Everyone Is Beast Tamer/C5 Sevencircle Qian He Sixcircle Expert!
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Everyone Is Beast Tamer/C5 Sevencircle Qian He Sixcircle Expert!
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C5 Sevencircle Qian He Sixcircle Expert!

At the city gates.

"Boss, your class is incredible! I only called out once, and over a dozen people already want to join our team!" Zhang Dong exclaimed with excitement.

Lei Yang wore a smug look.

"When it comes to leveling and DPS, an archer is second only to a Magic Master, and I'm a Light Speed Archer at that!"

"It's not a hidden class, but the Light Speed Archer ranks among the top five archery classes known to us."

"We'll head over to Green Snake Slope shortly. We'll definitely hit level 5 in no more than half a day!"

"Thinking about it, I actually feel a bit sorry for Faang Chen. It'll probably take him several days at least to reach level 5!"

Zhang Dong chuckled.

"Boss, aren't you giving him too much credit? With his family's situation, he's probably still rummaging through trash looking for Zergs!"

"I bet he won't make it to level 5 in under a month!"

"Haha! Let's get moving!"

Lei Yang laughed, ready to gather the group for leveling.

But just a few steps later, they spotted a familiar silhouette descending from the mountain ahead.

It was none other than Faang Chen.

"Boss, it's Faang Chen!" Zhang Dong pointed out, then paused, puzzled.

"Boss, why is Faang Chen coming from Wolfman Mountain?"

"The monsters there are all around level 20, and the Wolfman King is level 30!"

Lei Yang chuckled at the remark.

"Maybe he's lost his will, considering becoming a Zerg Beastmaster is as good as a death sentence."

"But it looks like our esteemed scholar doesn't have much fight in him after all, too attached to life to let go!"

While they were talking, Faang Chen reached the city gate.

He flashed a smile and nodded to the guard, then made his way into the city.

Seeing him ignore them completely, Lei Yang was visibly annoyed.

"Well, if it isn't Faang Chen!"

"I noticed you coming from Wolfman Mountain. Having second thoughts about life?"

"Let me give you some friendly advice: clinging to life is better than giving up. It's not like you, our scholarly Faang Chen, to surrender so easily!"

Lei Yang approached with a grin on his face.

Faang Chen, upon spotting him, could only shake his head in resignation, too weary to utter a word. He turned to leave.

Lei Yang called out in haste.

"Keep up the act! Go on, keep fooling yourself, Faang Chen!"

"Su Muyu, she's going to be mine!"

"You're a pathetic Beastmaster, what's with the pretense?"

"Thinking of heading to Wolfman Mountain? You wouldn't even be welcome on Green Snake Slope!"

"But hey, if you're up for carrying my shoes, I might just consider taking you with me!"

"What do you say? Give it some thought?"

Hearing this, Faang Chen's brow furrowed slightly, and he turned to face Lei Yang.

Given Lei Yang's capabilities, he wouldn't stand a chance against the Insect Army; a single Nanomachine Insect could finish him off.

But they were at the city gates, and committing murder here would surely draw the Guard Army's attention.

It was far from a wise move.

Lost in thought, Faang Chen was startled by a piercing cry from above.

Suddenly, all eyes at the city gate were drawn to a majestic bird soaring through the sky.

It appeared to be a Wind Eagle.

"That's got to be a Wind Eagle!"

"Definitely, it's incredibly stylish and striking!"

"Who could be riding a Wind Eagle as a mount?"

"It looks like it's Instructor Qian Hee from the University of Northwich! I've heard his mount is a Wind Eagle!"

"Yes, that's Qian Hee, a Seven-circle Beastmaster, Level 213, and an expert with avian beasts. His profession might not be top-tier, but his entrance sure is spectacular!"

A buzz of excitement swept through the crowd at the city gate, their gazes filled with envy as the Wind Eagle flew by.

"A Wind Eagle, that's a Level 210 World Boss, right? Lord Level grade, with equipment at the orange dark gold level. Just a notch below mythical beasts. Using it as a mount is quite the feat!"

Faang Chen mused internally.

Both were Beastmasters, yet the gap between them was vast.

Nonetheless, he was confident that in time, his own achievements would rival, if not surpass, those of Instructor Qian.

Maybe one day, I'll snag myself a stylish bug to ride around on.

But I wonder if any of these bugs actually look cool...

Lei Yang and the others were drawn to the spectacle, but Faang Chen couldn't be bothered with them and turned to leave.

Just then, a sudden uproar erupted among the crowd.

"Look, what's that over there!"

"Is that purple mist? It's not toxic, is it?"

"It's drifting over from Wolfman Mountain!"

"Someone check if it's poisonous!"

Faang Chen turned to look.

He was instantly petrified by what he saw.

A vast expanse of poisonous mist was indeed billowing from Wolfman Mountain.

That mist was all too familiar to him; he had created it with his mini noxious insect.

Why was it drifting towards Long Hua City?

"Could it be the wind from the Wind Controlling Golden Eagle?"

Faang Chen felt overwhelmed. It seemed like all the excitement was happening at once.

He had assumed the poisonous mist would dissipate on its own, but then Instructor Qian appeared out of nowhere and blew the mist right over.

He was well aware of the potency of this mist.

As the poisonous fog drew nearer, with many still spectating, Faang Chen dashed over.

"Lord Chen, this mist is full of deadly toxins. We need to evacuate everyone immediately!"

Faang Chen yelled.

Upon hearing this, Chen Gang's face went pale, and without questioning Faang Chen's knowledge, he charged toward the mist, calling out.

"Everyone, get out of here! The mist is full of deadly toxins!"

"Move, now!"

Yet, the crowd hesitated, unsure whether to believe the warning.

Chen Gang kept shouting, urging people to get to safety inside the city.

But the poisonous fog was upon them. Chen Gang, caught off guard, felt it graze his finger.

In an instant, those watching from outside the city saw it.

A series of red numbers burst above Chen Gang's head.




As the massive damage numbers flashed, the gravity of the situation hit everyone.

Most of them were fresh from their job change, with health points barely reaching 1,000.

If they were grazed by that poison, it would be instant death.

Chen Gang hastily backed away, watching his health points dwindle. Without hesitation, he pulled out a health potion and downed it.

But his complexion grew increasingly ghostly as he chugged an entire ten bottles.

Finally, he slumped to the ground, his face deathly white.

By then, the city's protective barrier had been raised, keeping the toxic mist at bay.

Chen Gang rose, his face still ashen.

"Thanks for the heads-up, kid. That poison fog is lethal!"

"I need to figure out which master of poisons is lurking nearby and alert the City Lord immediately!"

With that, Chen Gang hurried off.

The onlookers turned ashen at his words.

"A master of poisons? That's an understatement. This fog is carried by the wind, and it's supposed to be the weakest strain, yet it's this devastating!"

"Exactly. Guard Chen used the health potions issued by the Guard Army. Each one restores 3,000 health points!"

"He downed ten bottles in one go. Even though he's just a One-circle pharmacist, with his level 35 gear, he should have at least five thousand HP!"

"Are you suggesting he lost over thirty thousand HP just from a brief encounter with the poison fog?"

"Judging by his pallor, yes. The poison is insanely potent. A mere touch cost him over 30,000 points. If he were engulfed by that fog, I doubt even a Three-circle practitioner would survive!"

"It's not just Three-circle practitioners at risk. Guard Chen's HP was draining non-stop. This poison has a duration effect. I bet even Four-circle practitioners couldn't endure it!"

"If Four-circle can't hold up, then the poisoner must be at least a Six-circle Poison Master!"

"It's terrifying, utterly terrifying. When did such a formidable poison master come to Gloomrock City? I need to get home!"

"Me too, I'm heading home!"

Panic swept through the city gates.

Even Faang Chen noticed Lei Yang and the others shaking uncontrollably.

They had been dangerously close to the poison fog; a moment's delay and they might have been reduced to wraiths.

"This poison mist ability is far too strong. We should definitely use it far from the city in the future!"

Faang Chen felt a shiver of fear in his heart. If he had accidentally harmed any of the city's residents, his guilt would have been immense.

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