Everyone Is Beast Tamer/C20 The Evolution Was Successful and the Fire Thorn Flew into the Sky
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Everyone Is Beast Tamer/C20 The Evolution Was Successful and the Fire Thorn Flew into the Sky
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C20 The Evolution Was Successful and the Fire Thorn Flew into the Sky

But there was no helping it; a person with a secondary profession still needed to make a living. Particularly those capable of nurturing Commander-level (Blue) Demonic Beasts—such individuals undoubtedly hailed from major breeding facilities. Their diligent efforts deserved a fitting reward.

In this world, alongside powerful combat professionals, there was an abundance of secondary professions. The Beastmaster profession's existence meant that many Demonic Beasts required evolution through other Demonic Beasts of matching tiers. Thus, there was a definite market for cultivating insects and Demonic Beasts.

However, manually raising high-tier Demonic Beasts was exceedingly challenging. Generally, reaching the Leader-level (Yellow) was the peak. Most were Elite-level (Green), with Commander-level (Blue) being a rare sight.

Faang Chen didn't bother dwelling on it. He believed in the principle that if you have the means to spend, you'll have the means to earn. The returns from his insects' evolution would only increase.

Without hesitation, Faang Chen retrieved the Fire Thorn Insect he controlled. All other Fire Thorn Insects had split from this one, making it the progenitor of the brood. Completing its evolution would naturally induce changes in the others. This process was automatic, sparing the need to sacrifice the original Fire Thorn Insects while waiting for new ones to emerge.


Faang Chen wasted no time in activating the skill. He watched as the striped moth from the brocade box transformed into a streak of light, merging with the Fire Thorn Insect. Yet, the insect showed no reaction. Then, a voice announced:

"Ding! The evolution of the Fire Thorn Insect you control has failed!"

"Ah, what a rough start," Faang Chen lamented. Though aware of the risks of failure, like anyone, he harbored the hope of being exceptionally lucky from the get-go.


Undeterred, Faang Chen pressed on. Soon, another striped moth became a beam of light, merging with the Fire Thorn Insect. But once again...

"Ding! The evolution of the Fire Thorn Insect you control has failed!"

"Darn it!"

"Keep going!"


Ding! Your Fire Thorn Insect failed to evolve!


Ding! Your Fire Thorn Insect failed to evolve again!


Faang Chen tried three more times in quick succession, but all attempts ended in failure.

Staring at the mere five striped moths he had left, Faang Chen truly understood the meaning of 'easy come, easy go'—though earning money wasn't as bad as eating dirt, spending it felt like a money-flushing diarrhea.

Yet, the frustration was undeniably bitter.

Faang Chen took a deep breath to calm himself and pressed on.

But the Fire Thorn Insect seemed to have made up its mind: 'I won't evolve, I'm just messing with you!'


Ding! Your Fire Thorn Insect failed to evolve!


Ding! Your Fire Thorn Insect failed to evolve!


After four more consecutive failures, Faang Chen was practically numb.

He let out a string of expletives in his mind.

"What kind of lousy Beastmaster am I, can't even play fetch with a dog!"

"900 million down the drain for this?"

"I'd get more entertainment, and even a full health package, at a brothel!"

Holding the Fire Thorn Insect in his hand, Faang Chen said,

"This is your last chance. Do me a solid, and I'll return the favor by finding you a mate."

"Otherwise, you're on your own, buddy!"

To his surprise, the Fire Thorn Insect actually turned to look at him, seemingly nodding in agreement.

With resolve, Faang Chen initiated the final evolution.

As the last Mothfly transformed into a stream of light and merged with the Fire Thorn Insect.

The system's voice rang out once more.

Ding! Your Fire Thorn Insect has evolved successfully!

Commander Level (Blue) Zerg evolution is guaranteed. You've triggered the guaranteed reward and successfully evolved!

Hearing this, Faang Chen leapt to his feet, pumped with excitement.

The Fire Thorn Insect in his grasp seemed to be reminding him,

"Don't forget our deal—find me a partner!"

Faang Chen paused, puzzled.

"A guaranteed evolution? Commander-level Zerg have a surefire evolution after ten tries?"

"Damn! Did I just hit the bare minimum?"

"None of your business. Forget about getting your hands on a female Fire Thorn Insect!"

Faang Chen exclaimed, though he couldn't help feeling elated.

Spending a billion had been worth it, considering the successful evolution.

He intently watched the Fire Thorn Insect, and information promptly popped up.

Name: Fire Thorn Insect

Rank: Commander Level (Blue)

Level: LV.59

Attack Power: 2,500

Health Points: 2,000

Physical Defense: 100

Magical Defense: 100

Passive Skill: Fire Armor Piercing (Attacks can reduce the enemy's defenses by 10%, stacking effects until defenses are nearly zero)

Note: Fire Armor Piercing's effect is fixed and cannot be enhanced.

Passive Skill: Flight (Capable of winged flight without any energy cost, matching the master's speed)

Reminder: Commander Level and Divine Insects are capable of evolution.

Divine Insect Fission Talent: Currently splitting, with a cap of 25,000. Current count: 2.5/25,000.

Reading the details, Faang Chen pondered.

The Fire Thorn Insect had evolved, yet its rank remained Commander Level (Blue).

This indicated that a single evolution wasn't enough to advance its rank.

Multiple evolutions might be necessary.

On the upside, Commander Level (Blue) insects were certainly more affordable than their higher-ranked counterparts.

That was indeed good news.

But was the Fire Thorn Insect's speed too low?

Faang Chen glanced at his own speed.

10 meters per second

Far quicker than the average person, but painfully slow for a professional.

This was partly why Beastmasters were at a disadvantage; swordsmen and assassins had rare equipment with speed bonuses, unlike Beastmasters and Magic Masters.

If he were to lead an army of Fire Thorn Insects at such a sluggish pace, they'd likely be decimated before even reaching their target.

Then, an idea struck Faang Chen.

"That's it! I can have the mini noxious insect deploy its poison, and the Fire Thorn Insect can stealthily fly through the toxic cloud!"

"The Fire Thorn Insect's flight accelerates the dispersal of the toxic mist—a perfect synergy," Faang Chen mused. His insects were impervious to each other's harm, so there was no concern about the mini noxious insect's poison mist harming the Fire Thorn Insect. Together, they were a lethal combination: the Fire Thorn Insect concealed within the mist, taking enemies by surprise, leaving them dead before they even realized what hit them. Plus, he could have the mini noxious insect ride on the Fire Thorn Insect's back, allowing it to join in on the aerial assault despite its inability to fly. Pleased with this strategy, Faang Chen stood up, pushed open the door, and stepped out.

"Hello!" greeted Su Mo, who had been waiting outside. He smiled upon seeing Faang Chen emerge.

Faang Chen gave a nod of acknowledgment.

"I've used the Flower-Patterned Moths. Just deduct the cost from my account," Faang Chen instructed.

Su Mo nodded, taking the diamond card and said, "That'll be one billion. But with your diamond member discount, it comes to nine hundred million."

Faang Chen nodded in approval as Su Mo swiftly transferred the funds and handed back the card. Without further ado, Faang Chen took the card and departed. His journey had been fruitful, not only upgrading the Fire Thorn Insect but also securing a set of level 60 Beastmaster gear and the Goblin King's scepter weapon, which he'd have to wait to wield after his job change.

Noticing the night had fully set in and the job-changing hall was closed, Faang Chen decided to head home without rush.

Meanwhile, Instructor Qian Hee, City Lord Nangong, and Heaven Howling Wolf had just made it back to Gloomrock. There was no time for rest; they split up immediately upon arrival. Heaven Howling Wolf led his forces to quell the unrest caused by goblins and werewolves. Instructor Qian Hee made a beeline for the auction house, while City Lord Nangong headed for the job-changing hall. As they traveled, they debriefed and analyzed the situation at hand.

Given that this enigmatic master was known to be active around Gloomrock, it was a given that they would likely visit the Gloomrock Auction House to sell their wares. It was essential, then, to conduct a thorough investigation there.

Furthermore, the job-changing records at the job-changing hall could provide additional information. These records might even reveal the identity of the individual who had set new records in the dungeon. However, delving into this could be a time-consuming endeavor.

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