Everyone Is Beast Tamer/C4 Instant Kill the Wolf King and His Level Rose by Two to Nine
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Everyone Is Beast Tamer/C4 Instant Kill the Wolf King and His Level Rose by Two to Nine
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C4 Instant Kill the Wolf King and His Level Rose by Two to Nine

Wolfman King: Beast Tribe

Rating: Elite

Level: LV.30

HP: 5,000

Attack Power: 3,000

Physical Defense: 1,000

Magical Defense: 1,000

Skills: Wolfman Howl, Wolfman Assault, Wolfman Frenzy, Wolf Fang Fury Strike

As Faang Chen reviewed the Wolfman King's stats, he mentally sized up his own mini noxious insects in comparison. He hadn't checked the attributes of the insects post-upgrade, so he based his comparison on the Level 0 stats.

"A Level 0 mini noxious insect emits a poison mist, draining 1,000 HP every second, and the effect stacks!" he thought.

"The devastating HP loss from the poison isn't mitigated by physical or magical defenses."

"That means, with 10,000 mini noxious insects, they'd be draining... 10 million HP every second!"

Faang Chen was astounded.

10 million HP! That's about the same as the toughest World Bosses near Long Hua City!

Could it be that with these insects, he could take down a World Boss in just a few seconds?

He swallowed hard at the thought.

But why a few seconds and not instantly? Although the poison mist's effects could accumulate, it wouldn't envelop a Demonic Beast all at once. At most, a few hundred layers might stack on the beast in a single second.

To reach 10,000 layers would take time. A Demonic Beast with a high HP could last a few more seconds, while one with lower HP might not withstand the full onslaught, succumbing almost immediately.

As Faang Chen pondered this, the poison fog had already engulfed the Wolfman King. The moment the King charged into the mist, a flurry of damage numbers burst above its head.




In less than a second, Faang Chen watched as the Wolfman King, without unleashing a single skill, collapsed. A cascade of light followed, signaling a bounty of dropped materials.

Simultaneously, a voice echoed in Faang Chen's mind.

Ding! Congratulations, you've advanced to level 29. You cannot level up further at this time. Please complete your Job-Changing Quest promptly.

Note: You can continue to accumulate experience at your current level. However, once you reach level 35, you will no longer be able to gain experience!

Faang Chen wasn't in a rush to collect items; instead, he promptly accessed his attribute panel.

Name: Faang Chen

Occupation: Zerg Beastmaster

Level: LV.29 (Eligible for further leveling after completing the One-circle Quest)

HP: 1,000

Physical Defense: 0

Magic Defense: 0

Strength: 34

Intelligence: 88

Physique: 39

Spirit: 88

Free Attribute Points: 290

Profession Skill: Beastmaster's Attack Mode Switch

Profession Specialty: Zerg Affinity - Zerg Beastmasters have a high success rate in controlling Zergs, but are certain to fail with other types of wild beasts.

God-level Talent: Divine Insect Fission - Enhances psychic force and increases the fission limit.

"The rate of leveling up is absolutely astounding!"

"And since the limit of Divine Insect Fission is tied to psychic force, that means..."

The Free Attribute Points gained from leveling up can only be applied to the four-dimensional attributes. Physical and magic defense, as well as health, can only be improved with equipment.

For instance, boosting physique can enhance a Beastmaster's resilience, reducing incoming damage. However, this won't increase physical defense, as they are calculated separately.

Faang Chen's greatest strength lies in his ability to make insects divide. Without any hesitation, he allocated all his Free Attribute Points to psychic force.

Psychic Force: 88-378

After the allocation, Faang Chen quickly checked the attribute panel of his mini noxious insect and saw:

Name: Mini Noxious Insect

Evaluation: Mythical

Level: LV.29 (Increases with the host's level)

Attack: 3900

HP: 4000

Physical Defense: 590

Magic Defense: 590

Additional Effect: Severe Poison (Each attack inflicts severe poison, causing the afflicted to lose 2000 HP per second for 3 seconds)

Additional Skill: Poisonous Mist (Releases a toxic fog that poisons enemies within its range. If there are no enemies, the fog lasts for 30 minutes)

Note: The severity of the poison effect increases with level.

Reminder: Mythical-level Divine Insects cannot evolve.

Divine Insect Fission Talent in Effect: Currently undergoing fission, with a maximum capacity of 20,000. Current count: 11,500/20,000

Gazing at the impressive stats, Faang Chen was struck by an overwhelming sense of disbelief.

The talent for Divine Insect Fission was astoundingly overpowered.

With an attack power peaking at 3,900, a level 29 mini noxious insect could take down a Wolf King or a boss with just a few bites—even without its venomous ability.

Adding poison to the mix made it downright game-breaking.

But once the initial shock subsided, Faang Chen noticed the mini noxious insect's Achilles' heel: its defense was sorely lacking.

A defense score below 600 at level 29 was concerning.

Against a Magic Master with a wide array of area-of-effect spells, the mini noxious insects could suffer massive casualties.

Moreover, some Magic Masters and Demonic Beasts could temporarily become immune to magic, rendering the poisonous fog virtually useless for a while.

And in close combat, with their low defense, the mini noxious insects were at risk of being decimated by formidable Demonic Beasts.

Nonetheless, Faang Chen came to terms with the reality.

The mini noxious insect was, after all, a creature of mythical stature. Its extraordinary attack power and lethal poison were already defying the odds.

Besides, insects naturally swarm. When mobilized, they number in the thousands, justifying their mythical status.

A solitary Commander or Boss-level creature might boast superior attributes, but their limited numbers were a significant shortcoming.

"As a Zerg Beastmaster, my strength lies in the sheer volume of my swarm. Why fret unnecessarily about potential threats?"

With this realization, Faang Chen's spirits soared.

Ding! Congratulations on slaying the Wolfman Demonic Beast. Experience +100.


Lost in thought, Faang Chen watched as a new horde of monsters spawned before him.

His level had hit the ceiling for now, so no further advancement was possible at the moment.

Yet, his experience continued to accumulate.

A quick glance at his experience bar revealed he was on the cusp of reaching level 32.

Faang Chen wasn't concerned about the experience cap at level 35; he was ready to wait for the next opportunity. The toxic fog hadn't dissipated and still clung to Wolfman Mountain. This was the perfect chance to gather the loot.

He sprinted over and collected all the materials the Wolfman King and the Wolfman Demonic Beast had dropped. Taking stock of his haul, Faang Chen realized he had struck it lucky this time. The Demonic Beast had yielded a whopping three hundred pieces of wolfman fur. On top of that, the Wolfman King had dropped two items.

One was the Wolf King's Thorn, an assassin-class weapon. It was a level 30, green-grade item with an attack boost of +500 and penetration of +30. Its passive skill, Wolf King's Charge, guaranteed a critical hit on the next attack if the charge speed exceeded 500. Faang Chen couldn't help feeling a twinge of envy. With assassins typically boasting high speeds, reaching 500 would be a breeze. This weapon would ensure their first strike in an ambush would be a devastating critical hit—a truly game-changing attribute.

"It's just too bad about the level requirement. If it were higher, I might fetch a price in the hundreds of millions!" he mused. "Luckily, most players aren't at high levels yet, so selling it for three to five million shouldn't be an issue."

Pleased with his findings, Faang Chen stowed the items away and turned his attention to the second piece of loot—a Wolf King Card, a green-grade summoning card exclusive to Summoners. It could call forth the Wolfman King to aid in battle. The card's potential value made Faang Chen both delighted and frustrated. Summoners could command high prices for such cards, as they relied on them to summon Demonic Beasts. But where did that leave Beastmasters like himself? It felt like being the neglected nephew in the family.

"Ah well, once I sell these items and upgrade my gear, I'll still have a tidy sum left over. It really is easy to make money in combat professions," he thought contentedly.

Lost in his thoughts, Faang Chen was suddenly interrupted by the system's voice.

Ding! The poisonous fog has eroded the landscape of Wolfman Mountain, resulting in terrain damage. The next monster spawn will occur in five hours.

Faang Chen paused, glancing at his experience points. He had reached the cap at level 35.

"Good thing there are no monsters around. I should head back and change classes first!"

"The remaining fog should clear up within half an hour. With no one coming by anytime soon, there's no risk of harming anyone inadvertently."

With a final look at the lingering fog, Faang Chen wasted no more time. He turned on his heel and made a beeline for Long Hua City.

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