Everyone Is Beast Tamer/C8 He Took Advantage of the Situation and the Mission of Onecircle Was Completed
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Everyone Is Beast Tamer/C8 He Took Advantage of the Situation and the Mission of Onecircle Was Completed
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C8 He Took Advantage of the Situation and the Mission of Onecircle Was Completed

"Little Su, what brings you here?"

Faang Chen's face lit up with a smile upon spotting Su Muyu.

"There was such a commotion outside the city, I just had to check it out."

"I never expected to run into you. Are you coming from the auction house?"

Su Muyu inquired.

"Yes," Faang Chen confirmed.

"You've got to be kidding me. The auction house selling a Zerg Insect Guide? That's something you'd find in a general store."

"Good thing I picked up an extra copy earlier, thinking I might switch to being a Zerg Beastmaster. It's of no use to me now, so here, it's yours!"

Su Muyu said with a grin, handing over the Zerg Insect Guide.

"Surprised I knew you were looking for a Zerg Insect Guide?"

"I did my research. A Summoner seeks a Summoning Guide, and a Beastmaster needs a Beastmaster Guide. For a Zerg Beastmaster, it's the Zerg Insect Guide."

"Pretty clever, huh?" she beamed, fishing for compliments.

Faang Chen replied, "I'm not surprised by that, but what does intrigue me is whether you really bought the Zerg Insect Guide because you were worried about becoming a Zerg Beastmaster, or if it was intentional..."

His gaze fixed on Su Muyu, causing her cheeks to flush with color.

"I... I certainly bought it in advance. What, did you think I bought it especially for you?"

"You're not my boyfriend," she protested, her face growing even redder. Faang Chen chuckled and offered her some money.

"Why are you giving me money?" Su Muyu was taken aback.

"I'm not your boyfriend; it wouldn't be right to just take it without paying."

"Plus, I'm not a fan of being in someone's debt," Faang Chen said with a smile.

Hearing this, Su Muyu's smile shone like the moon.

"Well, you're stuck with this favor now! I won't take your money."

Faang Chen sighed in resignation.

"Miss Su, if you insist on this, people might start thinking I'm living off a woman."

"Is that such a bad thing? I'd be happy to support you... Ah, no, what I mean is, it's all about everyone being happy, right?"

Su Muyu stumbled over her words, flustered.

While they were in the midst of conversation, an unexpected voice cut through the air.

"Look who it is, the top student Faang Chen. What's the matter? Can't afford an Insect Extraction Guide? Need the school belle to gift it to you?"

"How could you shamelessly accept it?"

"Already learning to live off someone else right after your job transition, huh?"

Faang Chen and Su Muyu turned to see Lei Yang and his group approaching.

"What business is it of yours? I gave it to him as a gift. Since when is there an issue with classmates exchanging graduation presents?" Su Muyu retorted, clearly irritated.

Faang Chen simply gave Lei Yang a faint smile, choosing to remain silent.

Lei Yang stepped forward, smirking. "Exchanging gifts among classmates is fine, of course. But I worry some people have been poor for so long, they can't help but cling to any sweetness they taste."

"Be careful, school beauty Su Muyu. You might find someone sticking to you that you can't shake off."

"It's my choice. What's it to you?" Su Muyu snapped back, visibly annoyed.

Faang Chen, still silent, stood by.

Lei Yang was seething inside. The girl he fancied was defending Faang Chen, and it irked him greatly.

"Is a grown man like you only brave enough to hide behind a woman?"

At that, Faang Chen actually chuckled and positioned himself behind Su Muyu, a move that left her momentarily speechless.


Faang Chen grinned. "Since everyone thinks I'm living off a woman, might as well embrace it. You've got to protect me now!"

"Pfft... You're insufferable," Su Muyu burst out laughing, unable to resist Faang Chen's humor.

"You really have no shame. How did I never notice your talent for thick-skinned antics before?" Lei Yang sneered.

Faang Chen just laughed it off. "How could someone like you, who can't even find anyone to mooch off, understand the joy of it? Especially when it's from a wealthy and beautiful school belle?"

Lei Yang's face turned a livid shade of green.

Hearing this, Su Muyu couldn't help but laugh behind her hand. "Well then, handsome Faang, I'll treat you to a meal at my place. Let's go!"

With that, Su Muyu took Faang Chen by the hand and they walked away, leaving Lei Yang and his taunts behind.

Lei Yang was so infuriated by the scene before him that he was on the verge of exploding.

Zhang Dong and the others looked on with unmistakable envy.

"I'd love to be kept by a school beauty too! And this one's a little heiress to boot!"

"Absolutely. If I ever find one, I'd cling to her even if it killed me!"

"You're pathetic!"

Lei Yang snapped coldly, prompting Zhang Dong and another to hastily wipe the drool from their lips.


On the road.

"Who knew you had such a talent for driving people crazy!" Su Muyu said with a chuckle.

Faang Chen replied earnestly, "I mean it. When have I ever been anyone's kept man?"

"Well... if you really want to, my dad has hired a group of mercenaries to help me level up tonight. By tomorrow afternoon, I should be ready to hit the One-circle. Want to join?"

Su Muyu's cheeks were tinged with a blush, her eyes hopeful.

Faang Chen laughed, "Why bother with leveling up when I've got a wealthy woman to take care of me? I'm all about the easy life. Besides, I'm counting on you to protect me."

"Okay!" Su Muyu actually nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, Faang Chen grinned and said, "Let's call it a night; it's getting late. And about the leveling up—I was just teasing. I can handle it on my own. As for the Insect Extraction Guide, I won't pay you back. I owe you one, so you don't run off with some other rich guy."

"You're terrible!" Su Muyu playfully hit Faang Chen before taking her leave.

The Insect Extraction Guide wasn't worth much, and with the heiress being so forward, Faang Chen wasn't about to refuse her generosity.

Back at home, Faang Chen grabbed a quick bite and dove into the Insect Explanation Illustration.

The guide detailed the majority of known insects, from their levels and ratings to comprehensive descriptions.

Take the mini noxious insect, for instance: classified as Mythical, it carries a lethal toxin and releases a cloud of poison as a countermeasure when under mass attack.

The swarm numbered over ten thousand, each with a venom of extraordinary lethality. Moreover, the adult mini noxious insects boasted high attack power, and despite their weaker defenses, their overall combat capabilities had attained mythical status.

Upon reading the description, Faang Chen gained a fresh insight into the mini noxious insects.

He then proceeded to familiarize himself with other insects' profiles.

Since he would be in the company of these insects from now on, it was only natural for him to learn as much as he could about them.

The night passed in silence.

The following morning, Faang Chen made his way to the job-changing hall's entrance at the crack of dawn.

Gloomrock had just this one job-changing hall, where, post high school graduation, all subsequent job-changing tasks were to be undertaken.

Professionals were entitled to a job-changing mission every thirty levels.

To date, the record for the most job changes was held by a Nine-circle professional at level 269.

Whether a Ten-circle existed remained a mystery, as no one had yet reached level 299.

Faang Chen was there to undertake his level 29 One-circle mission.

"Hello, I've come to change my job!"

Upon entering the hall, Faang Chen immediately announced his intent.

The mentor, a strikingly beautiful woman, smiled and handed him an information sheet.

"Please fill this out."

Without delay, Faang Chen completed the form and returned it within two minutes.

"You're a Zerg Beastmaster?"

"And you graduated from high school just yesterday?"

The mentor looked at him, visibly surprised.

Hadn't Beastmasters been labeled the weakest?

How had this young man managed to come for a job change in just a single day?

Could he be the scion of a prominent family?

It certainly seemed likely!

"Is there an issue?"

Faang Chen inquired.

The mentor's awkward smile quickly turned into reassurance.

"No issue at all! The job-changing stone is currently available!"

"You can head straight over."

"Once you place your palm on it, the system will guide you through the process."

"Best of luck!"

Faang Chen responded with a smile and a nod.

The mentor's warmth and courtesy stood in stark contrast to the distant and reserved figures often depicted on forums.

Without giving it further thought, Faang Chen approached the job-changing stone.

As soon as his palm made contact, he was enveloped in a glow and vanished from sight.

Soon after she reemerged, she was surprised to find three pathways materializing before her.

Simultaneously, a voice echoed in her mind.

Ding! Are you prepared to embark on the One-circle mission?

Select 'Yes' to commence with a randomly assigned One-circle mission!

Select 'No' to be teleported out of the job-changing hall!

Without a moment's hesitation, Faang Chen decisively chose "Yes!"

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