Extremely Beautiful Wife/C14 No Other Feelings?
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Extremely Beautiful Wife/C14 No Other Feelings?
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C14 No Other Feelings?

"How can you?"

"Kiss her forehead? Wishing her husband a step further?" He suddenly leaned close to the face, pink cheeks like a fresh, succulent peach, tempting him to taste her sweetness.

"Rogue, get lost." Towards his shameless behavior, she was somewhat at a loss for words. She could only angrily push him away, causing her to be further away from this dangerous man.

"Ah!" As for his ticklish strength, he shifted his body and fell onto Fu Xiaoqian's bed.

Liao Zhenbo turned over and buried his face deep within the blanket. A fragrant scent, a body fragrance that belonged solely to her, mixed with the scent of the laundry liquid wafted into his nose. Just like that, he sensed that the distance between them had shortened a bit.

"No, get up."

When Fu Xiaoqian saw this person throw himself onto her bed shamelessly, she quickly walked to the bed, placed her hands on her hips, and shouted angrily with an expression that she thought was more vicious. However, she didn't expect that the moment she opened her mouth, even she was startled. Her gentle voice carried a trace of hoarseness, and it sounded more like she was acting coquettishly.

Seeing that he still held on, she reached out her hand to help him up. However, he pulled her down onto the bed with him, and she crashed into his chest. The moment she touched him, she was about to bounce away like a spring.

However, Liao Zhenbo was unwilling to miss this opportunity. He stretched out his arm and wrapped her tightly around his chest. "Why can't you lie on your wife's bed?"

"Stinking hooligan, who's your wife? "Go away." Fu Xiaoqian tried his best to break free of his confinement. However, this arm was too strong. No matter how hard she tried, she could not shake it. Not long after, a thin layer of sweat appeared on her forehead. Helplessly, she could only open her eyes that seemed about to spew fire as she glared fiercely at him.

"What is it? You want to eat your husband? " Glancing at her cute appearance, Liao Zhenbo could not help but curl his finger and tap on the side of her nose.

In that instant, bits of blood could be seen through the white gauze. The most eye-catching color was still seen by Fu Xiaoqian. Her beautiful willow leaf eyebrows suddenly creased into two hump peaks.

Without a second of pause, she grabbed his hand and sat up straight.

"Such a big person, how can he not know how to take care of himself? You're injured, and yet you're still making such a ruckus. Look at your wounds, they've split open again. "

Thick, slender, and long eyelashes hung down, and her hair fell like a waterfall from both sides, covering her eyes. Liao Zhenbo wanted to know if there was any concern that he had accumulated there. Thinking this, he did the same. He reached out his hand, wanting to lift her chin and see what was going on.

"Don't move, I'll go get the medicine box." Fu Xiaoqian stood up from the bed without noticing Liao Zhenbo's abnormality. Then, Liao Zhenbo's outstretched hand froze in midair.

She went to the cabinet, opened the bottom drawer, and took out a small medicine cabinet.

He didn't notice at all that a pair of eyes was staring at her from behind, not wanting to miss a single movement or expression on her face.

Once again, she came to the bedside. Fu Xiaoqian tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and took out disinfectant alcohol and gauze from the medicine box. "I'll give you a simple treatment. You should go to the hospital later." They do it more professionally, so they can do it better faster. "

Fu Xiaoqian continued with the movements of his hands. After a while, he showed no reaction. She raised her head and saw that his eyes were deeply fixated on her, seemingly conflicted with endless emotions.

"Did you hear that?" This sudden change in mood puzzled her.

"Why are you so concerned?" Instead of answering, he asked a question.

"Hey, you're bleeding. "You've got such a deep wound that anyone would care even if they saw it." Fu Xiaoqian rolled her eyes, as if mocking him for asking such an idiotic question.

"What happened to the others?"

"I care about that too."

"Don't you feel anything else?"

"What other feelings?"


The warmth in his eyes was slowly sinking, the cold was gathering in his surroundings, and the temperature was suddenly dropping. Perhaps only towards him would she have other emotions. Update First Time

He was actually jealous, and it was the jealousy of someone who had disappeared for almost three years. This feeling was absolutely terrible. As he thought of this, a vicious aura burst forth from his body. He abruptly retracted his arm, stood up from the bed, and quickly moved towards the door.

"Hey, your hand hasn't been properly processed yet, and why does it seem like there's another scratch? "Hey, hey …" No matter how hard she tried to call out to him, she couldn't keep that resolute figure of a back.

"What an unpredictable situation. It's fine. What is there to be so crazy about?" Fu Xiaoqian grumbled as she threw the torn gauze into the trash can. Update First Time

Just as he was walking away, another series of footsteps followed. "Dong, dong, dong".

Hearing the footsteps, without even thinking, he knew that it was definitely her mother, Tang Yan, who was coming to exonerate her.

As expected, she asked, "Qianqian, what's going on?" Before the person had even reached the door, the sound of voices had already arrived.

"How should I know?" Fu Xiaoqian replied snappily. She also wanted to know how she offended this great god. She also wanted someone to answer her question.

"Why are you so ignorant? Your dad just told you to stabilize him, why did you make him run away in anger? Do you know how serious the consequences are when he gets angry? It's possible that we're going to sleep out on the streets and be burdened with debt. "

Fu Xiaoqian could hear her mother's words as if thousands of wool needles had rained down from the sky. Unprepared, they stabbed at her, piercing into every part of her body. Pain was everywhere, but it was indescribable.

"Mom, I really didn't make him angry. Besides, I'm your daughter. Can't you consider my feelings first? Why did you forcefully put on such a big hat from the start? This is very unfair to me. At this moment, she was like a child lacking love. She stood in the rain and wind, unable to find anyone to rely on, despite being weathered by wind and rain.

"Child, for a period of time, no matter who you are, you've learned to go against the adults." Tang Yan was cold. The pearl necklace on her chest moved with the rise and fall of her chest, shaking violently. The fist she clenched at her side, was telling her that she was trying very hard to restrain her anger, "Why don't I consider your feelings? "Isn't this what I did all along …"

The following words were stopped by Fu Yanzhi's hand on her shoulder. She stepped back, making a path.

"Child, saying that hurts your mother's heart. You are the flesh that fell from your mother's body, and she loves you the most. Of course, she was the first one to consider how you felt. "

He put his hands on Fu Xiaoqian's shoulders and helped her to the bedside to sit down. Then he pulled over the nearest chair and sat down opposite her.

"Your mother's temper has been a bit too bad these two days, so she might be too anxious. She hopes to spare you the slightest grievance, but such a large sum of money is not something that we can raise with our current abilities. As I told you earlier, the company's long-term financial losses have already been borrowed by all of its friends. No one else can lend it to us anymore. Since Boss Liao has the ability to do so, your mom doesn't want you to offend him either. She's afraid that if he rages, we'll have to pay him back immediately. Right now, even if we go all out, we might not be able to repay him. If we were to go bankrupt, the two of us would be fine, but you and your little brother have never suffered since we were children. We're really worried about you guys, so... Can you understand what your mother just said? "

Fu Yanzhi, who was sitting across from her, was filled with love and worry. The discontent in Fu Xiaoqian's heart was slowly disappearing.

"Mom, I'm sorry." Fu Xiaoqian stood up apologetically and wrapped her arms around Tang Yan's neck. She was filled with guilt as she said, "I'll apologize to him right now and beg for his forgiveness."

As he spoke, he rushed down the stairs.

"It's not too late to leave after eating." Tang Yan's voice rang out from behind her as she tried hard to coordinate with her husband's image of a loving mother.

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