Evil Master/C13 Twelve Meridians
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Evil Master/C13 Twelve Meridians
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C13 Twelve Meridians

Yan Xiaowen panicked. If he left, what if that bastard Pirlo asked me to fight?

It can't be possible for me to go on stage myself, right?

"Brother Duan, I don't seem to have a car to drive at night, why are we going to that place in the sea where there's no shit?" "How nice it is to be in Shu, it is a pleasant place to be, spring comes in all seasons, and there are plenty of beauties, but it is a place to be happy."

Yan Xiaowen asked, "But I wonder when Brother Duan will be back?" "You and I are like old friends at first sight. If we leave now, we will miss it in our hearts."

/p p Hang your sister!

Duan Hong looked down on this guy who doesn't seem to be the same on the surface and said: "When are you coming back? I don't know, maybe three or five days, maybe — three or five years. "

/p p "Ah!"

Yan Xiaowen jumped up in excitement. He forgot that he was in a car. His head hit the roof with a "pa" sound and tears flowed out of his eyes due to the pain.

/p p "Brother Duan, you-"

What if Duan Hong didn't come back for three to five years?

Promise Pirlo to fight before looking for someone?

Since Pirlo took Duan Hong's video, he definitely has the confidence to come find me. If it was anyone else, they would only lose.

Yan Xiaowen probed, "Brother Duan, I wonder if you'll be able to beat this Black Fist?"

Duan Hongsao: One punch is 10,000, but I've already won one. Next time, I'll be awarded 40,000 yuan.

He was just about to say fight, but when he saw Yan Xiaowen's eager gaze, his heart trembled: Why is this guy so concerned? Could it be that he's just betting on my victory?

He had such a big building, and such a good car, did he still care about the money?

"Cough, cough, Boss Yan, you said that you and I are close at first sight, at the very least, we should treat each other with sincerity. It seems like you did something behind my back?"

Duan Hong's eyes were like daggers as he stared intently at Yan Xiaowen.

"Hehe, it's like this. I won't hide it from Brother Duan, I know a person with United States of America, that's Oak's boss. He said that he thinks highly of you, and since He He is betting on you to challenge you, I will personally agree on your behalf."

Duan Hong thought: It's not like I'm at a disadvantage in boxing anyway, I'll run if I can't beat him.

/p p Right away, he agreed.

If not for Duan Hong's cold eyes, Yan Xiaowen would have kissed Duan Hong's face out of joy.

Under the bright light, Duan Hong saw a bald man dressed in flirty clothes talking to a waitress in the hall.

From time to time, a delicate burst of laughter could be heard.

/p p "Miss, how about I do a magic trick for you?"

/p p "Alright, how do I play?"

/p p "Hehe, this requires the two of us to work together."

/p p "How should I cooperate?"

Duan Hong sighed and kicked the ground.

"F * ck, didn't I see you trying to take advantage of me? What did you do, Shi-jie? I've been waiting for you for a long time, so I went around looking for someone to take a look for my little sister."

He was wearing a pink suit, shiny pointed black shoes, and a red tie. His eyebrows and hair were charred, and he had even drawn a pair of curved willow leaf eyebrows with a pencil.

/p p "You — where did you get this?"

Duan Hong pointed at his clothes and asked.

Senior Brother, Boss Yan was pretty good, of course he gave you this shirt. He was embarrassed to see my clothes get burnt, so after you left, you should leave." He told someone to take me shopping and buy some decent ones. Look, these are Arzini's. I never thought that my demeanor back then would recover so quickly.

Duan Hong felt a bit tired, so he said: "Let's go back to the sea tomorrow. Don't mess around, otherwise, we'll stab you with a big spoon."

After saying that, he went back to his room, put down a tub of water, took out the silver flask from his bag, and dripped a drop into the water.

Duan Hong took off his clothes and soaked his whole body in the water. The Pendant on his neck turned as red as blood the moment he entered the water.

Duan Hong, who was resting with his eyes closed, naturally didn't notice this.

The pores all over his body expanded as he crazily absorbed the medicine in the liquid while simultaneously discharging the impurities from his body.

For four years, he had soaked himself in the liquid every night, summer or winter.

All of this was the doing of Master KU Cao. During Ku Chan Temple, he required Duan Hong to soak in the wine he brewed every day, one of the reasons being to refine Duan Hong's body.

As time passed by, Duan Hong had gotten used to this method that allowed him to instantly wear out his body. He recalled the fight with Oak just now.

Whether it was the Dragon Seizing Hand or the Lotus Codex, he used 100% of his inner strength. This was Duan Hong's first time fighting with an outsider, so he didn't expect the other party's body to be so weak.

Normally, when he fought with the two old monks at Ku Chan Temple, he would be beaten like a pig and then thrown into the wine vat to recover.

He had always thought that his martial arts weren't very good. He didn't know if Oak was too weak or if he was too strong, but he was actually able to kill him in one move.

However, to be able to die under the Lotus Codex, it was more than enough.

Among all living beings, only the lotus flower out of mud, Zhilong but not the demon, evolution of the human mind, the building of human sentiment.

As he chanted the Lotus Codex chant, he felt the energy contained within the Wumu Divine Wine enter into his body through his pores. The scattered energy followed the flow of his blood and gradually gathered into a small snake that continuously swam within his body.

The blood snake followed the flow of the inner strength in his body. Perhaps Duan Hong had used too much strength in his right fist today, so he subconsciously directed the blood snake to his right arm.

The blood snake also seemed to like this kind of exercise very much. Starting from its heart, its speed suddenly accelerated. Like a needle, it pierced through the acupoints on his arm such as Ji Quan, Qing Ling, and Shaohai, directly rushing up the two acupoints on Shaofu and Shaochong.

/p The two acupuncture points were located on the right pinky.

/p p "Ah!"

Duan Hong suddenly cleared his throat and shouted loudly.

The blood snake shot out from Shaochong Acupoint. At the same time, his entire right arm felt much more relaxed, and he was also much more sensitive towards controlling it.

Duan Hong sat up and stared blankly at his right arm. In his mind, he remembered Second Master's twelve meridians. He slowly raised his right pinky and carefully recalled the route the blood snake had taken.

Duan Hong was overjoyed. Second Master really didn't lie to me. A human's meridians can be opened. I wonder if I'll be able to open all twelve meridians.

Would it be like Second Master's Lotus Seal, which could release a total of twenty-one petals on three levels?

If I can execute the Lotus Seal, wouldn't a small Xu Family be easy to obtain?

/p p

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