Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C4 Reverse the Flow of the Dragon and Play with the Pearls
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Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C4 Reverse the Flow of the Dragon and Play with the Pearls
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C4 Reverse the Flow of the Dragon and Play with the Pearls

The might of someone at the pinnacle of the Divine Mystery Stage was more than enough to ensure his safety. However, Xiao Chen, as the Destiny Child, would be foolish to think that a single beautiful master as his trump card would suffice to challenge me.

Yim Wuxie rose to his feet. Though he had anticipated this scenario, he feigned surprise, exclaiming, "So that's why you're so bold, coming here to meet your end. You've got the support of Herb Elder—Elder Ming Yu!"

"Inferno Lord's son—Yim Wuxie pays his respects to Elder Ming Yu!"

Yim Wuxie's deference caught Ming Yu off guard, as she had been on the offensive against him from the moment she arrived. With no choice but to dial back her aggression, Ming Yu found herself begrudgingly impressed by Yim Wuxie's courteous demeanor.

Xiao Chen, long oppressed, finally saw an opportunity to turn the tide. Frustrated by the setbacks in his plans, he ripped off his ragged clothing, baring his muscular torso, and brandishing the Great Ruler, he challenged Yim Wuxie with a roar, "Enough talk. Today, I'm going to level this place and escape this hellhole with Qiushui!"

[Ding! Ming Yu's favorability towards you has increased. Xiao Chen's destiny value has decreased by 10 points, and his villain value has increased by 100.]

Well, that's an unexpected turn. Yim Wuxie thought, pleased with himself, already scheming how to further isolate Xiao Chen.

The nine elders of the Chiang family couldn't hide their displeasure at Xiao Chen's declaration. What business was it of his whom their family married off?

The Great Emperor Clan's formation patterns began to pulse with an ominous energy, the silver glyphs signaling an imminent activation. This sight drained the color from Xiao Chen's face, a man already once subdued.

With a snort of contempt, he taunted, "Oh, you venerable ones, you weren't so high and mighty when you came begging for my medicines! Before you try to suppress me again, how many of these Chiang family whelps do you think will survive?"

Elder Ming Yu looked skyward and let out a commanding shout, and the silver formation patterns above dissipated into nothing.

"Take this young man and leave at once. After this, we are even."

From high above the Nine Heavens, an ancient voice echoed, bringing with it an overwhelming aura of authority. The restrictions were lifted, and the direct descendants of the Chiang family withdrew in an orderly fashion. The nine elderly patriarchs of the Chiang family, who had previously been cautious, now formed a semi-circle and advanced with clear intent.

They were sending a message: Leave!

Xiao Chen, sensing it was time to depart, caught the attention of Yim Wuxie, who was not about to let his valuable training aid slip away. Without Xiao Chen, where would he find another source to accumulate his villain value?

Besides, Yim Wuxie wasn't foolish enough to allow a Destiny Child to continue growing stronger unchecked. Who could predict the fortunes that might fall into the hands of such a favored individual?

"Xiao Chen, what kind of man hides behind a woman? I offer you a fair chance to compete with me. If you win, I'll personally call off this engagement. What do you say?"

Yim Wuxie stepped forward, towering over Xiao Chen with a challenge.

"Really? I accept!"

Xiao Chen replied with a surge of excitement, moving to stand before Ming Yu, ready to battle.

But Ming Yu, from behind, caught hold of him, her brow furrowed with concern,

"Chen, Yim Wuxie is not one to act without reason. He wouldn't make such an offer without a scheme in mind. You mustn't be hasty..."

Before she could finish, Xiao Chen shrugged off her grasp and strode confidently towards Yim Wuxie. His beloved was watching; he would not show fear.

A sly smile flickered across Yim Wuxie's face, unnoticed, as his plan fell into place.

"Swimming against the tide? Holding an ace up your sleeve? I'm eager to see it."

With knees slightly bent, Yim Wuxie leapt gracefully into the air and, like a white lotus, landed softly in the center of the plaza.

As Yim Wuxie made his entrance, Xiao Chen lifted the Great Ruler, his body poised and eyes gleaming with lethal intent. He whispered,

"Yim Wuxie, you've bypassed the road to heaven and chosen the gateless path to hell. Allow me to escort you on your journey!"

Beneath his feet, a pale green energy swirled, and in the blink of an eye, his figure vanished like a specter from the gaze of the onlookers.

Before the crowd could even register what was happening, he materialized behind Yim Wuxie. With a swift motion, he hoisted the hefty Great Ruler and brought it crashing down toward Yim Wuxie's head.

The Great Ruler, brimming with potent energy, carved a path through the air, its immense power causing the very space around it to warp slightly.

"Xiao Chen isn't holding back—he's going for the kill right off the bat!"

"Such incredible speed! Without energy perception, it's impossible to catch with the naked eye!"

"Even though he's only at the Earth Mystery Stage, his strength is truly frightening. He truly lives up to his reputation as the unparalleled prodigy of the Southern Ridge!"

The onlookers expressed their awe.

Meanwhile, Yim Wuxie seemed unprepared to defend himself, leaving it unclear whether he was still processing the situation or simply choosing not to counter.

Just as Xiao Chen's Great Ruler was about to make contact with Yim Wuxie, there was a swift whoosh.

A billowing cloud of dust erupted from where Yim Wuxie had been standing moments before. Xiao Chen's Great Ruler struck the ground with such force that it shattered the limestone pavement of the square.

Xiao Chen was taken aback. He knew the speed of his movement was due to the Thunderbolt Step, a secret technique from the Thunderbolt Sect's inner teachings, bestowed upon him by his master, Ming Yu, as a token of gratitude for saving an elder of the sect.

His movements were silent and lightning-fast, akin to a phantom.

Without a robust sense of energy perception, it would be impossible to visually track his movements, and even if one could, the body might not react in time.

Furthermore, Yim Wuxie's vanishing act was so complete that not even a trace of his presence could be felt.

"Chen Er, watch your back!"

The urgent warning from Ming Yu rang in Xiao Chen's ears. Sensing danger, he instinctively raised his weapon to defend himself, but it was too late to avoid the numbing impact, as if a boulder had struck him from behind.

Xiao Chen somersaulted through the air, finally stabilizing himself with a forceful push from his back foot. Despite his efforts, the ground bore a deep, alarming gash, as though it had been cleaved by a blade, the thick green stone of the square now exposing the earth beneath.

After regaining his footing, Xiao Chen turned his gaze to the spot he had just vacated, where Yim Wuxie now stood.

With his right hand casually tucked behind him and his left clenched into a fist, a sheath of crimson energy coated it as he regarded Xiao Chen with a look of sheer contempt.

That single strike had laid bare the vast gulf between the Earth Mystery Stage and the Sky Mystery Stage.

"Tsk, how did I completely miss sensing his movement just now?"

Xiao Chen was inwardly startled.

Yim Wuxie's fleeting move had seemed to vanish into the fabric of space itself, leaving no trace of his presence.

It was well-known that Xiao Chen's energy perception was so acute that even the herb elder had acknowledged its prowess. No speed was too fast, no motion too subtle to escape the net of his keen senses.

Yet, why was it that this time...

Xiao Chen rose slowly to his feet, fully aware that the Yim Wuxie he was up against was no easy opponent. A moment's inattention could very well cost him his life.

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