Evolution Paradise In Doomsday/C17 Blood Corpses
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Evolution Paradise In Doomsday/C17 Blood Corpses
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C17 Blood Corpses

Fight to the death!

Chu Feng didn't say anything, he just rushed forward.


Zhang Ziqing shouted to encourage herself and followed closely behind.

"That is..."

"Wuwuwu... It is Chu Feng!"

"Chu Feng!"

" Quick, save me... "

Among these people, Among these people, there were a few students who had previously been in the multimedia room. Now that they saw Chu Feng, they began to cry. They were screaming for help.

The Bloody Corpse heard Chu Feng's angry roar.


She stopped moving and pointed her long nails at Chu Feng. She let out a strange laugh, as if she was mocking Chu Feng for overestimating himself.

The supermarket Bloody Corpse was destroyed. The base that Chu Feng had planned for was gone.

This was one of the reasons.

If he did not kill the medicinal Bloody Corpses now, Chu Feng would be killed by the medicinal Bloody Corpses that grew up sooner or later.

This was the second reason.

As for the third reason...

It was also the most important reason why Chu Feng rushed forward without hesitation.

The medicinal Bloody Corpses of medicinal crystal cores...

It should be enough to increase his origin energy by a large amount!

In the apocalypse, strength was the foundation!

Chu Feng licked the corner of his mouth.

When he rushed in front of the Bloody Corpse, he jumped up high and chopped down with his huge axe.

The Bloody Corpse had a common point with ordinary Zombies. Their brains were their weaknesses!

Chu Feng's attack was also very clean and efficient.

With an extremely fast speed, he swung his saber and immediately chopped down domineeringly.

If it was an ordinary Zombie, it would naturally die without a doubt.

Unfortunately, she was a medicinal Bloody Corpse, and she had already devoured hundreds of similar species and nearly a hundred human medicinal Bloody Corpses. Right now, she was far more powerful than ordinary medicinal Zombies by who knew how many times.

s didn't move at all, allowing Chu Feng's axe to strike down. In that instant, they suddenly raised their hands.

Catch the white blade with bare hands!

No, catching the axe with its bare hands!

The huge axe weighed more than 10 jin, and it was even speeding up and running. Under the circumstances of leaping high into the air and hacking down, the Bloody Corpse raised its hand and blocked him.

However, her body still took a few steps back.

Even so, she was not injured at all.

The strength of her body had already reached the standard of a Rank Two Corpse!

Chu Feng immediately had an idea.

This medicinal Bloody Corpse had already advanced to Tier 2.

And the giant axe was just an ordinary weapon in the end. Hot steam emitted from the medicinal Bloody Corpse's hands. It was actually melting forcefully. Moreover, the head of the axe already had an obvious trend of becoming soft.

Chu Feng had just landed on the ground when he hurriedly pulled out the axe.

Currently, this axe was still his most reliable weapon. He could not just die like this.

At the same time, the other hand of the Bloody Corpse had already pierced from below, aiming straight for Chu Feng's heart.

"Quickly use the Water Screen Shield!"

The moment Chu Feng pulled out the huge axe, he shouted at the people behind him.

Zhang Ziqing had been waiting for this moment. When she heard Chu Feng's shout, she waved her hand and gathered the Essence Qi of Heaven and Earth with a thought.

A sparkling green water screen shield appeared beside Chu Feng.


The water screen shield rippled, but it still barely blocked the Bloody Corpse's attack. However, its trembling appearance was not hard to tell that as long as it did it again, it would definitely be broken.

Chu Feng said in his heart, 'Good!' Although this girl had big breasts, she was not so brainless. Her comprehension ability was also considered decent. She was actually much stronger than Zhao Fann. She did not waste a lot of Yuan Qi on this superpower spell.

"Summon Water Fairy guards!"

After shouting, Chu Feng moved to the right at the same time. The giant axe in his right hand slashed upwards.

"Kekeke... Kekeke..."

The Bloody Corpse laughed strangely and mocked Chu Feng, but it still didn't give up. It had already tried once. It was useless. It actually wanted to try again?

She pressed her hands down in disdain, wanting to completely destroy Chu Feng's weapon!

Chu Feng's combat experience was very rich. Of course he knew that this move might not be useful.

Therefore, this was not Chu Feng's real move.

At the same time, the military spear in Chu Feng's left hand flew out quietly and pierced towards the Bloody Corpse's head.



Two sounds.

"That... only a Second Grade Adept can summon a Water Fairy guard..."

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows when he heard that. After all, he was not a Water Type Special Ability warrior. He had only seen it before. He had fought a Water Type Special Ability warrior before, and had been a teammate. He didn't know the exact level of the skill very well.

"Then watch for yourself!"

At this time, Wuxia cared about Zhang Ziqing.

Because of the force, Chu Feng's body fell to the ground. The huge ax that he was tightly holding was pressed to the ground by the ten fingers of the Bloody Corpse. The surface of the ax followed the appearance of black gas, and another ten holes appeared!

"This damn corrosion."

Of course, Chu Feng knew what this was.

Bloody Corpse's talent was also a famous skill of Bloody Corpse, Blood Erosion.

Because the Bloody Corpse had the blood of various creatures in its body. There were Zombies and insects. And human, mixed, poisonous, damp, and so on. Toxic and corrosive.

However, she was still a newborn baby after all. Her combat experience could only be used to torture and kill. Even though her strength was extraordinary, she was still one move away from Chu Feng, an experienced old ghost.


It was that saber that pierced into her eyes.

Although she did not have eyes, only her bloody flesh was hanging on her eyes.

Moreover, she did not need to use her eyes to see things.

But this was still one of her weaknesses.

With his rank two corpse race strength, he could only have a slightly stronger body, faster speed, and more powerful innate blood techniques. Moreover, the degree of strengthening on his head was about the same as when he was at rank one. At the very least, it was far from enough to resist the stab of this saber.


"Keke... Keke... Keke...."

Feeling the pain, she continued to laugh strangely.

Rubbing and rubbing, she took a few steps back and forcefully pulled out the saber that she had stabbed into the ground and threw it to the side.

[Water Fairy, speed up protection, show!]

Zhang Ziqing released what she thought was the most suitable superpower spell.

Blue light covered Chu Feng's entire body, and his energy recovery sped up.

It was still alright. Chu Feng secretly praised Zhang Ziqing's talent.

Although Water Fairy's protection was mainly used to defend against fire attacks, the speed of recovery was still useful to Chu Feng.

Next, he was going to use his real killing move.

The most crucial killing move.

Fire exorcism talisman.

Although it was only a basic attribute talisman, in terms of damage, it might not even be as good as Zhao Fann's fireball.

However, the essence of the fire exorcism charm was that fire was concentrated in one body. It was what Chu Feng had mentioned before, breaking the surface with a point.

Wasn't the Bloody Corpse powerful because of its body?


Chu Feng wanted to show off what it meant to crush your strongest and most confident point and make you die unwillingly!


He spat out a mouthful of medicinal Essence Bloods.

The medicinal Essence Talismans appeared in the air at the same time, absorbing the medicinal Essence Bloods.

As Chu Feng waved his finger, the medicinal Essence Bloods began to move about on top of the medicinal Essence Talismans.

In an instant, the talisman was formed.

Chu Feng had drawn this talisman countless times in the past. He was so familiar with it that he could not be more familiar with it.

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