Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C2 A Gentleman Used Reason to Subdue Others
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Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C2 A Gentleman Used Reason to Subdue Others
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C2 A Gentleman Used Reason to Subdue Others

[Ding! The typical range for destiny values is between one and a hundred. However, those with the protagonist template can surpass this upper limit.

Once they provoke the protagonist and turn into the villain, their destiny value turns dark and becomes a harbinger of doom!]

Yim Wuxie's eyes lowered as he casually surveyed the area. With the system's assistance, he could discern the destiny values of everyone present. True to the system's word, Xiao Chen's destiny value astonishingly reached two thousand points.

And Chiang Qiushui's destiny value? A solid nine hundred points—undeniably the heroine of the story.

[Ding! In response to Xiao Chen's challenge, publicly humiliating Xiao Chen will result in a loss of a hundred points from his destiny value and a thousand-point spike in your villain value!]

Yim Wuxie felt a curse brewing under his breath. Xiao Chen had clearly come prepared. Was it really possible to dispatch Xiao Chen so effortlessly?

The original character was somewhat naive, insisting on giving the protagonist time to grow. Why bother with such complexity when he could simply eliminate him before he had the chance to rise?

But then again, Yim Wuxie pondered, perhaps this was merely a metaphorical slap in the face, not necessarily a call to direct combat.

Gradually setting his teacup down, Yim Wuxie's eyes flickered open, and a formidable presence unfurled around him.

The assembled crowd couldn't help but feel a wave of awe. Had Yim Wuxie actually achieved a breakthrough?

At the second grade of the Heavenly Mystery Stage, he could practically command respect from the Holy Lords of minor sanctuaries!

Hadn't it been just a year since his last breakthrough to the Heavenly Mystery Stage? How had he advanced so rapidly?

Truly, he was the unparalleled prodigy who had dominated the entire Northern Region!

Xiao Chen, perched high above, also showed a flicker of surprise. But, as if a thought struck him, he quickly regained his composure.

Yim Wuxie, who had been covertly observing Xiao Chen, let out an inward scoff. Clearly, Xiao Chen had some ace up his sleeve, unphased even by Yim Wuxie's ascent to the second grade of the Heavenly Mystery Stage.

In that moment, Yim Wuxie's gaze turned icy. His stature, though not particularly imposing, radiated an overwhelming force that could petrify the soul. He swept his eyes across the assembly and spoke:

"What's the Chiang family playing at? Allowing a mere ant to traverse their grand formation and spout nonsense in this place? If the Chiang family lacks capable people, then allow me to lend them a hand!"

His voice, though not loud, resonated in the ears of everyone present. Empowered by the formidable second grade of the Heavenly Mystery Stage, no one dared question Yim Wuxie's words.

Xiao Chen's face fell, and the Chiang family members present grimaced.

For the proud descendants of the Great Emperor, to have their storied formation breached by someone merely at the Earth Mystery Stage was a true loss of face for the Chiang family.

Accompanied by a cold snort, the silver waterfall burst forth with a dazzling light. Its terrifying might erupted in an instant, and the silver formation patterns emerged, bearing down on Xiao Chen high above.

Once the Great Emperor Clan's formation patterns were activated, even a saint would be subdued, much less Xiao Chen of the Earth Mystery Stage!

Xiao Chen was aglow with brilliance, yet against the onslaught of the silver waterfall, he couldn't withstand even a moment before being crushed from the sky, his body soon drenched in blood.

An aged voice rang out:

"No need to trouble yourself, young friend. Such an insignificant ant can be easily crushed by the Chiang family with a mere flick of our wrist."

A trump card not played is no trump card at all.

Yim Wuxie watched as Xiao Chen, who had just been brimming with arrogance, now lay on the ground like a dead dog, creating a deep crater upon impact. He sneered inwardly.

Did he really think I'd charge at him like those greenhorns, only to be used as a stepping stone in his scheme?

So naive!

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for a successful face-slapping. You've earned 1,000 villain points, and Xiao Chen's destiny value has been reduced by 100! Villain points have surpassed 1,000, unlocking the System's Merchant Shop! The Cultivation Support System is now activated!]

As Xiao Chen hit the ground, a sneer involuntarily escaped from someone in the crowd.

The stark contrast couldn't be more pronounced.

Xiao Chen had made such a grand entrance, boldly proclaiming he would take down Yim Wuxie of the second grade Heavenly Mystery Stage. Yet without Yim Wuxie even lifting a finger, he was already down for the count. What turn of events was this?

No one present harbored any doubts about Yim Wuxie's ability to defeat Xiao Chen!

Back when Yim Wuxie was at the first grade of the Heavenly Mystery Stage, he had already fought to a draw with a Sovereign Lord of the Divine Mystery Stage.

That was a remarkable feat!

Now that Yim Wuxie had advanced to the second grade of the Heavenly Mystery Stage, the idea of him not being able to beat someone at the initial Earth Mystery Stage was laughable.

His restraint was merely a courtesy extended to the Chiang family, the current hosts. It would be a severe loss of face for the Chiang family if an outsider stepped in to discipline Xiao Chen on their behalf.

"System, can I seize this moment to eliminate Xiao Chen?" Yim Wuxie quietly mused. He wasn't concerned about accusations of dishonorable victory. A true villain eliminates threats before they fully emerge. Why wait for Xiao Chen to become a problem later on?

Besides, if he did kill Xiao Chen, it was unlikely anyone would criticize him. Everyone already perceived Xiao Chen as having no chance of victory.

Furthermore, Xiao Chen had openly threatened to kill Yim Wuxie and had brazenly flirted with Chiang Qiushui in public. Yim Wuxie would be well within his rights to strike him down.

"The Destiny Child's fate must reach its nadir before the host can be certain of killing him, and even then, it could trigger a cascade of unforeseen consequences."

Upon hearing the system's explanation, Yim Wuxie's brow creased slightly. The Destiny Child was proving to be a challenging target.

Yet, with the opening of the system store and the cultivation support system, Yim Wuxie couldn't help but smirk. If he couldn't kill the Destiny Child, he could still use him as a tool to aid in his own cultivation.

With the system at his disposal, Yim Wuxie was confident he could slowly but surely bring about the downfall of this so-called Destiny Child.

The system store was filled with innumerable treasures and mystical techniques, all available in exchange for villain value.

Additionally, the cultivation support system promised to enhance one's cultivation techniques and personal power, provided one had sufficient villain value to invest.

These villain values, it seems, are destined to be claimed by these so-called Destiny Children.

Yim Wuxie watched Xiao Chen collapse to the ground, his gaze flickering with indecision. With a detached air, he settled back into his seat, his formidable presence receding.

"Cough, cough!"

Amidst a bout of coughing, Xiao Chen, sprawled on the ground, slowly rose to his feet. His body was soaked in blood, the signs of severe injury evident, yet he forced himself to stand.

With a hard glare at the unperturbed Yim Wuxie, he swiftly produced a pill that glowed with a radiant light and exuded a rich medicinal scent, and popped it into his mouth.

As the pill took effect, Xiao Chen's wounds began to heal at an astonishing rate.

A murmur rose from the onlookers:

"That scent... Could it be the Heaven Returning Pill from Medicine Valley? They only make three every decade. Does he actually have one? But isn't it true that only the direct lineage of Medicine Valley possesses the Heaven Returning Pill?"

"I've heard rumors that Xiao Chen might have ties to Ming Yu, the Great Elder of Medicine Valley who disappeared years ago. Could he be the Great Elder's disciple?"

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