Evolution Crisis/C18 Relieving Resentment(part Ii)
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Evolution Crisis/C18 Relieving Resentment(part Ii)
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C18 Relieving Resentment(part Ii)

"I won't waste my time talking to you anymore. Let me take a closer look at their pictures! I haven't seen them for a few years. As the saying goes, women change at the age of eighteen and become more and more beautiful. Let me see how they are now. " As he spoke, Wen Zhang took the photo and looked at it carefully.

Sima Wenloong also came over and said, "I'll come too, let's take a look." Wen Zhang ignored him and looked intently at the photo.

Looking at the deep footprints on the ground, he could see a vast forest in the distance. Others might not know, but Wen Zhang was very clear that it was the famous Magic Beast Forest, which could be considered as having lived there for more than ten years, so Wen Zhang had a pretty good understanding of it. No matter the weather, the Magic Beast Forest was always a lush and verdant scene.

They were playing in the snow now, making a huge snowman, its shape already out, its huge oval body, its round fat head covered with eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, and even ears, all in strange ornaments, and it seemed to take a lot of thought. Facing their successful works, the two of them were overjoyed.

Her pretty face was small and delicate, well-proportioned, and the happy smile on her face made her whole person exude a youthful and lively aura. Although her small figure was wrapped in a leather coat, she still had a curvaceous and exquisite figure, a good devilish body, and her temperament was no worse than any other person he had ever seen. He remembered that when he was young, his sister was the favorite of the village, and many boys would always surround her.

The boy from back then had completely grown up now, he was tall and sturdy, his skin had a hint of bronze color, and it seemed that he had gotten more exercise. He knew that his brother had inherited his mother's family of Beast-Transformation Warriors, so it was not surprising that he had become like this after so many years. However, other than looking a bit young, it seemed that he had grown up to be even more mature than Sima Wenloong, and just as Sima Wenloong said, he was much more handsome than him.

He could faintly see that the strong muscles on his body were currently working on the snowman without a hint of fear. His face was also brimming with a simple and honest smile, the picture taken by the handsome man and the beautiful woman were not bad, it seemed that the two of them had taken the photo with great care, and the person who took the photo had also chosen the best moment with great care.

While Wen Zhang was looking at the photo, Sima Wenloong was also carefully observing Wen Zhang. He wanted to see how Wen Zhang looked at the photo and finally saw his surprised expression. It seemed that his brother and sister had changed a lot in the past few years.

His eyes seemed to be brighter than before, especially when he was focused. He had a feeling of being able to pierce through people's hearts, unlike the previous feeling of not having any spirit at all, and his mental state was also much better than before. If not for the fact that he was so familiar with Wen Zhang, he really wouldn't have been able to see through it.

He was an ordinary person, so he naturally didn't know that this was the result of his advancement. In fact, this was the result of Wen Zhang hiding his strength, although he could hide the change in his strength, but there were some details that he couldn't hide even if he wanted to.

"Why do I feel like you've changed a lot in these few days I haven't seen you?" Because there were some small changes, although Sima Wenloong noticed it, he wasn't sure. Thus, he asked with a hesitant tone, which was the reason he wasn't confident.

"After not seeing it for two or three days, how big of a change could there be? It's still the same as before, how could there be any changes. Maybe it's because I'm a bit happier today, so I should be a bit more spirited. " Wen Zhang tried his best to dilute the issue. However, for this change, it was hard for a normal person like Sima Wenloong to explain it clearly.

"Pretty much. It's just that I feel a little bit different from before." Sima Wenloong didn't really know what to say, he just felt that something was wrong. He continued to ask: "Do you have such heavy snow often?" Because of his location and other factors, there was rarely any snow on the Xinghai. Even if it were just a little bit, it would have melted immediately, so the snow scene was still very fresh for him.

"Hmm, our place is towards the north and it snows heavily every year. Moreover, the snow in many places has never melted. It's completely different from this place. I've been here for two years, but I've never seen snow here." Wen Zhang's tone was filled with a hint of gentleness. Home is still the best!

"Then I must go over and have a look when I get the chance. Oh right, you haven't introduced them to me yet. What are their names?" He had always been interested in beauties, but had lost all interest in handsome men. However, if handsome men and beautiful women were siblings, then he had nothing to reject.

Only then did Wen Zhang remember, he pointed at the photo and said: "If you didn't say it, I would have forgotten, my younger brother is Wen Shanqing, and my sister is Wen Yuxin. They probably haven't changed, right? "The change was really big, I almost couldn't recognize it. Shan Qing was only average in size before, she wasn't that strong, and I didn't expect her to be so pretty now, more so than before, but she was always a pretty girl." His words were filled with an inescapable sense of pride.

Yeah, I really couldn't tell, you were a family with them, could it be that your parents were biased, gave them all the good genes, and gave the rest to you, but not the other way around, you're the boss, what's going on, your brother and sister look so outstanding, you look so ordinary, it's really weird! Since the two of them were too familiar with each other, Sima Wenloong was unscrupulous when he spoke to tease Wen Zhang. However, the gap between the three of them seemed really big. It really didn't seem like the three siblings at all!

If it was before, Wen Zhang would be unhappy to hear this, but now that the knot in his heart has been resolved and he had another encounter, there was nothing to complain about anymore. He smiled and said: "Go to hell! It doesn't look like it. Look at how we don't look like it, we are like real siblings, why are you jealous that I have such an outstanding younger brother and sister! "

Actually, Sima Wenloong only has beauties in his eyes. He smiled strangely, twitched his mouth and said, "Of course not, your sister is so beautiful. If she looks like you, then it's over! The heavens truly have eyes. They have preserved an extra beauty for the world. "

Knowing his bad habit, Wen Zhang said to her fiercely: "I'm warning you, you're not allowed to have any ideas about my sister. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

Sima Wenloong didn't care about his threats at all. He waved his hand and said, "Let's talk about that later. Oh right, when will they come over?" Obviously, he would not give up his target because of Wen Zhang's threat.

After thinking for a while, he gave a nonchalant smile and said, "You might be disappointed this time. The two of them are not here yet. They will only come back after the first batch of people have successfully logged in." They might have already left the Xinghai by then, so naturally, they wouldn't have to worry about Sima Wenloong, the playboy, having plans for his sister.

"I didn't come over. Then why am I writing to you?" Sima Wenloong said in disappointment. He knew that such a beautiful lady was coming, but he also knew when they would come. Wouldn't it be hard to hang him here? It would be better if he didn't know.

Wen Zhang had already seen through his thoughts. He smiled and said, "The first batch of people have arrived. They hope that I can help them when I have the time. They tell you that there are beauties here, and they aren't any worse than my sister." Wen Zhang was also a bit cynical as he wanted to use someone else to distract Sima Wenloong's attention.

Sure enough, the moment Sima Wenloong heard about beauties, he immediately became spirited and asked excitedly, "When will they arrive? I'll come with you to pick them up. "

The date was marked at the end. At first, Wen Zhang didn't pay attention to the details, so he opened the letter. The two of them looked at it and were surprised. It turned out to be today, the plane they were on had arrived.

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