Evil God Of Another World/C17 017 Manufacture of Pills
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Evil God Of Another World/C17 017 Manufacture of Pills
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C17 017 Manufacture of Pills

Wu Jian sat on the rocking chair under the grape arbor at home, leisurely eating the grapes while thinking about the matter of refining pills. Wanting his subordinates to have strength faster, this pill was naturally important, but he couldn't create the True Fire now, but luckily he could still refine some light effect ammunition and use ordinary fire, but the most important thing was the Pill Furnace. Without the Pill Furnace, everything was useless.

"Sixty, where is the best forging place in our Heaven Dragon City?" Wu Jian asked, and Wu Jian quickly said, "North Street, there are a lot of blacksmiths there, and also a lot of famous masters. Young Master, are you going there?" Wu Jian nodded and said, "Lead the way." Along the way, they arrived at the outside of the blacksmith shop. Wu Jian walked in and one of the apprentices knew that Wu Jian was a young master from a rich family when they saw him wear clothes. They immediately asked with a smile: "Young master, what do you want to hit? Whether it's the weapons or the armor, our store can accept orders! "

"Oh, so it's like that. I want to forge something. This is a blueprint. You should talk to your shopkeeper!" Not long later, a middle-aged man came out. He had a full beard and wore an apron, which was pitch black and looked like he had just come out from the fireplace. The man wiped his hands on his clothes, then smiled and said, "Young master, I wonder if you would allow me to see your blueprints?"

Wu Jian gave the blueprint to him and asked: "I want two. How soon can you guys complete them?" The big guy looked carefully, although he didn't know what this thing was used for, but it didn't seem too hard to make, just to be safe, he said three days. Wu Jian didn't pretend, he directly threw out 10 taels of silver and said: "This is the deposit, I'll come to pick it up in three days." After saying that, he left with his people. That apprentice looked at Wu Jian in admiration and thought to himself, "Rich people are indeed different. They start with 10 taels of silver."

"Young master, are you going to play there today?" When he arrived at the Yicui House, everyone knew that this young master had made a big move in the brothel, so naturally no one dared to offend him. Even if they dared to offend him, they could only do so with their eyes closed, and if news of him and Master Young Master Wu stealing the women in the brothel were to spread, then they probably wouldn't need to live anymore. After all, visiting the brothel itself was not a glorious matter, and only Master Young Master Wu would dare to make a move in the brothel!

Why did this guy come again? It seems like there's no shortage of things to do. Those who have a request for Master Young Master Wu also put Master Young Master Wu on the blacklist when they heard about his unreasonable behavior. It has to be said that even the double blush of poetry could not compare to Master Young Master Wu's eyes. They must have been scolded in the past, so when they heard that Master Young Master Wu had arrived, they all began to report their illness!

"Sai Hua Hong, this time I still have to listen to some music, but don't sing it, it would be better if you could play the zither!" No one liked this lord, so it could only be considered secondary. Hopefully this lord didn't know how to appreciate it, so he agreed and went to call for someone. Not long later, a young lady who looked pretty good, carrying a nine profound guqin, walked up.

Young Master Wu didn't actually have much artistic talent, he only knew how to use mechanisms and medical skills, as well as some ways to survive. All of these were taught to him by the old man before his death, but as the soul of a modern man, naturally, he had heard some popular songs before. Listening to this zither music, he felt that it wasn't that great.

"Stop, stop, stop, what are you playing? Sai Hua, you can't possibly have randomly found someone to use it on me, right?" Wu Jian said. At the same time, he thought to himself: "Could this be the so-called 'everyone'?" With this kind of skill, he still dared to offer conditions. What the hell, what kind of bird is this!

Sai Hua Hong was shocked, but pretended to remain calm: "Young Master Wu, the body of the person who played the zither, Li Ru, is affected, so she cannot play the zither. This person's Yicui House is only second to Li Ru's!" Wu Jian knew what she was planning as soon as he saw Hua Hong. However, since he was notorious, he didn't say anything. He just said: "Then let me see the register!" Sai Hua Hong quickly handed over the list. Wu Jian looked at it and said, "Then what about this dance, let this young master see for himself."

With an unsightly expression, Sai Hua said, "I'm sorry, Young Master Wu. She isn't feeling well today." Wu Jian ordered two more, but he was still not feeling well. Suddenly, Wu Jian got angry and shouted: "Don't tell me his body is contagious? Today, this young master will see, you decide, or else, this young master will tear down your Yicui House! "

This was not a joke. This reckless young master could even do such a thing in a brothel. Not to mention anything else, but all these people refused to see Master Young Master Wu.

"What are you still standing there for?" Hurry up and call me over. If you don't call for me, I'll go personally! " Wu Jian snorted in anger as he exclaimed in his heart. The feeling of roaring people was different, how could it be so satisfying. Sai Hua Hong was extremely depressed, it was not that she was unwilling, but she had no other choice, all of these people were extremely proud, if they were angered to the point of walking away, then she would not be able to open her Yicui House.

"Alright, this young master will go personally!" Suddenly, a guard pulled Sai Hua Hong to lead the way. Sai Hua Hong helplessly brought Wu Jian to the dancers' courtyard. At this moment, the dancers were closing their doors to thank their guests. Sai Hua Hong also did not speak.

"Everyone inside, listen carefully and put on an act for me. Otherwise, don't blame me for destroying your small courtyard." Wu Jian said in a domineering manner, causing all the scholars around him to sigh in admiration. The world is no longer the same as it was in the past. A popinjay like him was truly worthy of being punished!

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