Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C14 The Destiny Child the Almighty Possessed
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Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C14 The Destiny Child the Almighty Possessed
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C14 The Destiny Child the Almighty Possessed

Another Destiny Child has emerged!

Yim Wuxie was overjoyed. Xiao Chen's fortune had not yet been fully tapped, and now Yang Qiyun had conveniently presented himself.

To know your enemy and know yourself is to be invincible in countless battles.

Those five hundred flowers were well spent!

"Ding! Destiny Child detected: Yang Qiyun. Initially just an ordinary disciple from Alkaid, he fortuitously became the vessel for a high-level being from another realm. His cultivation has surged, but he is currently afflicted by a fragmented soul. He must mend his soul with the life force of a formidable soul to regain his full strength."

So, he had been overtaken by a mighty entity from another world. Judging by his current level, merely at the Earth Mystery Stage, he posed little threat.

Yet, the fact that Yang Qiyun required the life force of a powerful being to restore his strength piqued Yim Wuxie's interest.

Observing Xiao Chen and his demeanor, it appeared they had already made a connection. Could it be that he had designs on Ming Yu?

"Yang Qiyun pays his respects to the Crown Prince of the Inferno Lord!"

As Yang Qiyun stepped forward to bow, Yim Wuxie extended a hand with a smile, only to sense a surge of qi energy.

"Testing me?"

Yim Wuxie chuckled internally, subtly channeling his own qi energy to counter Yang Qiyun's probe.

A wave of powerful aura erupted from both men, enveloping the area.

"Yang Qiyun, show respect to the Crown Prince!"

The Sons of God from Alkaid were alarmed and moved to intervene, but the Underworld Guard swiftly stepped in to block them.

"The fervor of youth is no cause for concern," Yim Wuxie said with a light smile, releasing his qi energy to gently lift Yang Qiyun from his bow, dissipating the tumultuous aura in the process.

Yang Qiyun's complexion turned a shade paler as he murmured respectfully,

"Your Highness possesses remarkable martial skills!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully putting Yang Qiyun in his place. Yang Qiyun's destiny value has decreased by 100, while the host's villain value has increased by 1000 points."

The Son of God of Alkaid shot Yang Qiyun a sharp look before quickly stepping forward to smooth things over.

"Yang Qiyun lacks proper etiquette. I hope you won't take offense."

"No harm done. It's only natural for cultivators to want to measure their strength against the formidable," Yim Wuxie responded with a dismissive wave of his hand, then turned back to the Son of God of Alkaid.

"Son of God, Alkaid truly boasts an impressive array of talent. After the banquet, would you mind showing my fiancée and me around?"


Relief washed over the Son of God of Alkaid as he realized Yim Wuxie wasn't upset. Offending this harbinger of death would surely spell disaster for Alkaid.

He quickly gestured for everyone to take their seats. Yim Wuxie glanced at Xiao Chen, noticing his face twisted with rage, his hands clenched into trembling fists at his sides.


The word ignited a firestorm of fury within Xiao Chen.

Bitch! Bitch!

"Chen, hold back. You've finally gained Yang Qiyun's favor; focus on securing the Spirit Drug first," he reminded himself.

Xiao Chen bit back his anger and turned to the retreating Yang Qiyun, asking in a hushed tone,

"Brother Qiyun, what's your take?"

"Unfathomably deep," Yang Qiyun replied gravely.

"Yim Wuxie may only be at the Heavenly Mystery Stage, but the aura he exudes is overwhelming. Even if we were to combine our strengths, I doubt we could best him—especially with his entourage of guards."

Xiao Chen's cold snort cut through the air. "Once I have the Spirit Drug, I'll take down both Yim Wuxie and that wretched woman in one go!"

Yang Qiyun nodded, though inwardly he scoffed, casting a contemptuous glance at the ring on his finger.

Yim Wuxie, all the while, observed every detail through the system's surveillance.

The banquet table wasn't large, and as a distinguished guest, Yim Wuxie was seated less than three meters from Yang Qiyun. The subtle exchanges between them were clear as day, even without the aid of the system.

Yang Qiyun's sights were clearly set on the Ming Yu within the storage ring. This was the perfect chance to devise a strategy that would send Xiao Chen plummeting into the abyss!

Just then, Chiang Qiushui at his side let out a sigh. Yim Wuxie turned to her, his voice gentle, "What's the matter?"

Chiang Qiushui shook her head, her slender eyebrows knitting together as she whispered, "I never expected to encounter him here."

Yim Wuxie offered a reassuring smile and tenderly squeezed her hand, "The world is so small; we're bound to cross paths with everyone eventually."

Surprise flickered in Chiang Qiushui's eyes at his response. Those words didn't seem to come from someone who had weathered many battles.

"You don't harbor any resentment toward him?" she asked, puzzled.

Resentment? For someone as seasoned as him, there was no room for such feelings.

"I've been through countless battles. If I were to hate every adversary, wouldn't I spend my life buried in bitterness?" Yim Wuxie said with a smile, "Life is too short to hold onto grudges over the deeds of mere strangers."

Chiang Qiushui bowed her head, quietly repeating his words. In that moment, she truly grasped the free-spirited nature of the Inferno Lord's Crown Prince.

Xiao Chen, witnessing the closeness between Chiang Qiushui and Yim Wuxie, was consumed by a surge of rage. He abruptly stood and announced, "Son of God of Alkaid, Brother Qiyun, esteemed Elders, I'm feeling somewhat unwell and must excuse myself."

The Son of God of Alkaid's brow creased slightly. Before he could speak, Xiao Chen had already left without a backward glance. He turned a cold gaze to Yang Qiyun and remarked, "Yang Qiyun, your friend certainly carries himself with great audacity!"

Being the Alkaid King's sole heir, he had always been deferential to Yim Wuxie for the sake of Alkaid. Yet, despite his nods and bows, he had repeatedly been slighted by both Yang Qiyun and Chiang Qiushui. How could he not seethe with anger?

Yang Qiyun rose to his feet with a smile.

"My friend has sustained an injury; it seems an old wound has flared up again. I ask the Son of God and the others to forgive him. I'll have him return immediately!"

With that, Yang Qiyun hurried off in pursuit of Xiao Chen.

Watching him depart, Yim Wuxie furrowed his brow and inquired, "What exactly is the relationship between those two?"

"Let me be frank," the Son of God of Alkaid began, "Yang Qiyun rescued an unconscious and severely injured Xiao Chen in the Eastern Wastes. Xiao Chen, who possesses medical expertise, managed to heal himself substantially. He then treated my father for a chronic illness that had plagued him for years. Following his recovery, my father entered seclusion to make a breakthrough and passed the leadership of Alkaid to me. I allowed Xiao Chen to stay here to fully recover before his departure. Little did I know he would be such an impertinent individual!"

Yim Wuxie nodded, gaining a general understanding of the events.

After fleeing the Chiang family, Xiao Chen sought the Spirit Drug in the Eastern Wastes but was gravely wounded and fell into a coma. Yang Qiyun, coveting the soul of Ming Yu in Xiao Chen's possession, resolved to save him first, with the intention of later seizing the soul for himself.

Yim Wuxie, driven by the same protagonist's destiny, couldn't help but wonder who would come out on top if he didn't intervene. But allowing curiosity to sidetrack his plans was not in Yim Wuxie's character!

He had already devised a nearly flawless strategy. By manipulating Yang Qiyun, he planned to sow discord between Xiao Chen and Ming Yu.

When the time came, whether it was the master of beauty, the Spirit Drug, the fortune of the main character, or the villain value, Yim Wuxie wasn't one to play multiple-choice games. He intended to claim it all!

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