Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C13 Eastern Wastelands Spirit Drug
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Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C13 Eastern Wastelands Spirit Drug
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C13 Eastern Wastelands Spirit Drug

"Ding! The male lead's loathing for the female lead has reached a breaking point. His destiny value has plummeted by 200 points, while the villain value has soared by 2000 points."

"Hmm? He actually managed to restrain himself from acting out?"

Yim Wuxie let out a cold laugh internally.

He was mildly taken aback by Chiang Qiushui's forwardness, and even more so by Xiao Chen's self-control, likely thanks to Ming Yu's behind-the-scenes counsel.

"Well, if the cat has caught the mouse, it's time to wring out every last drop of value!"

Yim Wuxie mused, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

Chiang Qiushui's palms were damp with nervous sweat. Misinterpreting Yim Wuxie's smile as mockery of her boldness, she hastily withdrew her hand, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"Young Master Yim, what... what's so funny?"

Yim Wuxie gave a small smile and gently grasped Chiang Qiushui's hand.

"Nothing much. I was just reflecting on how much you've been through today. You must be feeling quite unsettled. How about I take you out to clear your mind?"

The warmth from Yim Wuxie's palm sent a subtle tremor through Chiang Qiushui's heart, a sensation utterly unlike the one she felt when she had reached out to him.

"What do you say?"

Chiang Qiushui, hearing Yim Wuxie's invitation, blushed deeper and hesitated,

"Well, that might not be the best idea, especially with the Great Emperor's Mausoleum about to open..."

"Don't worry about it," Yim Wuxie reassured her, leading her by the hand toward the Chiang family elders' courtyard. "We'll make sure to return before it begins!"


"Master, we're approaching the Eastern Wastes' forbidden zone. Is it truly possible to find the Spirit Drug there that can regenerate your physical form?"

Xiao Chen gazed at the barren expanse before them, voicing his concern.

The landscape was littered with weathered rocks and dust, resembling a desolate, lifeless hellscape.

"I've only heard the tales," Ming Yu's gentle voice floated from the storage ring, "There's a sacred place within the Eastern Wastes known as Alkaid, where a miraculous Spirit Drug is said to exist. Not only can it restore one's physical form, but it can also significantly boost one's cultivation level. The question is whether the drug still remains there."

Upon hearing this, hope flared in Xiao Chen's heart like a dying fire suddenly fed with dry grass.

His fists clenched, eyes ablaze with fervor.

"To increase my cultivation! Fantastic! Now I can exact revenge on Yim Wuxie and that wretch!"


Ming Yu, from within the storage ring, felt Xiao Chen's fiery aura and couldn't help but chastise him.

"Hatred can drive you, but never let it blind you!"

With a sigh, Ming Yu continued.

"Besides, judging from your last encounter, in both cultivation and temperament, you and he are worlds apart. You are forbidden from seeking revenge until my physical form is restored!"

Ming Yu's words fueled the fire in Xiao Chen's heart like a splash of oil.

Even my master thinks I'm inferior to that scoundrel!

I won't accept this! I won't!

The Spirit Drug, is it? I will secure it no matter what!

Then, that despicable duo will meet their end!

With a fierce kick to the gravel beneath him, Xiao Chen sent stones scattering in all directions and strode toward the depths of the Eastern Wastes without a backward glance.

A soft sigh echoed in his divine sense.


Days later, at Alkaid Holy Land, a line of elders stood in anticipation, awaiting a carriage drawing near in the distance.

Servants trailed the carriage, each gliding through the air with effortless grace, clearly masters among masters.

"The Inferno Lord's Crown Prince has arrived!"

The elders bowed deeply, their voices ringing out in welcome.

"Alkaid Holy Land greets the esteemed presence of the Inferno Lord's Crown Prince!"

The carriage came to a halt, its curtain drawn back to reveal Yim Wuxie stepping out with a bow.

He reached back, offering his arm, upon which a delicate jade hand rested. Chiang Qiushui then gracefully descended from the carriage.

"Are you tired?"

Yim Wuxie gently tapped Chiang Qiushui's hand and inquired,

"You've asked me that seven times now," Chiang Qiushui said with a slight smile. "I may not be as exceptional as you, but I'm still a prodigy of the Chiang family. I'm not frail, and it was just a few days in a carriage. I'm not tired at all!"

It was then that Yim Wuxie allowed himself a smile.

He had followed Xiao Chen's trail all the way to the Eastern Wastes, knowing full well that Xiao Chen was in search of the elusive Spirit Drug.

This was an ideal situation. He could hone his skills and possibly acquire treasures—a win-win.

An elder approached upon seeing this, bowing respectfully and said,

"Young Master, the journey must have been exhausting. A banquet is prepared, and your quarters are ready. Please, allow me to escort you to rest within our lands."

Yim Wuxie gave a slight nod and responded in a soft voice,

"Thank you for your efforts, elders."

The elders, familiar with the formidable reputation of the Inferno Lord, were somewhat intimidated by his notoriety. Yet, seeing Yim Wuxie's gracious demeanor, they were pleasantly surprised and vied with each other to show him the way.

"That disciple, just like the Son of God of Alkaid, has become a standout among our new generation. Naturally, he pales in comparison to you, Young Master. A bit of your guidance will be invaluable to them," one elder remarked.

"Please, you flatter me," Yim Wuxie deflected the praise as they walked. His mind was preoccupied with imagining Xiao Chen's shock and rage upon their reunion.

He was eager for that moment.

Hand in hand with Chiang Qiushui, Yim Wuxie followed the elders to the grand reception hall. As soon as they entered, his gaze sharpened—there, someone was glaring at him with intense hostility.

It was Xiao Chen.

What was he doing here?

Chiang Qiushui also caught Xiao Chen's scorching look, her brow furrowing ever so slightly.

Yim Wuxie's lips curled into a subtle smile. He feigned ignorance of Xiao Chen's presence, unaffected by the glare that seemed to bore through him. Instead, he confidently led Chiang Qiushui forward with even greater strides.

"Which one of you is the Son of God of Alkaid?"

Yim Wuxie feigned a casual glance around the room, his gaze briefly landing on Xiao Chen before moving on, igniting a surge of indignation within Xiao Chen.

A figure stepped forward from the gathering, bowing deeply to Yim Wuxie.

"I pay my respects to the Crown Prince of the Inferno Lord!"

Yim Wuxie appraised the individual.

Their cultivation at the Earth Mystery Stage was quite commendable.

"True to the title of Son of God of Alkaid, you stand out like a dragon among humans, with an exceptional demeanor," Yim Wuxie complimented with a grin. "Your aura is indeed otherworldly compared to the rest here, and I suspect your cultivation is unmatched!"

His words, of course, were intended for Xiao Chen's ears.

Yet, the Son of God of Alkaid let out a sigh and responded, "Your Highness flatters me. While I might claim a noteworthy appearance, claiming to surpass everyone in strength is something I dare not do. Setting aside the formidable abilities of these elders, there is another among our peers who rivals me."

With that, the Son of God of Alkaid turned to address someone else.

"Yang Qiyun, please come forward and pay your respects to the Crown Prince of the Inferno Lord!"

Yim Wuxie watched with a smile as Yang Qiyun approached. Suddenly, a message transmitted through his divine sense caused his heart to skip a beat.

"Alert! A Destiny Child has been detected! Spend 500 villain value to reveal their history!"

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