Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C22 The Destiny Child the Unparalleled Naughty Child
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Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C22 The Destiny Child the Unparalleled Naughty Child
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C22 The Destiny Child the Unparalleled Naughty Child

"The Great Emperor pushed his training too hard and ended up damaging his meridians. In his own words, he has at most a year to live!"

"But what does that have to do with the opening of the Great Emperor's Mausoleum?"

Yim Wuxie inquired, puzzled.

"It's because, in addition to the Fifth Prince's heir, Chu Tiankuo, the Great Emperor's own son, will be participating in the event at the Mausoleum!" Yim Daohan explained gravely.

"The founding Great Emperor hailed from the Chiang family. As time passed, the Chiangs fell into decline, and not one from the third generation ascended to Great Emperor status. For the sake of the Guirus Dynasty's prosperity, the Chiangs ceded the throne to the Chu family."

"Nowadays, the Chiang family has even stepped back to a secondary role, having to vie for the mere chance to enter the Great Emperor's Mausoleum Secret Realm."

"That's why the Chu family is hell-bent on securing the secret realm this time! Anyone who might inherit the Great Emperor's legacy is seen as a threat to them!"

"What's Chu Tiankuo's strength like?" Yim Wuxie asked.

"That's exactly the issue!" Yim Daohan responded, "Chu Tiankuo is merely twelve years old, with a stubborn streak, and his cultivation has only reached the Initiate Mystery Stage!"

"However, to ensure Chu Tiankuo secures the inheritance, I fear they will stop at nothing within the secret realm!"

Yim Wuxie's brow furrowed at this revelation.

No wonder he had faced an assassination attempt even before arriving at the Imperial Capital. It was likely not the Giant King's men who were behind the masks, but agents of the Great Emperor.

"So, what does Father suggest I do?"

Yim Wuxie asked.

"The answer is straightforward. You possess exceptional talent, and even if you leave the Great Emperor's Mausoleum empty-handed, it won't impact your cultivation. Just find some serendipitous adventure," Yim Daohan advised, "As long as the Great Emperor's followers believe you have no interest in the inheritance, they won't rashly target you."

Yim Wuxie nodded in agreement. This matched his own strategy.

For him, the Great Emperor's Mausoleum Secret Realm was merely a stepping stone. Accompanying Chiang Qiushui and gaining some favor was all the benefit he needed.

Yim Wuxie nodded in agreement, prompting Yim Daohan to shift the conversation.

"I've heard about your recent encounter with a young upstart from the Xiao family at the Chiang residence?"

With a dismissive smile, Yim Wuxie shook his head.

"Merely an insignificant upstart, hardly worth mentioning."

Yim Daohan nodded, his tone serious.

"Still, you shouldn't underestimate him. The Xiao family has produced a Great Emperor before, and at their zenith, they were no less formidable than the Chiangs! Remember my warning: when you cut weeds, you must pull out the roots."

Yim Wuxie replied with a knowing grin.


"Good. That's all, then. You and Qiushui should prepare. Tomorrow, we will go to meet the Great Emperor."

With a final nod, Yim Wuxie exited the study.

The Great Emperor's Mausoleum would open the day after tomorrow, leaving him ample time to arrange for supplies. As the Crown Prince of the Inferno Lord, such matters hardly required his direct attention.

Yet, he couldn't help but ponder over the Xiao family's legacy of a Great Emperor, as mentioned by Yim Daohan.

"Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen, just how much will you grow from your trials in Peltou Mountain?"

The following day dawned without incident, and early in the morning, Yim Daohan, accompanied by Yim Wuxie and Chiang Qiushui, arrived at the Imperial Palace of Guirus.

The royal court buzzed with the cordial exchanges of princes and heirs until the sun reached its zenith. Only then did the reigning Great Emperor emerge from the inner palace.

"Ding! Destiny Child detected. Spend 500 villain value to review his history."

Yim Wuxie's brow furrowed.

The Destiny Child?

Could it be this gravely ill Great Emperor was the so-called Destiny Child?

Despite his seemingly vigorous appearance, Yim Wuxie's Heavenly Eye of Martial revealed the truth: his meridians were clogged, and his vital energy was erratically dispersed. His days were indeed numbered.

Could such a man truly be the Destiny Child?

Without hesitation, Yim Wuxie confirmed the selection.

"Destiny Child, Chu Pingfeng, attained the First Mystery Stage at three, advanced to the Kingly Mystery Stage at twenty-five, and is now sixty-seven with a cultivation at the second grade of Great Emperor. His reckless training has damaged his meridians and disrupted his vital energy. Destiny value: 1500, destiny value: 1000."

"Ding! Destiny Child detected. Initiating self-select mission. Option 1: Assist the Destiny Child in fulfilling his destiny and earn destiny value upon success."

"Option 2: Assassinate the Destiny Child and seize power. Earn villain value upon success."

"Option 3: Abandon the mission."

Yim Wuxie furrowed his brow. The mission appeared straightforward, but it was fraught with peril.

The first choice likely involved healing Chu Pingfeng's internal injuries, propelling him further in his reign as the Great Emperor.

Such an action would undoubtedly elevate Yim Wuxie's standing within the Guirus Dynasty, yet it would also draw the ire of those coveting the imperial throne.

Among them were numerous reclusive old monsters, including a fair share of saints.

The same risks applied to the second option. With his cultivation at the Heavenly Mystery Stage, not only was his ability to secure the throne in question, but he would likely be unable to withstand a counterattack from the Chu family's formidable elders.

"Abandon the mission!"

Yim Wuxie was no fool. He wouldn't take on a mission without a solid chance of success.

After Chu Pingfeng exchanged a few words with the princes, he retreated to the inner palace, sparking a flurry of discussion in the Imperial Court.

Seeing no further business, Yim Wuxie was preparing to depart when a voice carried in from outside the court.

"What's there to see? They're merely my father's subordinates. Is there any need for me to meet them?"

A boy strode into the hall with impatience. Barely twelve or thirteen, his youthful face bore an air of arrogance. He scanned the room and then dismissively said to his companion,

"I've seen enough. Can we go now?"

This boy was none other than the Great Emperor's son, Chu Tiankuo!

Yim Wuxie couldn't suppress a cold chuckle.

With the Great Emperor's son displaying such behavior, it was no surprise that the emperor was intent on removing any rivals.

Just then, the system's voice echoed once more in Yim Wuxie's mind.

"Ding! Destiny Child detected. Spend 500 villain value to access his historical data."

Another Destiny Child has emerged!

And it's none other than the notorious playboy, Chu Tiankuo.

Without a moment's hesitation, Yim Wuxie spent five hundred villain points. He was genuinely curious to see what made the twelve-year-old Chu Tiankuo, who had just entered the Initiate Mystery Stage, so exceptional.

"Destiny Child Chu Tiankuo, son of the reigning Emperor of Chaos, Chu Pingfeng. He entered the First Mystery Stage at eight and reached the Initiate Mystery Stage by twelve. His constitution is extraordinary, marked by the imperial destiny. Should he break through the True Mystery Stage before fifteen, his cultivation will skyrocket. Failure to do so will mean a lifetime of stagnation. Destiny points: 5000, destiny points: 5000."

"Ding! Destiny Child detected, initiating a selection of missions."

"Option 1: Assist the Destiny Child in overcoming the Fate Palace, becoming the mentor to a Great Emperor, and increase your destiny points upon success."

"Option 2: Extract the Destiny Child's destiny points, thwarting his advancement to the True Mystery Stage, and increase your villain points upon success."

"Option 3: Abandon the mission!"

Here we go again—another choice to make!

Yim Wuxie felt a surge of tension. As he pondered his options, Chiang Qiushui's soft voice came from beside him.

"How can this child be so lacking in manners!"

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