Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C15 They Pretended to be Nice to Him but They Were Hiding a Knife in Their Sleeves
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Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C15 They Pretended to be Nice to Him but They Were Hiding a Knife in Their Sleeves
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C15 They Pretended to be Nice to Him but They Were Hiding a Knife in Their Sleeves

After they had their fill, Yim Wuxie stood up and expressed his gratitude:

"Thank you for your hospitality, Son of God of Alkaid. Qiushui and I plan to take a walk outside, so we won't impose on you any further."

"How can that be acceptable?"

The Son of God of Alkaid quickly interjected.

"You are esteemed guests; I cannot afford to be so neglectful..."

"There's no need for such formality, Son of God," Yim Wuxie said with a smile. "We are peers, and there isn't much difference in our ages. If it weren't for the title of prince, I might even call you 'brother.' So please, dispense with the formalities. I simply wish to enjoy a leisurely walk with Qiushui and have a private conversation."

Relieved, the Son of God of Alkaid replied:

"Then I hope you have an enjoyable time... Oh, and one more thing, if the Crown Prince is going for a walk, be sure not to exit through the Eastern Gate of the Holy Clan. Beyond that lies the true forbidden zone of the Eastern Wasteland, where alien beasts roam freely. Even a warrior at the Heavenly Mystery Stage would not return unscathed."

Yim Wuxie just smiled.

The Spirit Drug was within the forbidden zone of the Eastern Wasteland; how could he resist the temptation to go?

Yim Wuxie, with Chiang Qiushui in tow, meandered through the Alkaid Holy Land, yet they never strayed far from Xiao Chen.

Though situated in the Eastern Wasteland, Alkaid was a place of power, boasting unique sights. However, Chiang Qiushui's brow was furrowed throughout their journey.

"Are you still preoccupied with thoughts of Xiao Chen?"

Noticing her somber mood, Yim Wuxie asked with a gentle smile.

Clearly disconcerted, Chiang Qiushui was about to deny it, but upon meeting Yim Wuxie's gaze, she found herself nodding instead.

"You... would be upset, wouldn't you?"

Yim Wuxie chuckled as he took Chiang Qiushui's hand in his:

"I'd only be upset if you kept it from me. Since you're being open with me, how could I possibly be mad at you? Do you know why I insisted we leave the Son of God behind?"

Upon hearing this, Chiang Qiushui cast a puzzled glance at Yim Wuxie.

"Yang Qiyun seems to harbor ulterior motives towards Xiao Chen!"

Yim Wuxie stated gravely,

"The Heavenly Eye of Martial, a technique inherited in my family, allows one to discern the vulnerabilities within a person's body. Yang Qiyun's soul appears to be damaged! Such soul injuries can only be remedied by a potent living soul."

Yim Wuxie continued, turning to Chiang Qiushui,

"And Xiao Chen possesses such a living soul!"

Chiang Qiushui gasped in surprise and exclaimed,

"Are you referring to Ming Yu?"

"Exactly," Yim Wuxie confirmed with a solemn tone, "If I'm not mistaken, Ming Yu's soul resides within Xiao Chen's ring. Yang Qiyun's true aim is likely that very ring!"

Panic flickered across Chiang Qiushui's face as she asked anxiously,

"What do we do now?"

"Silly girl," Yim Wuxie chuckled, tapping her forehead affectionately, "If I've confided this to you, can't you piece it together?"

Noticing the shock on Chiang Qiushui's face, Yim Wuxie feigned a sigh,

"Xiao Chen and I have our differences, and he harbors deep misunderstandings about me. If I approach him directly, it won't just fail to put him on alert—it might even lead him to suspect that I'm trying to drive a wedge between us. But you, if you were to tell him, it would be a different story."

Chiang Qiushui squeezed Yim Wuxie's hand tenderly, her eyes softening as she spoke,

"Despite Xiao Chen's repeated confrontations, you still consider his well-being. Young Master Yim, your magnanimity alone puts Xiao Chen to shame."

"And yet, at this hour, you still address me as Young Master Yim?"

Yim Wuxie feigned annoyance with a sigh.

Chiang Qiushui's lips curved into a teasing smile, her eyes challenging as she replied,

"You wish for me to call you my husband? We'll save that for after our grand wedding."

Before Yim Wuxie could respond, the voice of the system echoed in his divine sense.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for increasing the female lead's favorability. Your destiny value has risen by 100."

Yim Wuxie's heart leapt with joy. He hadn't anticipated that his impulsive suggestion for Chiang Qiushui to remind Xiao Chen would end up boosting her fondness for him!

Chiang Qiushui, noticing Yim Wuxie's distraction, couldn't help but smile, her cheeks flushing a rosy hue as she playfully chided, "What mischief are you plotting now?"

"Whatever you're thinking, I'm thinking the same," Yim Wuxie replied with a grin. "Enough fooling around. Go remind Xiao Chen, will you? I'm worried that if we delay, things might change."

Chiang Qiushui nodded, a weight lifted from her shoulders. She gave Yim Wuxie a wave, then turned and walked away, leaving him to chuckle silently to himself.

"Young Lord, should we follow her and keep watch?" an Underworld Guard inquired through a telepathic message.

"There's no need," Xiao Chen responded, hands clasped behind his back, a smile playing on his lips. "You'd be too close and Ming Yu might detect you, which would be counterproductive. I'm well aware of the potential consequences."

Unbeknownst to Chiang Qiushui, she held a place in Xiao Chen's heart nearly equal to that of Yim Wuxie. Her reminder would only serve to deepen Xiao Chen's animosity towards her, making his own schemes all the more feasible.

Xiao Chen mused with a self-satisfied smirk, "It's no wonder the grand villain system chose me. I truly have a knack for villainy!"

Meanwhile, Chiang Qiushui, escorted by the disciples of the Holy Land, finally got her audience with Xiao Chen and Yang Qiyun.

Upon laying eyes on Chiang Qiushui, Xiao Chen's brows furrowed, and he sneered, "Well, if it isn't the betrothed of the Inferno Lord. What brings you to my doorstep?"

A chill settled in Chiang Qiushui's heart, and with a furrowed brow, she replied sternly, "Young Master Xiao, I need to speak with you. May I have a word in private?"

Yang Qiyun was about to rise to his feet, but Xiao Chen swiftly grabbed his arm, fixing Chiang Qiushui with an icy stare as he retorted, "Hold on, Brother Yang. I have no private matters to discuss with someone of her ilk."

"Xiao Chen!"

Chiang Qiushui had once valued the bond between them, but now her heart was cold and lifeless. Clenching her teeth, she spat out her words with icy detachment:

"If you refuse to listen, you'll only have yourself to blame later on!"

With that, Chiang Qiushui turned to leave.

"Hold on a moment!"

Yang Qiyun rose to his feet, interjecting:

"Brother Xiao, harmony is paramount. Can't we discuss matters calmly? I've got some business to attend to, so I'll take my leave now."

Before Xiao Chen could respond, Yang Qiyun had already soared away.

Watching him go, Xiao Chen fixed Chiang Qiushui with a frosty gaze and demanded:

"Out with it. What do you want to say?"

Chiang Qiushui let out a cold huff before replying:

"It's nothing major. Just a heads-up that Yang Qiyun seems to have designs on Sage Ming Yu's soul. Consider this a friendly warning to watch your back."

"Petty suspicions!"

Xiao Chen retorted scornfully.

"When I was gravely injured and unconscious, if he truly coveted my master's soul, he could have easily taken the ring. Why bother bringing me back to heal?"

"And has he mentioned his own fragmented soul to you?"

Chiang Qiushui asked with a sneer.

"How did you come to know his soul is incomplete?"

Xiao Chen inquired.

"I was about to say..." Chiang Qiushui began, but then, recalling Yim Wuxie's instructions, she hastily corrected herself, "Just be vigilant, that's all I'm saying."

Xiao Chen, however, slammed his hand on the table in a burst of anger:

"Did Yim Wuxie put you up to this? I should've seen it coming. Is he trying to drive a wedge between us? You're both nothing but treacherous curs! Get out—I never want to see you again!"

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