Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C12 He Brought the Beauty to the Garden to Attack the Heart
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Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C12 He Brought the Beauty to the Garden to Attack the Heart
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C12 He Brought the Beauty to the Garden to Attack the Heart

"Ding! The male and female leads have reached a breaking point. The main character's Destiny Points have dropped by 200, while the villain value has surged by 2000 points."

In the study, Yim Wuxie's hand froze mid-air, teacup in grasp, for a brief second.

A look of sudden understanding crossed his face.

"Hehe, Chiang Qiushui has indeed lived up to my expectations."

With the system's assistance, Yim Wuxie was well aware of the unfolding events.

Chiang Qiushui was now evidently loyal to him, even willing to burn bridges with Xiao Chen to prove it.

This reassured Yim Wuxie somewhat.

He had harbored suspicions about whether Chiang Qiushui's allegiance was genuine or merely a performance.

Now, the answer was crystal clear.

"My lord, Xiao Chen has been set free by Chiang Qiushui and is likely still within the Chiang family's domain. Shall I pursue and retrieve him?"

A rift opened in the void behind Yim Wuxie, and a black-robed elder stepped through.

This was Elder Ming, tasked with shadowing Xiao Chen on Yim Wuxie's command.

"No need. Let him be," Yim Wuxie replied with nonchalance.

"My lord, although Xiao Chen is but a mere mortal and poses little threat, with Ming Yu of Medicine Valley backing him, I fear..."

Elder Ming's voice carried a hint of concern. The young man's progress had been rapid over the past three years; unchecked, he could become a significant problem.

Yim Wuxie chuckled, idly toying with a bonsai in the room.

"Elder Ming, sometimes you need to cast a long line to catch a big fish. Patience is key."

Elder Ming knelt on one knee, signaling his understanding of Yim Wuxie's intent.

"Your wisdom is unparalleled, my lord."

He then faded back into the void, resuming his silent vigil over Yim Wuxie's safety.

"Tap tap!"

A gentle rapping at the door echoed through the room.

"Who is it?" Yim Wuxie inquired, his tone cool.

"Young Master Yim, it's me, Qiushui."

Her voice seemed calm, but was there a tremor of panic beneath the surface?

Yim Wuxie's sharp senses picked up on it immediately.

"Oh, please come in!"

Chiang Qiushui entered, having traded her usual plain white attire for a delicate light pink dress.

Her fair and innocent face, now framed by the soft hue of pink, appeared even more endearingly lovely.

Could this be the embodiment of the adage that beauty is for the pleasure of the beholder? Yim Wuxie pondered with a sense of wonder.

Tsk, without the repercussions of the destiny value, which man could remain composed before such a divine beauty? Yet, until her destiny value decreased sufficiently, he had to maintain his role as the composed Liu Luyi.

Yim Wuxie inhaled deeply, steadying his emotions.

"The spring day is splendid, and seeing as you've been at leisure these past few days, Young Master, might I entice you to join me in the back garden to admire the blossoms?" Chiang Qiushui inquired with a respectful bow, her voice laced with hope.

"Heavenly Eye of Martial!"

In secret, Yim Wuxie channeled his formidable skill, extending his senses to pinpoint Xiao Chen's whereabouts. This technique, enhanced by the system, was no mere tool for detecting spiritual energy.

A vast 3D map spread out within his mind, capturing everything within a 50-kilometer radius, from the smallest insect to the tallest tree, and every creature in between.

As he had anticipated, Xiao Chen was still on the Chiang family estate, intriguingly concealed in the back garden, likely aware of Chiang Qiushui's invitation.

"Forgive my presumption, I've intruded upon your tranquility," Chiang Qiushui said, mistaking Yim Wuxie's silence for disinterest. She bowed again, ready to excuse herself.

But as she turned to leave, a gentle grip on her wrist stopped her, sending a shiver through her heart. She looked back to find Yim Wuxie's face mere inches from her own.

"With the spring in full bloom and a beauty for company, how could I possibly refuse?" Yim Wuxie's expression was a mix of doting affection, beguiling charm, and an ineffable tenderness.

His striking features, as if chiseled from stone, were so close that even their soft breaths mingled in the space between them.

At that moment, Chiang Qiushui's heart was racing, her face flushed a rosy pink from her neck up.

Her breath felt scorching hot.

He was usually the picture of aloofness, but occasionally, he would show a tender side that was kryptonite to any girl.

Yim Wuxie caught Chiang Qiushui's shy look, offered a gentle smile, and was the first to exit the room.

His mastery of love was evident in the space he maintained; in today's terms, he'd be the quintessential heartbreaker.

Together, they strolled through the corridor and into the Chiang family's impressive garden.

The garden boasted a stunning array of exotic flora and a wealth of precious medicinal herbs.

It was a miniature paradise on earth, where beauty was captured in every corner.

With such delightful company, Yim Wuxie found himself wishing to retire from his villainous ways and return to a simpler life.

While Yim Wuxie was taking in the scenery, he felt a sudden warmth in his hand.

Looking down, he saw Chiang Qiushui's hand, as delicate and warm as polished jade.

"Ding! Congratulations, host. The female lead has developed feelings for you, increasing your destiny value by 100 points."

The system's prompt filled Yim Wuxie with elation.

He had finally won over the female lead! All his years of honing his charm had paid off.

From a nearby thicket, a pair of eyes glared with the ferocity of a wild beast, fixated on the couple.

Xiao Chen!

Indeed, after escaping the dungeon, Xiao Chen hadn't fled the Chiang family's domain.

He had intended to confront Chiang Qiushui, and by chance, overheard the maids' gossip.

Learning of Chiang Qiushui's and Yim Wuxie's plan to visit the garden, he had concealed himself among the foliage early on.

A sliver of hope lingered in his heart, hoping Chiang Qiushui had been coerced, that her previous words were insincere.

Yet, he had witnessed the entire scene unfold before his eyes.

Unprompted and without uttering a single word, Yim Wuxie stood by as Chiang Qiushui reached out to grasp his hand.


The entire Chiang family was nothing but a bunch of opportunistic harlots!

Back when he was the top inner disciple, Chiang Qiushui would greet him with a warm smile.

But now, defeated, she had shamelessly latched onto Yim Wuxie, that bastard!

Xiao Chen's fists were clenched tight, his teeth gritted, as his hand involuntarily stroked his storage ring.

He was gearing up for another deadly showdown with Yim Wuxie.

"Chen, don't act rashly again. You're seriously wounded and your spirit is fractured. Charging in now would be tantamount to suicide!" Ming Yu exclaimed, seeing Xiao Chen's fiery determination and quickly intervened to dissuade him.

Indeed, setting aside his yet-to-heal injuries, even at his full strength, the adversary before him was enigmatic.

Far from ordinary, a reckless move now could mean not having the same luck as before.

"A gentleman's revenge is not too late, even if it takes ten years! Yim Wuxie, I've taken note of this debt!"

With those words, he vanished, melting into the thick underbrush.

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