Evolution Paradise In Doomsday/C8 This Is the End of the World!
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Evolution Paradise In Doomsday/C8 This Is the End of the World!
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C8 This Is the End of the World!

This is the end of the world!

"Aren't you going to save them?"

Chu Feng smiled coldly. Save them?

Who is going to save us?

He said frankly, "If you want to get out of the car to save them then go. I won't stop you."


Zhang Ziqing was stunned. She wanted to question Chu Feng, but just as she was about to speak, she swallowed her words.

"In this situation, the Holy Mother's Heart can only let you die faster. Not only can you not save people, but you will also throw yourself in for nothing. Not to mention those white bugs, just the Zombies under those bugs can easily tear your body apart and eat you clean!"

Chu Feng suddenly turned the steering wheel and drove back to the route he came from before. He then said, "In the end, they turned into the excrement of bugs and returned to the embrace of Mother Earth. Is this what you want? "


Zhang Ziqing was still worried and wanted to say something.

Chu Feng looked at her and recalled the memory of being abandoned, framed, and even tried to kill her. He suddenly scolded, "Shut up!"

"If you dare say another word, I will throw you down. I will let you see what the end of the world is and what the end of the world is!"

"I've already said it once, I don't want to repeat it a second time!"

In this apocalypse, not only Zombies and monsters, but other humans were also enemies. Even if it wasn't the post-apocalyptic world, there were already murderers, female murderers, and so on.

Not to mention, at this very moment, it highlighted the cruel reality of a person eating a person. If you weren't more ruthless than others and weren't more ferocious than others, you would only be eaten by others!

A line of clear tears already appeared on Zhang Ziqing's face. She looked at Chu Feng in a daze and said foolishly, "Why are you... able to accept reality so quickly and so clearly? These... these things."

Zhang Ziqing also understood the logic.

After all, she was a university student. As for the topic of human nature, under rational circumstances, she could give a reasonable explanation.

However, humans were still emotional animals.

Understanding did not mean that she would do so.

To be more specific, everyone could do things rationally. There wouldn't be all kinds of tragedies in the human world, and there wouldn't be such a tragic tragedy as a world war.

But it didn't exist.

There was always a side of evil and sensibility in human nature.

This was a cruel fact that could not be changed.

"With them blocking our way, those monsters won't be able to catch up for a while."

Chu Feng stopped the car and calmly thought for a moment.

At the moment, the school gate could not go out. If he wanted to go out, he had to climb over the wall.

But climbing over the wall meant that the car could not get out.

If the off-road vehicle couldn't get out, he wouldn't be able to walk to Yuan Ling City alive without the food and water in the car.

He could also find another vehicle and food after leaving the campus. However, not only would he waste his time, he would also be in a lot of uncertainties!

If he had the time, he might as well quickly strengthen his strength, raise his Essence to the third thread, and inscribe an item talisman!

With the Welfare Talisman to store food, and with stronger Essence and strength, he could directly slaughter his way out of the school gates!


Brother will have to delay for a few days!

Hold on!

You must live!

When I kill those white mantises, I will immediately go and save you!

You must live!

Chu Feng clenched his fists tightly. He was unwilling to accept this.

"What should we do next? What should we do?"

Zhang Ziqing asked.

"Go back to the supermarket!"

"Go back to the supermarket?"

Chu Feng nodded and decided, "I won't be able to leave for a while. I'll go back to the supermarket first and develop myself!"

"Pervert growth?"

Zhang Ziqing did not understand what Chu Feng meant.

"I think it's better for us to meet up with our classmates. The more the stronger we are."

Chu Feng immediately waved his hand and shook his head. "The more people, the more trouble. The more likely we are to die."

"But there will be a way. Everyone will work together to overcome this crisis. Isn't it better than fighting alone?"

"You're right."

Chu Feng agreed. He smiled coldly and said, "You are right.

"But what you said only exists in your imagination. The truth is that everyone is afraid and running away. In times of danger, if you want others to die for you, that is the group of people you yearn for."

In fact, god-like enemies are not scary. The truly scary ones are the pig-like teammates who cheated you at the critical moment.

In his previous life, he would never forget the scene of him being pushed to the Blood-eating Mosquito by his "classmate.

If it wasn't for this incident, how could it cause his strength progress to be far lower than others later on?

"That's only a small number of people. I don't believe that the students are all like this!" Zhang Ziqing was dressed in a plain white dress. Her pure white face was stained with a lot of blood, but it became more and more pure and otherworldly. Her clear eyes stared at Chu Fan. She pointed at Chu Feng and said very directly. "Like you, Chu Feng!"


Chu Feng was stunned. He pointed at himself and laughed. "It seems you have misunderstood me."

Suddenly, Chu Feng pulled her hand and pulled her over. A big hand pressed on her plump and proud body and said coldly, "Now, do you know what doomsday is?"


Zhang Ziqing screamed. Her innocent face was filled with shame and anger.


Suddenly, a pair of huge hands smashed onto the engine in front of the car.

"Ah... hand, Chu Feng... hand..."

Zhang Ziqing recognized the giant hands that were the same as the hands that killed Liao Wei.

"I can see it. You don't need to introduce it to me."

Chu Feng said lightly and withdrew his palm from her body.

However, the person who waved his hands was a little funny.

His body was like a seven or eight year old baby. Moreover, he did not have a lower body. Every time his hands smashed down, his body seemed to fly up.




The owner of this pair of hands was very angry.

From the way it smashed, it could be seen that even if the hand was bleeding, it was still smashing crazily!

Chu Feng secretly frowned. Was he being targeted by this Crypt Zombie?

He looked at the front half of his right hand, which was somewhat flat, as if it had been pressed down by a tire.

Chu Feng suddenly understood.

So this B was crushed by him. No wonder he was so angry.

This guy wanted to destroy his Hummer at all costs. It was obvious that he was scheming to take revenge and had his eyes on Chu Feng.

Since this Crypt Zombie had already lost its only rationality, Chu Feng had some confidence in his heart.

Even if he did not consume medicinal Essence Talismans, he might still have a chance to kill the medicinal Crypt Zombie!

Right now, his strength was low. The few medicinal Essence Talismans he only had could not be wasted. They could only be used to protect his life!

Before the other party burrowed into the ground!

Seizing the opportunity to deliver a fatal blow!

It was not impossible!

Chu Feng was already tempted.

Although medicinal Crypt Zombies belonged to medicinal Mutated Beasts, their bodies were their weaknesses. In terms of hardness, they were as strong as ordinary medicinal Zombies.

However, the energy contained within the crystal cores was far denser than ordinary Zombies. At the very least, it was equivalent to absorbing more than ten ordinary Zombies' medicinal crystal cores.

Not to mention, he might even be able to absorb the Earth Escape, this extremely outstanding life-saving divine skill!

Such a huge temptation was placed in front of Chu Feng just like that. How could Chu Feng not be moved?

"Stay in the car and don't move. I'll go and take a look at it!"

It was better to move than to move. Chu Feng said, and closed the door with a bang. He had already walked out of the car.

The axe, which was stained with blood, had appeared in Chu Feng's hand again.

Although Zhang Ziqing was worried, seeing that Chu Feng had already walked away, she had no time to stop him. She could only silently cheer for Chu Feng in her heart.

Chu Feng bent over and touched the back of the Crypt Zombie. He lifted the huge axe and used all the strength in his body to hack down!

The sound of wind blowing blew...

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