Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C18 They Took the Divine Fire and Punished Him with a Small Punishment
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Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C18 They Took the Divine Fire and Punished Him with a Small Punishment
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C18 They Took the Divine Fire and Punished Him with a Small Punishment

Ming Yu's restraints had been removed, yet her soul power was still in recovery. She sat on the ground, weakened, giving Yim Wuxie a slight nod in acknowledgment.

"Qiu Shui, look after Saint Ming Yu," Yim Wuxie instructed before leaping down to confront Yang Qiyun with an icy stare.

"May I have the honor of knowing your name?" he inquired.

With a contemptuous snort, Yang Qiyun retorted, "If you've figured me out, there's little else to discuss. I hail from a different realm than yours, and my name would likely mean nothing to you."

Yim Wuxie couldn't help but smile; Yang Qiyun's cunning far surpassed that of Xiao Chen.

Noticing the smile, Yang Qiyun's brow furrowed, and he spoke sternly, "Young man, we bear no grudge against each other. However, if you hand over that life soul, I might just owe you a favor."

Yim Wuxie burst into laughter, "Do I, the Crown Prince of the Inferno Lord, need a favor from you? How about this instead: surrender the ring to me, and I'll owe you a favor. My standing as the Inferno Lord's heir carries far more weight than yours!"

"You're delusional!" scoffed Yang Qiyun. "I concealed my true power earlier, allowing you a minor victory. Don't fool yourself into thinking you're unbeatable!"

"I wouldn't claim to be unbeatable, but dealing with a few ruffians is hardly a challenge," Yim Wuxie retorted with unshakable confidence.

A surge of rage welled up in Yang Qiyun at the sight of Yim Wuxie's arrogance. His ire had already been stoked by the loss of the potent life soul he was so close to claiming, and Yim Wuxie's demeanor only fanned the flames of his fury.

"So be it. I had intended to settle the score with you once I regained my full strength, but since you've come to me, I'll no longer hold back. Prepare to meet your end!"

With those words, Yang Qiyun sprang into action, summoning the Divine Fire of Sand Blending in his palm. The fiery energy focused into his fist, causing the surrounding sand to swirl violently, the intense heat threatening to turn the grains into molten glass.

Yim Wuxie's brow creased ever so slightly.

Yang Qiyun had been hiding his true power all along!

Back in the Sacred Hall, he seemed to be at the Earth Mystery Stage, but now, unleashing his full might, he proved to be as formidable as someone at the Heavenly Mystery Stage. Coupled with the Sand Blending Divine Fire and the sandy terrain of the Eastern Wastes' forbidden land, his aura now far surpassed that of Xiao Chen from the Chiang family.

But that was the extent of it!

The enhancements granted to Yim Wuxie by the great villain system were not limited to mere leaps in cultivation!

Yim Wuxie lifted his hand, shielding Chiang Qiushui and Ming Yu behind him, as the Origin Godfire surged forth, coalescing around his fist.

With the emergence of both divine fires, the air around them turned blisteringly hot.

Their exchange of punches and kicks sent the surrounding sand and stones glowing red from the intense heat.

Watching the fierce battle, Chiang Qiushui grew anxious, her grip on Ming Yu's hand becoming sweaty.

Ming Yu glanced at Chiang Qiushui and whispered reassuringly, "Don't worry. That Yim family kid is just probing Yang Qiyun's limits."

True to Ming Yu's words, after a dozen or so exchanges, Yim Wuxie's punch sent Yang Qiyun stumbling back. He chuckled and taunted, "I thought you had more up your sleeve, but it seems you've merely boosted your cultivation by relying on your divine soul and fire."

"So what?" retorted Yang Qiyun with a sneer. "As long as I can defeat you, that's all that matters!"

Yim Wuxie's mocking laughter filled the air. "You won't stand a chance! Against someone whose soul outstrips their body, my Hell Clan has a whole arsenal of countermeasures!"

With a flourish, Yim Wuxie clasped his hands together, and the power of the Hell Scripture manifested, transforming into a gate shrouded in a sinister aura.

"Open, Black Hell!"

The gate swung open with a thunderous crash, its dark maw seeming to lead straight to the Nine Underworlds. A wave of dread and a deadly chill instantly swept over the arena, the mere presence of this aura causing Yang Qiyun's heart to roil.

"Escort from the Black Hell Ghost!"

No sooner had the words left his lips than two monstrous hands emerged from the darkened doorway, seizing Yang Qiyun's body. With a fierce tug, they nearly wrenched his soul from within him.

Startled by the sight, Yang Qiyun quickly activated his cultivation technique, mustering his will to reclaim his soul.

"Kid, you think you can imprison my soul? Dream on!"

Yang Qiyun declared, his hands once again summoning the original essence of the Divine Fire of Sand Melting. This time, the fire's intensity was such that it liquefied the surrounding earth, the molten rock flowing like lava.

Yim Wuxie's lips curled into a faint smile as he intoned, "That's exactly what I was waiting for."

As his voice faded, several Underworld Guards burst forth, swiftly pinning Yang Qiyun's hands.

"I sensed the weakness of your divine fire's essence from the start of our battle. It appears you've only recently acquired it and haven't had the chance to cultivate it, have you? Well then, let me take it off your hands!"

In Yim Wuxie's grasp, the Origin Godfire blazed with vigor, a stark contrast to the feeble Divine Fire of Sand Melting.

"Is that Chen's Origin Godfire?"

Ming Yu gasped in surprise.

The divine fire had been with Xiao Chen for nearly a year, yet it had failed to regain its vitality.

But now, merely a month after Yim Wuxie had claimed the divine fire from the Chiang family, it was brimming with life, nearly restored to its full glory!

Could it be that Yim Wuxie was the rightful heir to the Origin Godfire?

Seeing Yim Wuxie produce the Origin Godfire, Yang Qiyun couldn't hide his astonishment. "What are you planning to do?"

"Divine fires draw each other in. The stronger the fire, the more it can absorb from the other! Surely you're aware of this?"

With a cold chuckle, Yim Wuxie brought the Origin Godfire closer to the Divine Fire of Sand Melting. The two blazes intertwined, consuming one another. Initially, the Divine Fire of Sand Melting put up a fight, but it wasn't long before the Origin Godfire's might overwhelmed it, and it was finally assimilated.

The Origin Godfire danced and flickered with excitement, its cherry-red flames blending into gold, casting an even more resplendent glow.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully outsmarting the Destiny Child, Yang Qiyun. His destiny value has decreased by 100, while your villain value has increased by 1000."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for triumphing over the Destiny Child, Yang Qiyun. His destiny value has decreased by 200, and your villain value has increased by 2000."

Yim Wuxie smirked, having exerted so much effort only to barely scratch the surface of Yang Qiyun.

Stripped of his divine fire, Yang Qiyun had lost his earlier arrogance. Now subdued and silent, the old soul who had seized another's body was at a disadvantage, left with nothing but his glaring eyes fixed on Yim Wuxie.

Yim Wuxie offered a faint smile and said sternly, "Don't glare at me like that. You've only yourself to blame, daring to cross the Herb Elder of Medicine Valley. Seizing your divine fire is merely a minor reprimand for a major admonition!"

"Take him to Black Hell!"

As he commanded, Yim Wuxie secretly instructed the Underworld Guard, "Find a chance to let him escape on his own."

For such a Destiny Child, it's best to play the long game and aim for a bigger catch.

Especially since Xiao Chen's destiny value is already running low!

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