Evil Master/C15 Fortuitous Encounter
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Evil Master/C15 Fortuitous Encounter
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C15 Fortuitous Encounter

At the highway in the sea, an extended version of the Lincoln sped through the air.

This extended version of the Lincoln was quite rare on ordinary roads, and it was usually used to greet distinguished guests at major ceremonies or as a wedding car.

Inside the car, Wu Steelhand held the glass in his hand while waiting for the heat to reach for a glass of wine. The wine that Yan Xiaowen had in his car was pretty good.

After dinner last night, two people with excess energy packed their luggage and got into the Lincoln. In addition, Yan Xiaowen specially found a driver for them in the Golden Cauldron.

/p p This kind of car isn't suitable for you to drive.

Realizing Fever praised Yan Xiaowen for his thoughtfulness, he asked him if there was enough food in the carriage.

Yan Xiaowen endured his heartache and asked Lao Liu, the chauffeur, to bring him some bottles of 82-year-old red wine, and at the same time gave him two boxes of Cuban cigars.

Before he left, Yan Xiaowen gave Duan Hong two cell phones as a way to contact him.

It was light enough for the Lincoln to be on the highway from Cusu to the sea, and it was estimated that it would reach its destination by the afternoon.

Duan Hong felt his heartache quicken after leaving for six years. He couldn't wait to return home!

Pirlo's blue eyes were bloodshot as he stared at the screen of the fight between Duan Hong and Oak. It was very short, only taking three seconds, but he had already watched Liu Tie's moves more than a hundred times, constantly playing them back and forth.

/p p "Which one of you can beat him?"

Pirlo stirred the coffee in his cup and looked at the row of muscular men standing in front of him. These people all came from the Siberia training camp and normally trained in Pirlo's private training ground.

Seeing that everyone in front of him was looking down, Pirlo smashed his coffee cup on the TV monitor and cursed: "Fuck, trash! You bunch of pigs, other than eating, what else can you do? What use do I need you for? "

Ferdinand ran in from outside, holding a stack of information in his hand, and said submissively, "Master, I found someone, he should be able to beat that Devilish Eater."

"Oh, my dear Ferdinand, you wouldn't tell me that this is America's grill fire, right? I said before that we can't use this kind of power in combat, it's just like a ferocious lion hunting wild rabbits. It doesn't have any passion."

"Master, I swear with my life that they are not the fire of the grill in our country. They are from the east, and they have a power hidden in the shadows. In the Eastern language, they are called ninjas."

Pirlo took the documents from Ferdinand and opened a few pages.

Duan Hong sneezed three times in the car, rubbed his nose and cursed, "Who the hell cursed me?"

After which, he opened the window.

A hot wind blew into the car. It was damn hot.

Duan Hong spat out a mouthful of red wine.

Realizing Fever praised Yan Xiaowen for his thoughtfulness, he asked him if there was enough food in the carriage.

/p p "Hu!"

A red Audi TT sped by, the red wine all over the front windshield of the TT.

/p p "Chi!"

The TT suddenly slowed down, causing the car to sway and almost crash into the Lincoln.

Duan Hong was shocked. He immediately retracted his head and closed the window, but he kept looking out through the window.

Realizing that Duan Hong had been staring outside, he also looked over curiously, and found that the TT had steadily caught up with them. Through the window, he could vaguely see that it was a woman driving.

Realizing Fever praised Yan Xiaowen for his thoughtfulness, he asked him if there was enough food in the carriage.

Realizing Fever praised Yan Xiaowen for his thoughtfulness, he asked him if there was enough food in the carriage.

Realizing Fever praised Yan Xiaowen for his thoughtfulness, he asked him if there was enough food in the carriage.

At the moment, the TT was parallel to the Lincoln on the left. One hundred and two hours was nothing for a good sports car. The TT window was open.

Duan Hong saw a woman driving through the window. She had wavy hair, big sunglasses that covered half of her face, fair skin, and a small mouth that was raised high above her nose. She was wearing a pair of black sunglasses that stared at the heat of enlightenment.

Hey beauty, we met on the highway, fate has brought us together!

Realizing that he had maintained a very handsome appearance, Ye Chen's eyebrows twitched a few times at the same time.

Duan Hong felt a wave of helplessness. He looked at the huge scene in the train and thought to himself as he picked up the bottle of wine and stabbed it.

Ow! Ow!

Yutang screamed, its two small eyes popping out, its mouth wide open to reveal a mouthful of yellow teeth.

At this moment, a bag of items flew out from inside the TT coach and landed on his face with a "pa" sound.

/p p "Pervert!"

As soon as she shouted, the TT closed the window and instantly sped away past the Lincoln.

Why?" Su Bai turned his head away from the window. He looked at Duan Hong, who was holding a bottle of wine, and asked in shock, "Shixiong, why?

/p p "Hahaha."

Duan Hong laughed loudly when he saw the banana peel stuffed into his mouth, the apple peel hanging from his ears, and the wet paper scraps on his head.

The woman in the red wine he had vomited on the TT car must have thought it was the fever of enlightenment.

Wow, you're — poking me with a bottle, and you're laughing at me.

"Chase! Catch that red car! I'm going to rape and kill that girl first! I'll use a bottle of wine to stab her as well!" he shouted to the driver.

Realizing Fever praised Yan Xiaowen for his thoughtfulness, he asked him if there was enough food in the carriage.

With a slight shake of his hand, a ball of fire appeared. He glared at the driver and asked, "You — why aren't you chasing me? Do you look down on me?

The chauffeur's face was filled with panic as he weakly said, "Big brother, this is already the fastest one. If it's boss's S600, it might be fine, but this car …"

Duan Hong regained his senses and blew out the flames in one breath. He touched his head and said, "Forget it, forget it. It's not your fault. It's my fault."

Duan Hong was the one who comforted him. He sat back down and said, "It's a deal. You can't tell anyone about what happened today. Otherwise, I'll go against you!

Duan Hong held back his laughter and said, "Alright, don't say it, don't say it."

In his heart, he thought, "It would be weird if I didn't say anything."

After the car drove for a while, Duan Hong's eyelids felt a little heavy. Firstly, he didn't sleep well at night. Coupled with the fact that he drank a lot of wine, he fell asleep in the car.

In his dreams, he actually dreamt about his family. Eldest Uncle Duan Beiping actually stood up again, and the two of them ran to the snow to practice their martial arts — — — Just when Duan Hong was feeling happy, an ear-piercing scream woke him up.

"Big Brother, Big Brother, Boss, look, it's that car."

The driver shouted excitedly. He could clearly see the scene from the rearview mirror.

Duan Hong immediately sat up. Through the window, he saw that the red TT car was smoking and parked by the side of the road with the flashing lights on.

A young girl was standing beside him, wearing a pair of black sunglasses. The sunlight shined upon her face, causing it to turn slightly red. She wore a black miniskirt, tight thighs, and a pair of loafers as she stomped on the ground.

Her car broke down!

/p p

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