Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C10 The Female Lead of the Longline Fishing Was in Love with Him
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Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C10 The Female Lead of the Longline Fishing Was in Love with Him
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C10 The Female Lead of the Longline Fishing Was in Love with Him

Yim Wuxie stood by the door, embodying the image of a man devoted to his spiritual practice, seemingly indifferent to the allure of women.

In that moment, he couldn't help but admire his own performance.

A beauty stood before him, yet his mind remained unswayed.

He understood the art of playing hard to get.

After all, wasn't that how to win a woman's undying devotion?

"Young Master Yim..."

Chiang Qiushui felt disconcerted by Yim Wuxie's behavior. Her words had been sincere, with no intent to deceive.

Yet, for reasons unknown, Yim Wuxie's response was not to mend their rapport but to harbor what seemed like a bias against her.

Silence enveloped the room. Chiang Qiushui's gaze flitted to the floor, occasionally lifting to steal glances at Yim Wuxie.

The man before her was an enigma, and it was no surprise that she was constantly strategizing on how to interact with him.

The more she pondered, the more her attention unwittingly gravitated towards Yim Wuxie.

"I know there's someone else in your heart. Rest assured, I won't press you. I'm willing to wait."

It was Yim Wuxie's words that shattered the stillness between them.

At his utterance, Chiang Qiushui felt a jolt of confusion.

What did this mean?

Was this a declaration of his feelings?

Young Master Yim, known for his distant demeanor and inscrutable nature, was now expressing such sentiments to her!

His few words sent waves through Chiang Qiushui's heart.

Her fair complexion flushed with warmth, her mind a whirlwind, unsure of what to say next.

Yim Wuxie stood there, not looking her way, as though his previous words were merely spoken to himself.

"I like you, but I'm aware you can't let go of him. I, Yim Wuxie, am not the type to coerce affections. I hope you won't force yourself either."

Yim Wuxie remained in place, his voice a gentle murmur, a stark contrast to his usual aloofness, now laced with immeasurable tenderness and a hint of indulgence.

Although Chiang Qiushui was known for her icy beauty, she found herself unable to regain her composure in that moment.

Yim Wuxie's cryptic words left her momentarily at a loss for how to respond.

"Young Master, are you speaking to me?"

Suppressing the turmoil within her, Chiang Qiushui inquired of Yim Wuxie.

It wasn't until then that Yim Wuxie turned to face her, slowly approaching Chiang Qiushui's side. He lowered his gaze to meet her eyes.

"Do you believe there's a third person in this room?"

Upon hearing Yim Wuxie's question, Chiang Qiushui quickly rose to her feet, her hands tucked into her sleeves as she bowed her head and replied,

"Thank you for your profound affection, Young Master. I am unworthy of such misplaced love and beg for your understanding."

Yim Wuxie remained calm, offering a gentle smile.

"Why be so alarmed? I am merely declaring my feelings for you. Whether it's misplaced love is for me to decide. There's no need for you to shoulder any additional burden."

Silence enveloped the room once more, the night breeze causing the candlelight to dance and cast quivering shadows against the wall.

"Young Master, were your earlier words heartfelt?"

Chiang Qiushui was the one to pierce the quiet.

"As surely as the sun and moon bear witness," Yim Wuxie replied softly.

His brief response sent waves through Chiang Qiushui's disciplined heart. Who was this man before her?

The heir to the Inferno Lord, the future patriarch of the Yim family, a man to whom the entire Xuan Realm showed great deference.

A man known for his indifference to women and his profound intellect, was now baring his soul to her?

"Here's what I propose: I have a token that your father once gave me. Take it, and with this token, you will have the power to grant clemency to Xiao Chen."

With that, Yim Wuxie removed a jade token edged with gold from his waist and placed it into Chiang Qiushui's hand.

"I had previously misjudged you, Young Master. I never imagined you to be so magnanimous. Henceforth, I will devote myself entirely to serving you, severing all ties with Xiao Chen. Here and now, I make an oath to the heavens: should I speak even a half-truth, may my soul be utterly scattered!"

Watching the girl before him pledge so earnestly, Yim Wuxie couldn't help but let out a wry smile. He gently reached out to smooth Chiang Qiushui's tousled hair beside her ear, choosing to remain silent.

"Young Master, please get some rest. I shall take my leave now," Qiushui said, bowing respectfully before pushing the door open and departing.

Once she stepped out of the garden, the nervousness that had initially gripped her heart seemed to dissipate. For reasons she couldn't quite pinpoint, her spirits lifted, and the oppressive gloom that once weighed on her was gone.

The moonlight, pure and serene, draped over the jade-stone floor like a gossamer veil, stirring a sense of contemplation within Chiang Qiushui. Upon reflection, Yim Wuxie hadn't truly done anything wrong from start to finish.

He was merely passing through when her father requested he stay with their family. Even the engagement between them was orchestrated by her father, and Yim Wuxie hadn't outright accepted the proposal.

When Xiao Chen learned of their situation, he confronted Yim Wuxie in a fight. Yet Yim Wuxie, rather than dealing a deadly blow, established a three-year pact. Throughout those years, he neither pursued Xiao Chen nor acted inappropriately towards Qiushui.

Recently, her father had even sent her to Yim Wuxie's chambers, yet Yim Wuxie hadn't paid her any undue attention. It seemed, in hindsight, that the Chiang family had always been the ones eager to secure an alliance with him.

In truth, the Yim family had not erred in any way. Yim Wuxie might have been reserved and meticulous, with a depth of character befitting the heir to the Inferno Lord, but that was to be expected given his upbringing.

Wasn't she herself cautious not to reveal too much to others? And despite knowing Xiao Chen's affection for her, Yim Wuxie had graciously given her the token and pardoned Xiao Chen. Such magnanimity was indeed worthy of admiration.

"What's this? Have you taken a liking to him?" A voice, seemingly tender yet chilling to the bone, whispered into Chiang Qiushui's ear.

Qiushui didn't have much to say, responding dismissively,

"You're the one who's always talking. Don't you already know what's on my mind? Why bother asking again?"

"Of course, you are me, and I am you. There are no secrets between us."

This voice had been a constant presence, echoing in Chiang Qiushui's ears ever since her birth.

A single body with twin souls, a secret known only to Chiang Qiushui herself, not even her father had ever hinted at such a thing.

"It seems Young Master Yim isn't as cold and bloodthirsty as the legends suggest."

Her other self murmured in Chiang Qiushui's ear.

"Hmm, he may appear aloof, but deep down, he's probably quite upright."

Chiang Qiushui mused.

Why did she harbor such preconceived notions about Young Master Yim?

Contemplating this, Chiang Qiushui couldn't shake off a twinge of guilt.

"Ding! Chiang Qiushui's view of the host has changed, increasing the destiny value by 100 and destiny points by 20!"

Simultaneously, Yim Wuxie heard the system notification chime once more.

A mix of resignation and a wry smile played across Yim Wuxie's face.

In just one evening, without saying much, Chiang Qiushui had conjured up quite the drama in his mind.

Of course, Yim Wuxie's recent display of charm was merely an act, aimed at bridging the gap with the female lead and clearing up any past misunderstandings.

It was also a ploy to create a rift between the male and female leads, thereby significantly reducing Xiao Chen's destiny value.

Ah, women truly are complex beings.

With this thought, Yim Wuxie queried the system:

"Is Chiang Qiushui's behavior considered a proactive embrace? Would such actions invoke divine retribution?"

"The female lead's destiny value remains higher than the host's. If a forceful encounter occurs, she might still face heavenly punishment, and the outcome could be highly unpredictable."

Upon hearing the system's response, Yim Wuxie felt a metaphorical black line forming on his forehead.

Great, so unless she's fully willing, as long as her destiny value exceeds mine, there's still a significant risk!

He was no paragon of virtue like Liu Li, and desire was a natural human trait.

Even the sages had acknowledged this, so why should he, far from being a sage, torment himself with sighs at critical moments just because of some restrictive settings?

Enough of that. A melon plucked by force is never sweet. Better to wait a bit longer!

In the midst of Yim Wuxie's contemplation, a rift in the void opened behind him.

An elder emerged, kneeling on one knee before Yim Wuxie.

It was Old Ming, the one who had been safeguarding Yim Wuxie from the shadows.

"Are you well, Young Master Yim?"

Yim Wuxie gestured dismissively, signaling that formalities were unnecessary.

He inquired, "How goes the task I entrusted to you? Is everything in order?"

"Your Excellency, Xiao Chen remains unconscious in the dungeon, and Ming Yu from Medicine Valley has yet to show herself."

"Keep a close watch. Remember, do not intervene under any circumstances, just keep me informed."

After bowing deeply, Old Ming took his leave.

Seated beside the tea table, Yim Wuxie fiddled with an object in his hand and scoffed:

"I don't care if you're a Destiny Child or whatever else. Even if fate itself shelters you, flattening you is just a matter of time."

When midnight arrived, Yim Wuxie undressed and lay down to rest, closing his eyes to rejuvenate his spirit while pondering future concerns.

Meanwhile, Xiao Chen, having been defeated, was reeling from a severe blow to both mind and body. The dungeon's dank and sunless environment did him no favors, delaying his recovery.

Ming Yu, her soul weakened by chains designed to suppress spirits, had always depended on Xiao Chen's vital energy. But with Xiao Chen now in a comatose state, his own energy was dangerously low.

Should she draw on Xiao Chen's vital energy to manifest, it could very well cost him his life.

Therefore, she had no choice but to await his awakening within the ancient ring.

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