: The potency of the poison effect increases with the level.

Reminder: This Mythical Divine Insect cannot evolve.

Divine Insect Fission Talent Active: Currently undergoing fission with a limit of 10,000. Present count of offspring is 298.

"Holy crap! A Mythical Divine Insect?"

Faang Chen was dumbfounded.

In this new world he had crossed into, everything from Demonic Beasts to equipment was categorized by level.

The tiers for equipment and Demonic Beasts were: White (Common), Green (Elite), Blue (Commander), Yellow (Leader), Orange (Lord), and Red (Mythical).

"Who would've thought the newbie gift pack would yield a Mythical-grade poisonous insect! Rising to power now seems inevitable!"

Monsters in the novice training area typically have around three hundred health points.

Even the monsters at Wolfman Mountain, which boasts a boss, only have about a thousand health points.

This means a single Mini Noxious Insect of mine could effortlessly take down a monster from Wolfman Mountain, and that's without factoring in the poison.

With the poison, those Wolfman Mountain monsters wouldn't stand a chance.

Plus, with my Divine Insect Fission talent, I can initially split off ten thousand Mini Noxious Insects.

Imagine ten thousand Mini Noxious Insects unleashing their poisonous mist; the result... well, the novice training area wouldn't know what hit it.

Even though these Mini Noxious Insects can't evolve, they're already at a Mythical level. Their level is just zero for now, but once they grow, their might will be undeniable. So, Faang Chen isn't worried.

"Who says Zerg summoners are weak? Next time, I'll make sure to give them a taste of their own medicine!"

"Let's go test out this power!"

Faang Chen couldn't wait any longer, brushing off Lei Yang and the others who were still snickering at him. He spun on his heel and strode away from the class advancement platform, heading towards the campus outskirts.

"Faang Chen!" A melodious voice halted him in his tracks.

"Little Su, what's up?" he asked, turning to see Su Muyu approaching.

Su Muyu, a year his junior, always earned the affectionate nickname 'Little Su' from Faang Chen during their playful banter.

"Don't feel down. A Zerg Beastmaster isn't necessarily weak. We'll figure something out," Su Muyu reassured him.

Knowing that Zerg Beastmasters weren't uncommon, she was aware of the profession's limitations...

If it were any other profession, she might have found more comforting words, but with this one, she was at a loss...

Seeing her struggle, Faang Chen chuckled. "No worries about me. I'm off to a pig farm to learn about postpartum care. And you, with your hidden profession as a Phoenix Mage, have a limitless future. Keep pushing forward!"

"Just don't let me, someone who's going to be studying piglets and their moms, outlevel you. That'd be embarrassing!"

Su Muyu couldn't help but laugh. "You can still crack jokes? I knew you weren't the fragile type."

"Skip the postpartum lessons. Just show up, and those pigs won't need any care once they see a stud like you!"

"Cheeky!" Faang Chen teased, playfully flicking her nose before walking away.

The onlooking students, who had been eager to witness their exchange, were left feeling like they'd just gorged on a feast of public displays of affection, beating their chests in mock despair.

Lei Yang, watching the scene unfold, seethed with envy, his face darkening with rage.

But Su Muyu paid them no mind. Watching Faang Chen's retreating figure, she let out a resigned sigh.

"Keep at it! I have faith in you!"

Faang Chen's parents, both pharmacists, had tragically passed away on a guild expedition years earlier. His family's financial situation was far from ideal.

Su Muyu knew the Zerg Beastmaster profession wasn't promising, and she feared Faang Chen might not bounce back from this setback.

The class advancement continued unabated, but Faang Chen had already set his sights on the outskirts, determined to forge his own path.

As he walked, Faang Chen pulled up his attribute panel to review his stats.

Name: Faang Chen

Profession: Zerg Beastmaster

Level: LV.0

HP: 1000

Physical Defense: 0

Magic Defense: 0

Strength: 5

Intelligence: 30

Physique: 10

Spirit: 30

Profession Skill: Beastmaster's Attack Mode Switch

Profession Specialty: High affinity with Zerg as a Zerg Beastmaster, with a high success rate of controlling Zerg. However, attempts to control other types of wild beasts are guaranteed to fail.

Faang Chen glanced over his skills. The Beastmaster's art was essentially a technique for controlling Zerg, which was straightforward enough. But he paid special attention to the Attack Mode Switch.

The Attack Mode Switch had three distinct forms: actively attacking nearby enemies, following the host to attack the same target, and counterattacking when attacked.

After reviewing the details, Faang Chen let out a sigh. Other professions gained at least one attack skill upon class advancement, but it seemed the Beastmaster was indeed a lackluster profession, lacking even a basic attack skill and only equipped with the Beastmaster art and Attack Mode Switch. If it weren't for the Divine Insect that came with the novice gift pack, he'd probably have to start by finding insects to control.

The weakness of the Beastmaster profession was understandable. Similar to Summoners, Beastmasters lacked the ability to summon creatures from a Monster Guide, meaning they had to find and control each Demonic Beast on their own. Moreover, while other professions gained powerful active attack skills with each class change, Beastmasters were left with only passive skills that seemed hardly worth the effort, such as slight enhancements to their Demonic Beasts' defense, attack, and speed.

The one redeeming feature among the Beastmaster's abilities was the passive Divine Insect Evolution skill, which became available after the One-circle.

"Divine Insect Evolution seems to allow for insect evolution, but it's only accessible after the One-circle," Faang Chen mused to himself. "The mini noxious insect is a mythical-level Divine Insect, unable to evolve, but leveling up will strengthen it. No need to worry about evolution for now. Let's test its effects first."

With a sense of eager anticipation, Faang Chen made his way to the novice training grounds just outside the city.

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