Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C19 He Would Treat Xiao Chen Again and the Master and Disciple Would Have a Disagreement
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Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C19 He Would Treat Xiao Chen Again and the Master and Disciple Would Have a Disagreement
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C19 He Would Treat Xiao Chen Again and the Master and Disciple Would Have a Disagreement

"Hold on!" Ming Yu called out just as the Underworld Guard was about to escort Yang Qiyun away, revealing, "He has the Spirit Drug on him!"

Yim Wuxie's brow creased at the news. Xiao Chen and Ming Yu's journey into the Eastern Wastes had been for that very Spirit Drug.

Ming Yu's heart was still with Xiao Chen, and if he obtained the Spirit Drug to rebuild his body, it would mean giving Xiao Chen an ally of saintly caliber.

Yim Wuxie turned to face Yang Qiyun with a command. "Give me the Spirit Drug."

With a cold huff, Yang Qiyun reluctantly handed over the sandbag to Yim Wuxie.

Securing the Spirit Drug, Yim Wuxie signaled the Underworld Guard with a glance, and they swiftly took to the skies with Yang Qiyun in tow.

As they departed, a subtle glimmer of divine fire danced in Yim Wuxie's hand before he discreetly handed the Spirit Drug to Ming Yu, saying, "Sage Ming Yu, here is the Spirit Drug you seek."

Ming Yu hesitated, well aware of the longstanding grudge between Xiao Chen and Yim Wuxie. She knew that accepting the Spirit Drug would be problematic for Xiao Chen.

Noticing her reluctance, Chiang Qiushui stepped forward, placing the Spirit Drug into Ming Yu's hands. "Sage Ming Yu, the feud between Xiao Chen and Young Master Yim is their affair. Please, don't hold back on our account."

"Indeed," Yim Wuxie added with a smile, "Xiao Chen has some misconceptions about me, but misunderstandings can eventually be cleared up."

Ming Yu nodded in agreement. "Chen can be impulsive and stubborn, but I'll talk to him. This Spirit Drug will indeed help me rebuild my body, so I'll accept it without further ado."

"Ding! Ming Yu's favorability towards you has increased, Xiao Chen's destiny value has decreased by 100, and the villain value has increased by 1000!"

Taking the spiked sandbag, Ming Yu's expression of joy quickly turned to one of shock as she inspected it closely. Shaking her head with a sigh, she lamented, "What a shame, the Spirit Drug is ruined."

"Ruined?" Yim Wuxie exclaimed in disbelief. "How? I barely touched it..."

"It's not your fault!" Ming Yu hastened to say, "The medicinal effects must have dissipated during the battle due to the intense heat of the divine fire. It's my destiny; no one else is to blame."

Upon hearing this, Yim Wuxie spoke in a grave tone, "May I inquire which herbs Saint Ming Yu requires? Please share with me. With the resources of Black Hell at our disposal, gathering a few Spirit Drugs should pose no challenge."

"There's no need," Ming Yu replied with a slight nod, "Chen and I will find them as we continue our training journey. Prince Yim need not concern himself with this matter."

Chiang Qiushui, looking somewhat displeased, interjected, "I had already warned Xiao Chen to be wary of Yang Qiyun. I never expected him to ignore my advice and abandon you. That's utterly inexcusable..."

"Qiushui!" Yim Wuxie quickly cut her off, "Saint Ming Yu, Qiushui speaks her mind without reserve. Please, pay it no mind."

Ming Yu shook her head, "It's fine. I've already cautioned Chen about this..."

In the midst of their conversation, Xiao Chen arrived swiftly with the Son of God and their entourage. Spotting Yim Wuxie, his expression turned sour.

The Son of God of Alkaid, noticing the signs of combat, descended rapidly, ready to offer his respects, "I failed in my oversight, allowing the prince to be alarmed."

Yim Wuxie stopped the Son of God of Alkaid with a gesture, assuring him with a smile, "There's no need for such formalities, Son of God. I merely came here for a diversion with my betrothed. A mere Yang Qiyun is hardly cause for alarm."

Xiao Chen, already irked, couldn't help but respond with a cold, mocking tone, "Only with the aid of the Underworld Guard could you manage to repel Yang Qiyun..."

"Chen!" Ming Yu reprimanded sharply, "Enough!"

At her words, Xiao Chen fell silent, his frustration simmering beneath the surface, unvoiced.

Ming Yu then approached Yim Wuxie and offered a respectful bow, "Young Master Yim, my soul has suffered considerable harm. I ask that you return the storage ring to Chen, so I may retreat and recuperate."

Yim Wuxie wasted no time and passed the storage ring to Ming Yu, saying, "Should you need anything, don't hesitate to seek me out. I will spare no effort to assist the Saint in resolving any issues!"

Ming Yu gave a nod, then handed the storage ring to Xiao Chen, and silently retreated back into the ring.

Xiao Chen cast a mocking glance at Yim Wuxie and dismissively gestured to the Son of God of Alkaid, "I have pressing matters to address, so I must bid you farewell."

Before the Son of God of Alkaid could utter a response, Xiao Chen soared off. The Son of God, his hand awkwardly suspended in the air, let it fall and scoffed, "Had you not saved my father, I would've confined you for a decade or more for your brazen intrusion into forbidden grounds!"

Chiang Qiushui remained silent. Her heart had long turned cold towards Xiao Chen, and now, nothing but disdain stirred within her at the sight of him.

Yim Wuxie, on the other hand, was smug. If he could just pry Ming Yu away from Xiao Chen's side, he could eradicate his rival once and for all!

Yet, Ming Yu's affections still leaned towards Xiao Chen. Her recent demeanor, however, betrayed a growing disappointment in him—a seed of discord sown between master and disciple.

Meanwhile, in the vast expanse of the Eastern Wastes, Xiao Chen navigated the endless sands, grumbling to himself, "Were it not for Yim Wuxie's theft of my Origin Godfire, what threat would Yang Qiyun pose?"

"It's all Yim Wuxie's doing!"

Ming Yu, listening from within the storage ring, felt a wave of disappointment wash over her.

"Chen, do you realize where you fall short compared to Yim Wuxie?"

"It's my family background," Xiao Chen retorted with scorn. "If I had his advantages, my accomplishments would surely surpass his by now!"

Ming Yu exhaled a weary sigh and spoke gravely, "If you truly had his family background, I fear you wouldn't even measure up to your current self."


Xiao Chen began, only to be cut off by Ming Yu.

"Young Master Yim has a magnanimous spirit. Whether he takes a liking to someone or not, you'd never know it just by looking at him. That's not only shrewdness but also a skillful way to navigate the world."

"Moreover, Young Master Yim isn't the type of person you're imagining. He's not some rich young master who uses his position to bully others. The issue between you two is simply a misunderstanding."

Before Ming Yu could finish her thought, Xiao Chen abruptly halted and asked,

"Master, did Yim Wuxie give you the Spirit Drug?"

"Yes, but..."

Ming Yu stopped mid-sentence, realizing something.

Xiao Chen was doubting her!

"So, you think I'm speaking in his favor because I accepted the Spirit Drug from Yim Wuxie?"

Ming Yu was immediately overcome with a mix of sadness and anger, feeling insulted, especially by someone she held so dear.

"That's not what I meant..."

Hearing the edge in Ming Yu's voice, Xiao Chen quickly backpedaled.

With Ming Yu remaining silent, Xiao Chen let out a sigh and moved on ahead.

The two of them lapsed into silence.

Xiao Chen was filled with a sense of injustice. It was all Yim Wuxie's fault, so why did it seem like everyone was on his side?

Not just Chiang Qiushui, but even his own master, Ming Yu, seemed to favor him.

It had even led to a sense of distance between them now.

"Master, where are we headed next?"

After a moment, Ming Yu finally uttered a few words.

"To Bei Jiang, Peltou Mountain!"

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