Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C1 The Main Character of the Marriage Alliance Sought Revenge
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Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C1 The Main Character of the Marriage Alliance Sought Revenge
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C1 The Main Character of the Marriage Alliance Sought Revenge

In the heart of the Central Plains, the Chiang family stood out among the myriad sacred lands, a lineage of the Great Emperor with a foundation of astonishing depth!

Today, their ancestral lands were awash with celebration. Dragon chariots and phoenix carriages converged amidst a symphony of roaring beasts, all bathed in an aura of joy and auspiciousness. It was the wedding day of the Chiang family, an event that drew envoys bearing gifts from sacred grounds and imperial families far and wide.

Dozens of prodigies gathered, providing a spectacle that left onlookers wide-eyed with wonder. Yet, amidst this illustrious crowd, all eyes were drawn to a young man at the center, the object of universal admiration.

With the grace of jade and hair cascading over his shoulders, his eyes carried an aloofness befitting a sovereign. Even with his powers concealed, he exuded a divine presence that was impossible to ignore.

He was none other than the Crown Prince of the Inferno Lord, the sought-after son-in-law of the Chiang family—Yim Wuxie.

In that moment, the extraordinary Yim Wuxie bowed his head, sipping tea with a serene composure that belied the flicker of panic hidden from the crowd's view.

What was happening? Had he transmigrated?

Confusion clouded Yim Wuxie's mind, but he quickly quelled it.

How had he suddenly arrived here? And what was this about being the Crown Prince of the Inferno Lord?

As a deluge of memories washed over him, Yim Wuxie pieced together his new reality: sacred lands, imperial dynasties, the Great Emperor, cultivation, and an impending marriage...

With a deep breath, Yim Wuxie sighed internally. He had indeed crossed into another world—a world of high martial arts and fantasy. His new identity was far from ordinary; unlike other transmigrators who began as orphans, he was a peerless genius with living parents and a remarkable heritage.

Now, it seemed he was to marry a goddess, stepping directly onto the pinnacle of life.

Yet upon deeper reflection, a surge of unease welled up within Yim Wuxie. His intended did not seem to harbor affection for him but for an orphaned demon named Xiao Chen, bereft of parents.

This Xiao Chen appeared to be extraordinarily fortunate. After learning of his existence, Yim Wuxie's predecessor had sent several underlings to eliminate him. Each attempt failed, with Xiao Chen miraculously surviving and turning the tables, leaving his assailants in his wake.

Ultimately, his original self had nearly beaten Xiao Chen to death, but at Chiang Qiushui's tearful entreaty, he ended up forging a three-year pact with Xiao Chen.

During those three years, Xiao Chen experienced a series of remarkable encounters that rapidly advanced his cultivation and introduced him to a host of reclusive masters.

Reflecting on this, Yim Wuxie couldn't help but inwardly curse. Was he just handing over experience points?

He began to grasp his role: a superfluous character with abundant screen time and immense talent, yet doomed to be nothing more than a backdrop for the protagonist.

And Xiao Chen was that protagonist!

What was he to do? He had already broken the cardinal rule for villains by taking the protagonist's woman, sealing his fate!

Just then, a thunderous shout pierced the heavens.

"Yim Wuxie! The time has come to honor our Three-Year Agreement. Face your demise!"

The Chiang family's domain was a marvel, with countless islands and silver waterfalls cascading from sky-high isles, all part of an extraordinary formation crafted by the family's Great Emperors.

At that moment, a roar shook the waterfalls at the edge of the sky, and a formidable presence swept through the area.

The Chiang family elders were taken aback. The family's ancient formation had never quivered like this. Despite the strength of the incoming aura, it shouldn't have been able to disturb the formation.

It was highly probable that the newcomer possessed some unparalleled secret treasure that had inadvertently triggered the formation's intricate patterns.

"Who goes there?"

A Chiang family powerhouse demanded with a cold huff.

"Xiao Chen!"

His voice boomed like rolling thunder, and a young man's figure emerged before their eyes.

With his tall stature and majestic presence, his jade-like face carried an air of supreme confidence. Many female cultivators were visibly enchanted upon seeing him.

"So, Xiao Chen has actually shown up! The Southern Ridge's unparalleled prodigy, rumored to be on excellent terms with the Chiang family's Mingyue!"

"What brings him here? And what's this Three-Year Agreement about?"

"I've heard that he once battled Yim Wuxie for Chiang Qiushui's affection. After his defeat, he set this three-year challenge!"

"Three years ago? It seems he's only shot to fame in the past two years! Clearly, his defeat at the hands of Yim Wuxie spurred his rapid growth."


The Chiang family elder watched as Xiao Chen brazenly breached the formation without permission and forced his way in. Despite the fact that the formation's power was minimally activated due to the multitude of guests, the elder couldn't help feeling disgraced.

Yet, a formidable aura emanating from Xiao Chen prompted a wary response, "What brings you here?"

With a confident smile, Xiao Chen's voice boomed like thunder across the heavens, "I've come to pay the Chiang family a visit and to slay Yim Wuxie!"

A hush fell over the crowd at his declaration, quickly followed by a wave of astonishment.

This maverick from the Southern Ridge was so bold as to openly declare his intent to kill Yim Wuxie!

After all, Yim Wuxie's reputation as a "Great Emperor" wasn't just for show; he had dominated the entire younger generation of the Northern Mirror, earning his formidable status through sheer might!

And yet, Xiao Chen, who had once been defeated by Yim Wuxie, what could he possibly count on now?

Meanwhile, the nine current patriarchs of the Chiang family emerged with Chiang Qiushui in tow. They looked up to see Xiao Chen, a vision of valor, suspended in the air.

Chiang Qiushui's previously somber expression brightened at the sight of Xiao Chen, her eyes shining with emotion.

"Xiao Chen, you really came!"

From his lofty position, Xiao Chen caught sight of Chiang Qiushui and flashed a wide grin, "Qiushui, I'm here!"

From a distance, the two exchanged looks brimming with undeniable warmth and affection.

The onlookers shifted their attention to the true protagonist of the moment, Yim Wuxie, who sat sipping tea with unruffled composure.

Internally, Yim Wuxie was pondering the world's ten levels of martial prowess: the First Mystery Stage, Initiate Mystery Stage, True Mystery Stage, Spiritual Mystery Stage, Earth Mystery Stage, Heavenly Mystery Stage, Kingly Mystery Stage, Divine Mystery Stage, Saint, and Great Emperor, each with five grades.

Xiao Chen had barely stepped into the Earth Mystery Stage, while he himself had advanced to the second grade of the Heavenly Mystery Stage. What grounds did Xiao Chen have to even suggest he could defeat him?

There was a vast gulf between the ranks! It's common knowledge that those below the Heavenly Mystery Stage are mere ordinary practitioners, but above it, they ascend to the status of Half Step to Deva. The gap between these levels is as wide as a chasm.

Even though some formidable prodigies manage to battle across ranks, they typically only overpower weaker foes. Nearly unbeatable among their own rank, they carve out their renown through sheer force. Is Xiao Chen unaware of this fact?

[Ding! Destiny Child template detected. Villain destiny system activated!]

Yim Wuxie's heart skipped a beat as he immersed his consciousness into the virtual interface materializing before him.

[Host: Yim Wuxie

Identity: Son of the Inferno Lord, Heir to the Emperor of Chaos!

Cultivation Level: Second Grade of the Heavenly Mystery Stage

Physique: Holy Bone of Devil's Heart

Cultivation Techniques and Powers: Hell Scripture, Twin Trash, Secret of Devil's Heart, Heavenly Eye of Martial...

Villain Value: 500

Destiny Value: 90 (Black)]

Yim Wuxie's brow creased. It appeared he was indeed cast as a minor villain, the type destined to be humiliated by the hero. With even his destiny value in the ominous shade of black, was he fated to choke on his food?

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