Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C3 The Beauty at His Side Tried to Sow Discord Between Them
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Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C3 The Beauty at His Side Tried to Sow Discord Between Them
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C3 The Beauty at His Side Tried to Sow Discord Between Them

"Medicine Valley's Ming Yu? Wasn't it said that she perished, both body and soul, after failing to ascend to the Saint realm? And there was no mention of her taking on any disciples."

"Then where did this Heaven Returning Pill come from?"

The crowd buzzed with speculation, their eyes flickering with surprise as they watched Xiao Chen.

Yim Wuxie, overhearing the chatter, felt a flicker of astonishment.


Medicine Valley? The Great Elder? Ming Yu?

Could it actually be the Herb Elder?

Indeed, Yim Wuxie noticed an ancient ring on Xiao Chen's finger, one that bore the style of a woman's ring. It was only with the keen observation of his Heavenly Eye of Martial that he detected a faint, nearly imperceptible spiritual pulse.

Without such a skill, even an ordinary Saint or King might miss it entirely.

A beautiful mentor, perhaps? One who taught him the art of medicine refining?

Truly, the mark of a protagonist.

While Xiao Chen was being overpowered, Chiang Qiushui, fraught with concern, finally found some peace. Shortly thereafter, she was escorted to Yim Wuxie by the nine elders of the Chiang family.

Chiang Chen, the second elder of the Chiang family, gazed at Yim Wuxie, who was clad in pristine white, and let out a soft sigh.

"Truly fitting for the Crown Prince of the Inferno Lord, to have reached the second grade of the Heavenly Mystery Stage at such a tender age. You truly live up to the reputation of a Great Emperor, and you put me to shame."

Yim Wuxie responded with a light chuckle.

"You honor me too highly, Elder. The title of Great Emperor is but a lofty compliment. It was merely good fortune that allowed Wuxie to reach the second grade of the Heavenly Mystery Stage."

His voice was even-keeled and detached, yet his humility was disarming, earning him the silent admiration of the Chiang family's nine elders for his extraordinary composure.

Hadn't there been whispers that the Crown Prince of the Inferno Lord, despite his formidable power, was somewhat haughty?

It appears those rumors couldn't be further from the truth.

Chiang Chen then cast a glance at Chiang Qiushui, who was still preoccupied with Xiao Chen, and his brow furrowed slightly.

"Qiushui! Do not delay in paying your respects to Prince Yim. Let's not bring dishonor to the Chiang family."

Chiang Qiushui clenched her teeth in frustration, yet managed to murmur softly,

"Prince Yim, I trust you're well..."

Yim Wuxie observed the reluctant Chiang Qiushui and chuckled nonchalantly,

"Qiushui, there's no need for such formality with me. We're here to discuss our impending marriage, after all. By tomorrow, you'll be my betrothed. It's only right we become more familiar."

Chiang Qiushui's face fell, and she subtly turned her head away.

Yim Wuxie's brow furrowed as he remarked,

"Your countenance seems troubled, Qiushui. Has some insignificant pest marred our meeting today? I shall ensure this nuisance vanishes from your sight at once!"

At the sound of Yim Wuxie's increasingly icy tone, Chiang Qiushui's complexion blanched, her eyes widening in alarm as she faced him,

"No, that's not..."

She was cut off as Chiang Chen, standing beside her, interjected,

"The oversight is on the part of the Chiang family. There's no need for Prince Yim's intervention. How dare an Earth Mystery Stage upstart be so audacious? Does he think the Chiang family can be trifled with?"

No sooner had he spoken than the Chiang family's guards briskly advanced toward Xiao Chen, who was in the midst of gathering his energy, intent on apprehending him.

A sigh resonated through the air,

"Is this the hospitality of the Chiang family?"

With the sigh came an overwhelming presence.

Yim Wuxie's eyes sparkled with anticipation.

"So, it has finally shown itself! Playing one's hand too early can hardly be called a trump card, dear brother."

A silhouette materialized beside Xiao Chen.

She was ethereal in a red gown that danced without a breeze, a celestial being descended to earth.

Yim Wuxie was momentarily taken aback. Elder Ming Yu, whom he had assumed to be an old crone, was in fact a breathtaking beauty. Truly fitting for a protagonist, his luck with women was excessively fortunate.

"Ming Yu of Medicine Valley is alive!"

The nine elders of the Chiang family rose in astonishment. They had suspected Xiao Chen's use of the Heaven Returning Pill, but witnessing it firsthand left them utterly astounded.

Elder Ming Yu was a figure of breathtaking talent. Her meteoric rise in cultivation was primarily due to her exceptional aptitude in pharmacology and pill-making. By her thirties, she had authored the celebrated "Classic Herb Records," which brought relief to countless suffering people across the continent. The nine elders of the Chiang family were all indebted to her—a fact well-known to all.

When the apparition materialized, its formidable presence washed over the area like a tidal wave, sending the guards intent on apprehending Xiao Chen sprawling to the ground, paralyzed and helpless.

Despite being only a remnant soul, Ming Yu's near-Holy Warrior strength remained as fearsome as ever, challenging even the most talented prodigies nearby to muster their defenses.

The surge of energy was like a deluge from the heavens, leaving everyone present in awe. The seasoned and powerful among them managed to maintain their composure, despite being inwardly shaken.

Regrettably, the younger generation, though gifted and prominent in their own right, struggled under the weight of the near-Holy Warrior's pressure. The less resilient were drenched in cold sweat, their complexions ashen as they stood, barely holding on. The more severely affected collapsed, knocked unconscious by the overwhelming force.

"Is this the might of a Holy Warrior? Today's battle is truly unpredictable!" one spectator mused.

"With such a perfectly condensed soul, he's merely a step away from Holy Warrior status. Should he rebuild his physical form, with Medicine Valley's resources, we could witness the rise of another Holy Warrior," another remarked in awe.

"Good heavens, it's no wonder this young man is so bold—he has such a powerful patron behind him," a third observer noted.

The audience buzzed with conversation. The Chiang family itself boasted two or three ancestors nearing Holy Warrior prowess, and their current patriarch had reached the pinnacle of the Divine Mystery Stage. In terms of sheer strength, defeating these two wasn't out of the question.

Yet on the Central Plains Continent, one's power was only part of the equation—background was equally crucial. Beyond Ming Yu's significant favor to the Chiang family elders, the formidable might of Medicine Valley stood as a deterrent, a force few factions on the continent would dare to provoke.

At this moment, all eyes were riveted on Yim Wuxie, seated at the center of the grand hall, their gazes laced with layers of meaning.

"This is shaping up to be quite the spectacle!"

"Indeed, the Chiang family is now caught in a real bind!"

"One has to wonder how Yim Wuxie plans to handle this situation. He's not just up against the likes of Xiao Chen anymore; he's practically taking on the whole Medicine Valley!"

The crowd buzzed with speculation.

Amidst the murmurs, Yim Wuxie remained the picture of serenity, leisurely enjoying his tea with a gaze that held a disdainful mastery over all, as if everything was within his grasp.

As the heir to the Inferno Lord, venturing outside his family's domain for training, it was unthinkable that he wouldn't have a couple of supreme masters as his personal guardians.

Exceptional talent doesn't necessarily equate to formidable strength, and the need for protection was undeniable.

Yim Wuxie's eyes gently closed. He had already covertly summoned two Dao Protectors; one was tasked with rallying the Yim family's underlying support in the area, while the other mingled with the crowd, ever-vigilant in safeguarding him.

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