Evil God Of Another World/C3
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Evil God Of Another World/C3
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"Haha, congratulations to Elder Marshal for having such a clever grandson." The emperor, Loong Tianxiang, cupped his hands and said. Wu Aotian smiled as he kept his astonished expression and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your praise! In a while, there will be a feast. Loong Tianxiang chuckled and said: "Elder Marshal, I still have a lot of things to do, so I don't think we need to eat this meal." Wu Aotian immediately said, "Then I'll be sending you off, your Majesty!" Loong Tianxiang nodded and strode out!

Following that, the Right Prime Minister, Hai Tinefeng, also cupped his hands and followed him out. The other factions that belonged to the Right Prime Minister also followed them out. The remaining ones were either neutral or fell on the Marshal's side!

Wu Jian, who was carried back, saw that the things he just packed were not in his room. He suddenly became anxious and shouted, "My darling." When the maid who took care of him heard this, she immediately ran to Lee Xiner's room. When Lee Xiner heard that her son was still thinking about the treasure, she didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

When the guests had all dispersed, Wu Aotian came to Wu Jian's room. He saw his darling grandson sleeping with a pile of pearls in his arms. He was stunned for a moment before exiting the room." What's going on? " When Lee Xiner heard her father-in-law's question, she told him in detail. Wu Aotian looked at Wu Jian in the room with a weird expression and said, "Isn't this just becoming a little money grubber?" Everyone looked at each other and laughed. What could a one-month-old child possibly know, so they didn't put it to heart!

"Patriarch, the young master of Wu Family seems to be very handsome, and will definitely become a great enemy for Younger Lord in the future. Should we look for him?" A middle-aged man with a goatee and narrowed eyes said sinisterly, "No way, let's not talk about whether our people will succeed or not, but the impact of this matter is not small. If we really infuriate old man Wu, our Sky Dragon Empire would drop by 30 to 40%, and other empires would definitely take advantage of this situation. Hai Tinefeng hurriedly shook his head. He knew the crux of this matter very well!

"Then we should just let their Wu Family grow freely? Forty years ago, it was precisely because of this that Wu Family was listed as one of the Four Major Families! " The goatee slightly shook as he spoke!

Only the rise of a new clan will benefit the left and right of the royal family, or else all of this chaos will not end well. This is definitely not the time for chaos to occur, furthermore, they have good grandchildren with Wu Family, could it be that the grandson of our Hai Family is only slightly inferior to them? "Let's just wait for a month and see. If that child's martial arts talent is also extremely outstanding, then it would be a completely different story!" Hai Tinefeng said resolutely!

"Your Majesty, how is the young master of Wu Family today?" A dignified looking woman stood beside Loong Tianxiang and asked. Loong Tianxiang frowned and said, "Empress, why are you asking this? You should know that some things are better left alone! " The woman was shocked, but then she calmed herself down and said, "Your Majesty, I only wanted to say that if the young master of Wu Family is able to, then arrange for my family's Little Aoxue to be betrothed to him!"

"Oh, so it's like this, Ouyang Family and Wu Family for marriage. Not bad, good. After all, Wu Family had only just started, and the other three families already had several hundred years of history behind them. Compared to them, the other three families could only be considered as upstart, and the previous emperor made their Wu Family rise in order to average out the three families. Now, if Wu Family and Ouyang combined, their strength would undoubtedly increase by quite a bit, and like this, the other two families would probably settle for a lot! Only in this way could the Royal Family gain access to the resources on both sides and rule with peace of mind! Moreover, Wu Family had always been loyal to the Imperial Family, and the two marshal of the Empire had always protected one side, thus he had great influence in the army.

In just a few minutes, the imperial edict had been prepared. At the same time, Ouyang Family Master Ouyang Liehtian frowned, his own daughter was unquestionably doted upon by tens of thousands of people, it was a bit of a loss to arrange a marriage ceremony with her Wu Family so early on, but the imperial family was very eager to see this, so Ouyang Lieh could only sigh and let her go!

At the Wu Family, "Really? It's actually Ouyang Family's Ouyang Aoxue, little Aoxue, I have seen it before. Although she's still young, she's definitely very compatible with Jianer. The royal family wants us to grow, restrict our Hai Family and Dongfang Family, sigh, our Wu Family is too shallow after all! " Wu Aotian was in the study room. Wu Daming nodded and said, "Anyway, this is a good thing. Let's wait for a month and see how talented our Jianer is in martial arts!"

Hai Tinefeng's face was extremely pale and gloomy. Although he knew that the Imperial Family wanted to increase the size of the Wu Family, there was no need to be so obvious, considering the support the Hai Family gave back then, and now that the Imperial Family was actually so afraid of the three great families, this was not a good sign!

A month passed quickly. During this month, Wu Jian had been cultivating the [Evil God Spell], but his meridians were blocked. He could only slowly refine the Xiantian lifeforce bit by bit. There was no other way!

Today in the Wu Family Hall, Old Man Wu Aotian looked at Wu Jian and said, "Jianer, Grandfather will examine you and see how good your talent is!" Wu Daming and Lee Xiner were also extremely nervous, after all, Wu Jian's martial talent was greatly related to his future growth. After Wu Aotian finished speaking, his body exploded with a gentle blue light, which was the symbol of a strong blue Profound Level expert, and once he mobilized his profound energy, he would display the color of his own strength, which was the standard used to differentiate the profound strength of the continent. From low to high, they were divided into: Elementary Profound, Middle Profound, High Profound, Red Profound, Yellow Profound, and Green Profound, Blue Profound Stage, and Purple Profound! In the continent, purple profound practitioners were also known as Godly Profound Level, and cultivation of profound energy was completely dependent on the color of one's profound energy. Elementary Profound, profound energy was white, middle Profound, and profound energy was light gray.

As the blue colored profound energy entered Wu Jian's body, the old man's face became more and more pale, and in the end, he was defeated and left speechless. Wu Jian naturally knew the reason, because the meridians in his body were blocked, not to mention practicing martial arts, it would be hard for him to live past the age of 20, and for an ordinary person, if his meridians were blocked, he would definitely not live past 20. However, Wu Jian was different, what blocked his meridians was his innate vitality, and not even live past 20!

"Father. "How about it?" Wu Daming asked worriedly. Lee Xiner also had a face full of worry. After Wu Tie reacted, he said, "Impossible, this is impossible. Jianer doesn't look like a short lifespan. Let's try again!" As he spoke, Wu Aotian released his sky blue mystical Qi into Sun Tie's body, but the result was the same. Wu Aotian completely gave up as he fell onto the chair, speechless for a long time.

"Father... What exactly is going on? " Wu Daming's heart was in turmoil. Looking at the old man's expression, one could tell that Zhou Tie's talent was definitely not that great, but it shouldn't be like this. "Ai, I wonder what sin my Wu Family has created to make Sun Tie suffer like this. Ai!" Wu Aotian sighed towards the sky! Then, Liu Tie said, "I never thought that Jianer was born with blocked meridians, and his innate meridians are blocked. Don't even think about practicing martial arts for the rest of your life, even with Godly Profound Master's help to open up your meridians, your achievements are not higher than the middle profound. With all the meridians in his body blocked, it would be hard for him to live past twenty years. "

"What?!" Father, did you investigate wrongly? " Hearing the old man's words, Lee Xiner fainted onto the ground. Wu Daming did not care about what he had said just now, and immediately held Lee Xiner up and said to the servants: "Xiner, Xiner, wake up!"

"Jianer, Jianer. No, my son will not be a blocked meridian! " Xiner muttered as she held Wu Jian in her arms! Wu Jian didn't feel good at the moment. He wanted to tell them the truth, but what was the meaning of this? Was he born in a daze? This was because the silly woman's body had absorbed life essence, causing her meridians to be blocked!

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