Extremely Beautiful Wife/C12 I Am Serious
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Extremely Beautiful Wife/C12 I Am Serious
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C12 I Am Serious

By the time Liao Zhenbo came down from the second floor, twenty minutes had already passed.

Fu Xiaoqian had eaten most of the breakfast that he had come up for the second time. There was only a small portion left. She took two bites of her favorite thick Dos bread and reluctantly put it back on the plate.

She wasn't a girl who would waste food. The main reason was that the quantity was simply too great.

However, the food was too tasty. Even though her stomach gave off the warning signal, she still felt very hungry. She desperately wanted to eat more, but her stomach kept on protesting, warning her that the amount exceeded its load.

Only when Liao Zhenbo turned the corner of the stairs did she see him. He was wearing a handmade suit made in crimson today, which made his noble aura even more noble. The lemon fragrance that had surprised her the day before was gone, replaced by the smell of the sun after the exercise.

He grabbed the Thick Dos that Fu Xiaoqian had just placed down and stuffed it into his mouth. By the time she discovered it, it was already too late. He crossed his legs gracefully and leaned back in his chair. He held a newspaper in one hand and a piece of bread in the other. He seemed to be eating the bread with relish.

"I ate that piece of bread." Fu Xiaoqian stood up to snatch the bread from Liao Zhenbo's hands. Update First Time

"So what?" Liao Zhenbo dodged to the side, allowing Fu Xiaoqian to dodge the attack. Then he put down his newspaper and looked at her steadily with his sun-spitting eyes. "I don't mind."

"But I do." Fu Xiaoqian shouted angrily with her hands on her hips.

"Why?" He took another bite. Fu Xiaoqian's anger did not seem to affect his appetite.

"Because, because we are not familiar with each other, we are not close enough to eat the same piece of bread."

His indifference was rather awkward in Fu Xiaoqian's eyes. Update First Time

"You mean, you have a close friend who eats a piece of bread?" There was a hint of clarity in his tone, and the hand holding the bread tightened even more. His light brown eyes were filled with curiosity.

"This... It's none of your business. " Why should I tell you?

"I want to know." He spoke softly, neither fast nor slow.

"Who do you think you are? If you want to know, I have to tell you. " They haven't reached the point where they can share some private information.

"Why?" As if she had realized something, Fu Xiaoqian's eyes widened leisurely.

"Because you're my wife." Of course.

"Hey, can you clear this up? I'm just playing with you. It's like the game we used to play when we were little. Now that the game is over, it's time for us to jump out of this character. It's time for the end of the play. "

"I never play house." The words he spat out were neither fast nor slow. Fu Xiaoqian, who was standing beside her, was so angry that she nearly jumped out of her skin.

"So?" She raised her eyebrows at him.

"I'm serious."

"Cough …"

He almost vomited a mouthful of blood. What was he trying to do with her? Was he really going to make her promise her life for that one hundred million? Impossible! Besides, if he wanted money, power, appearance... Uh, forget it, just admit it. What kind of women would he like for an update at the first possible moment? Did she need to dominate someone who was completely tied to another man?

"How is this possible? Stop joking around." It's not funny at all. " Fu Xiaoqian considered all sorts of reasons in his heart. He came to the conclusion that he was joking with himself.

"Like I said, I mean it."

Silence... After a long period of silence, Fu Xiaoqian turned around in anger. It seemed like she wouldn't be able to argue with him. She spread her legs and ran out the door.

"What are you doing?"

"Going home." The sound drifted away.

"Didn't you have something to say to me?"

The light in his eyes did not shift for a moment as he stared at the rapidly disappearing figure. He knew that there was still a long way to go before he could call back her emotional response.

"Dad, Mom, you finally came back safely." He pushed open the door and saw his father, Fu Yanzhou, sitting on the sofa watching TV. He was quite excited and ran inside without changing his shoes. Update First Time

"Hurry up and change your shoes, the floor is dirty from your stomps." Coincidentally, his mother, Tang Yan, walked out of the kitchen with a piece of fruit in her hand.

There was no joy after surviving a calamity, no strong feelings of seeing each other again after separation. There was only the usual coldness.

"Oh …" Fu Xiaoqian turned around and walked to the hallway. She took off her shoes and put on her slippers.

"Oh you, the child is so happy to see us. Let's not talk about her with such a small matter." Fu Yanzhong stood up from the sofa and glanced at Tang Yan before turning to Fu Xiaoqian. "Come, Qianqian. Come sit over here for a while. Let's have a good chat."

"Mm. Alright." Fu Xiaoqian grasped Fu Yanzhi's outstretched hand and sat down next to him.

"Qianqian, how are you these few days?" Fu Yanzhong took an apple from the table and handed it to her.

"It's nothing, I was just accompanying Director Liao in a play. Now that you guys are back, my mission is over. " Fu Xiaoqian took a bite of the apple and disapproved.

"But I could tell from Boss Liao's phone call that he didn't seem to want to end it." Fu Yanzhi tried again.

"That's his idea, but it doesn't mean it's mine." Recalling Liao Zhenbo's words just now, at this moment, the sweetness of the apple did not seem so enticing anymore. She put the apple back into the basket with a hint of regret in her eyes.

"Child, you are really too heartless. If such a top man did not have any sincerity towards you, would he be so straightforward as to lend you 100 million? You should be grateful to meet such a man. Look at your expression now! " Tang Yan, who was sitting at the side, could no longer hold it in. The words she said did not seem to have been heeded.

A sharp gaze shot out and she immediately shut her mouth. She hatefully stood up, feeling indignant. "Truly, my wings have hardened. I don't even want to listen to my parents' words." Then he turned and walked back into the kitchen.

"Dad, mom, she …" This time, her mother seemed to be in a hurry to push her to Liao Zhenbo's side. In the past, she hadn't seemed so keen on her emotional life. Could it be because Liao Zhenbo had lent them money that he was so grateful?

"Child, don't blame your mother for speaking so harshly. Actually, she was also worrying about your happiness for the rest of your life. She feels that Boss Liao is loyal to you and that with his conditions, he can definitely give you a better life. "

"But, dad, you all know that I have a boyfriend." Resistance seeped from the corner of Fu Xiaoqian's mouth and quickly spread to his entire face.

"Dad, I know." Fu Yanzhi patted Fu Xiaoqian's hand in a comforting manner. His tone was filled with regret and respect for his daughter's choice. "That's why we didn't force you. We just hoped that you would consider it." I've missed it. If I want to find such good conditions, I really won't have one anymore. "

"Un, don't worry, Dad. This time, Zhuo Ran would definitely be as outstanding as Boss Liao. I believe I will be happier in the future. " Fu Xiaoqian nodded her head vigorously. Her face was brimming with happiness.

When he raised his eyes, he saw Fu Yanzhi frowning deeply with a worried expression on his face. "Dad, is there something that happened at home?"

Fu Yanzhi let out a long sigh and wiped the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand. "Qian, dad, we want to hide this from you. We don't want you to worry about our family." In fact, the company has been operating badly for the past half year, constantly losing money, and already cannot make ends meet. "So right now, we have no way to repay that 100 million."

"Then what should we do?" Fu Xiaoqian was getting anxious as well.

"What your mother and I are discussing is that we want you to first stabilize Boss Liao and wait for us to raise some money before you move out of the Liao Mansion. This way, the pressure on Mom and Dad will be less. "

"Dad …" No, the mist covered her starry eyes, which seemed to be entangled with even more emotions. Very soon, she lowered her head, and her hair slanted along with her movements, covering the expression on her face.

After a long time, she raised her head again and bit her lips. Her eyes were filled with determination and responsibility. "I will wait."

"I have wronged you for your parents, child." The father and the daughter tightly embraced each other, and only he knew what it felt like.

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