Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C20 The Great Emperor's Mausoleum the Imperial Capital Was Assassinated
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Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C20 The Great Emperor's Mausoleum the Imperial Capital Was Assassinated
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C20 The Great Emperor's Mausoleum the Imperial Capital Was Assassinated

"Ding! Ming Yu's favorability towards Xiao Chen has dropped. Xiao Chen's luck is down by 100, and his villain value has spiked by 1000."

Yim Wuxie, upon hearing the system's alert, realized that trouble was brewing between Ming Yu and Xiao Chen.

The enmity between Xiao Chen and Yim Wuxie was unchangeable, a sentiment not solely dictated by the Destiny Children's choices but also amplified by the grand villain system!

In the original narrative, the Destiny Children were the embodiment of righteousness, their actions always deemed correct.

Conversely, as the antagonist, anything Yim Wuxie did was automatically wrong, simply because he stood in opposition to the protagonist.

The villain system exploited this dichotomy, crafting an aura that instantly repelled the Destiny Children.

Only through such means could their disdain for Yim Wuxie intensify following any defeat.

At that moment, Yim Wuxie was seated in a carriage, ready to depart from the sacred clan.

With Xiao Chen gone, there was no longer a reason to linger in the Eastern Wastes.

The system indicated that Xiao Chen continued his journey northward, likely heading for Peltou Mountain.

To follow him now would seem overly intentional. Yet, ignoring a protagonist like Xiao Chen for too long might lead to him stumbling upon some extraordinary adventure.

Noticing Yim Wuxie's furrowed brow, Chiang Qiushui inquired with curiosity, "What's on your mind?"

Yim Wuxie's frown melted into a smile. "Ever been to Peltou Mountain?"

"No," Chiang Qiushui replied, shaking her head. "But an elder from my clan has. Tales from the mountain speak of myriad alien beasts, some rumored to rival those at the Divine Mystery Stage, even up to the Saint level."

"The leaders of these beasts, known as Orcs, revere them as deities. Each race within Peltou Mountain worships a different beast, each corresponding to a belief system centered around an alien beast of at least the Kingly Mystery Stage. The supreme leader of these beasts is revered as the God of Beasts, believed to be at the level of a Great Emperor."

Upon hearing the words, Yim Wuxie's brow furrowed once more.

The expanse of Peltou Mountain was immense, teeming with formidable alien beasts, which also signified a wealth of opportunities. For a protagonist like Xiao Chen, even with diminishing luck, surviving a venture into Peltou Mountain would undoubtedly result in a meteoric rise in strength.

"Should we take a detour through Peltou Mountain?" Yim Wuxie proposed.

Chiang Qiushui hesitated, "This... might not be the best idea. We've been away for half a month already, and the Great Emperor's Mausoleum opens in another half. If we don't head back now, we'll miss it!"

"Just a secret realm..." Yim Wuxie dismissed with a sneer.

Chiang Qiushui, puzzled, pressed him, "But that's the Great Emperor's Mausoleum. Don't you care about it at all?"

The Great Emperor's Mausoleum, the final resting place of dozens of Guirus Dynasty emperors, opened once a century, offering five coveted spots to the eldest sons of the dynasty's five princely families.

Within its walls lay untold fortunes and the chance for serendipitous inheritance from a Great Emperor, which could propel one to celestial heights.

The Chiang family's initial intent in forging a marriage alliance with the Yim family was precisely to gain entry for their heir, who could then bring along a relative.

Yet for Yim Wuxie, none of this held any allure.

The System Merchant Shop offered an endless array of items in exchange for villain value, all surpassing the treasures of the Great Emperor's Mausoleum in both quality and quantity.

Consider the pill available for the reconstruction of Ming Yu's physical form—readily available in the shop.

Any item, worth tens or even hundreds of thousands of villain value, could astonish the entire continent.

With such a repository at his fingertips, what interest could the Great Emperor's Mausoleum possibly hold for Yim Wuxie?

"Cultivation is a personal journey," Yim Wuxie stated. "How can one solely depend on chance for growth?"

"You possess a calm disposition," Chiang Qiushui acknowledged with a nod. "I've always believed my talent was among the best in our family. Yet, when I compare myself to you, I realize I still have a long way to go."

Yim Wuxie offered a smile and responded, "If you're interested, I can show you around. As my betrothed, you're practically part of the family now!"

At his words, Chiang Qiushui's cheeks turned a rosy hue, and she retorted with feigned irritation, "How does that make me part of the family?"

"Not part of the family? Well, then I guess you won't be joining me!"

"You're... so annoying!"

The presence of a lovely companion made the journey back far from dull.

As they neared the Imperial Capital, an Underworld Guard arrived with a letter penned by the Inferno Lord himself.

Upon reading the letter, Yim Wuxie couldn't suppress a grimace.

It detailed the selection of princes and princesses for the upcoming visit to the Great Emperor's Mausoleum. Yim Wuxie's father had also taken the opportunity to caution him to remain vigilant in the secret realm.

After burning the letter, Yim Wuxie turned to Chiang Qiushui and suggested, "Let's take a tour of the Imperial Capital."

The Underworld Guard interjected urgently, "Prince, the Inferno Lord has returned to his palace. He has ordered that upon your arrival in the Imperial Capital, you should head straight to the mansion without delay."

"Why is that?" Yim Wuxie asked, his brow furrowing.

"The Inferno Lord did not elaborate."

After a moment's contemplation, Yim Wuxie replied softly, "Understood. You may return."

Once the Underworld Guard had departed, Yim Wuxie settled back into the carriage and remarked, "It appears our visit to the Imperial Capital might be anything but tranquil."

Chiang Qiushui, puzzled, inquired, "What's the matter?"

"The details are unclear; it's merely a hunch for now. Regardless, it seems our sightseeing in the Imperial Capital will have to wait."

No sooner had he spoken than a thunderous boom sounded. Without a moment's hesitation, Yim Wuxie scooped up Chiang Qiushui and leaped through the carriage roof, just as a siege crossbow bolt the thickness of a fist tore through the carriage.

The siege crossbow bolts were imbued with formidable martial energy, piercing through the carriage with such force that it toppled over.

Before Yim Wuxie even touched the ground, a barrage of hidden weapons, shimmering with a deep blue hue in the sunlight, betraying their poisonous nature, assailed him from every direction.

With a cold laugh, Yim Wuxie flicked his wrist, unleashing his energy and sending the weapons clattering to the earth.

Activating his Heavenly Eye of Martial, Yim Wuxie discerned dozens of masked figures lurking in the trees.

"So, your lord holds me in such low regard, thinking a few of you could ambush me?" he taunted.

With a surge of his power, Yim Wuxie sent the forest canopy soaring, revealing the assailants. The masked figures, their cover blown, leapt into action, brandishing their weapons and encircling both Yim Wuxie and Chiang Qiushui on the ground.

"Over a dozen of you, and not one at the Heavenly Mystery Stage? Could it be you fear revealing your master's identity?" he mocked.

Silent, the masked figures closed in, seemingly strategizing their next move.

Yim Wuxie sneered again, protectively wrapping an arm around Chiang Qiushui while summoning the Origin Godfire in his free hand. "Attacking me with mechanisms and hidden weapons... you wouldn't be indicating that you're agents of the Dragonwing King Family, would you?"

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