Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C5 The Carefully Arranged Heaven and Earth Cage
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Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C5 The Carefully Arranged Heaven and Earth Cage
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C5 The Carefully Arranged Heaven and Earth Cage

As the thought crossed his mind, Xiao Chen couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

High above the plaza, in the grand hall, Chiang Qiushui watched the arena with intense focus. Despite her outward calm, she was deeply concerned for Xiao Chen's safety.

Her status simply prevented her from expressing her worry.

"Please, be careful, Xiao Chen!" she silently urged.

Xiao Chen quickly assessed the situation and stowed the Great Ruler in his storage ring.

Realizing a one-strike kill against Yim Wuxie was out of the question, he...

With fists clenched and a deep breath taken, Xiao Chen let out a thunderous yell. In a flash, a tremendous surge of energy erupted from within him.

Leaping high, Xiao Chen soared into the sky, his formidable momentum propelling him once more towards Yim Wuxie.

Employing the Thunderbolt Step, he appeared instantly before Wuxie.

His fists rained down like a torrent, each punch cold and sharp with the wind.

Yim Wuxie, calm and composed, deftly dodged and parried the relentless barrage of heavy punches with his palms.

Incredibly, Xiao Chen's potent punches dissipated under Wuxie's deft deflections, as if striking cotton.

At the center of the plaza, a maelstrom of energy and the howling fist-winds upended the ground, sending bricks flying like shrapnel.

The younger spectators, overwhelmed by the sheer force, broke into cold sweats, instinctively raising their arms to shield against the gusting winds.

These two youths, scarcely older than their peers in the crowd, displayed a chasm of difference in strength.

Unbelievable as it was, no one could deny the terrifying power of these young men. Given time, their prowess would undoubtedly outgrow the confines of the Central Prefecture.

Indeed, the old adage rang true: "A golden scale is not a common fish; when the winds of change blow, it transforms into a dragon."

At this moment, even the Third Ancestor of the Chiang family couldn't contain his bewilderment:

"Huh, odd! Young Master Yim seems to be holding back. With his strength, taking down Xiao Chen should be as easy as slaughtering livestock. Why the hesitation to strike decisively?"

"Third brother! You always have too much to say!" Chiang Chen shot a stern glare at the Third Ancestor.

Chastened by the rebuke, the Third Ancestor sullenly bowed his head, no longer daring to speak out of turn.

"Your Highness, the Great Elders of the Yim family, along with the elite warriors of their clans, have arrived. They now await your command in the rear mountains of the Chiang estate," Elder Ming's voice reached Yim Wuxie's ears.

A devilish grin spread across Yim Wuxie's face as he responded through a secret sound transmission, "Set up the Immortal Sealing Formation. I want Xiao Chen and his master, Ming Yu from Medicine Valley, captured together. Their souls must not slip through our grasp!"

"At once! Your servant is on it," Old Ming responded.

"Hmph, whether you're the Destiny Child or a Medicine Valley elder, today, you're not leaving!" Yim Wuxie continued his skirmish with Xiao Chen, awaiting further word from Old Ming.

Xiao Chen, meanwhile, sensed something was off. Yim Wuxie had apparently been holding back, as if gauging his abilities, yet Xiao Chen had already exerted nearly all his power.

Despite this, his adversary effortlessly parried every move. It appeared as though Xiao Chen was in control, but in truth, Yim Wuxie hadn't even exerted a fraction of his strength.

It was then that Xiao Chen recalled his master's cautionary words: Never engage in a prolonged battle!

Yim Wuxie must be plotting something!

This realization sent a shiver down Xiao Chen's spine. The foe before him was unlike any other—composed and merciless, with unfathomable depth and overwhelming power, yet exceedingly cautious.

With each passing moment, Xiao Chen's confidence waned. Yim Wuxie was like a chasm, methodically consuming him piece by piece...

Suddenly, a surge of energy as formidable as a Demon Lord washed over him, sending a shiver down Xiao Chen's spine.

Xiao Chen attempted to mount a defense, but he was overcome by an excruciating pain that made even breathing a struggle. A sweet taste filled his throat, followed by a spurt of blood.

Moments before, Xiao Chen had been an imposing figure, launching his attack with a fierce intensity. But now, he was like a broken kite, violently crashing into the distance. His body carved a series of deep craters into the earth, tumbling from the heart of the square to its very edge before finally coming to a gradual halt.

"I'm sorry, but I've run out of patience to continue this game with you, Xiao Chen," Yim Wuxie said, his eyes flashing with a deadly intent.

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