Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C6 The Heaven Sealing Earth Sealing Trump Card Was about to be Used
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Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C6 The Heaven Sealing Earth Sealing Trump Card Was about to be Used
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C6 The Heaven Sealing Earth Sealing Trump Card Was about to be Used

Atop the expansive Chiang family plaza, a young man in white stood tall and unwavering. With eyes sharp as blades and brows like shooting stars, his handsome features were etched with a tranquility and depth that belied his years. His long, pale-green robe fluttered in the breeze, yet his stance was as firm as a sword planted in the earth.

This was Yim Wuxie. Nearby, a pitiful figure lay on the ground, his mouth oozing blood, his hair matted with gore, his body marred by countless abrasions. This was Xiao Chen, who, until recently, had carried himself with insufferable arrogance.

The plaza was abuzz with shock at the sight. Moments before, Xiao Chen had been unleashing his full power, pressing Yim Wuxie into a relentless retreat. Yet in the blink of an eye, he was sprawled on the ground, his life hanging by a thread.

The spectacle left everyone, from the Chiang family's youth to the clan's patriarch, wide-eyed and agape, at a loss for words. The square fell silent, the crowd stunned as if time itself had frozen.

"What... What just happened?!" someone gasped, shattering the stillness.

"This is terrifying! He took down his opponent with a single punch."

"There's a realm's difference between them, but the defeat shouldn't have been this brutal. And to think... Young Master Yim did it with just one punch!"

"The Inferno Lord's potential truly knows no bounds."

The square erupted with chatter. Though the outcome of Yim Wuxie besting Xiao Chen had been anticipated, no one had imagined it would unfold in such a dramatic fashion.

Up in the hall, Chiang Qiushui's brows knitted, her lips a tense red line. Her delicate fingers clutched her lapels tightly, her expression fraught with urgency. Were it not for her father's presence, she might have dashed into the square herself.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for a resounding blow to the main character's pride. The main character's destiny value has decreased by 100 points, while the host's villain value has soared by 1000 points."

The system's voice echoed in Yim Wuxie's ears, heralding his victory.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for defeating the main character. The main character's destiny value has been reduced by 100 points, and the host's villain value has increased by 1000 points."

"Oh, who would have thought I'd unlock two achievements at once?"

Yim Wuxie's lips curled into a slight smirk.

Reducing the protagonist's destiny value turned out to be less challenging than he anticipated. In under half a day, he had managed to slash 500 points from Xiao Chen's destiny value.

On Xiao Chen's end, the punch he received felt as though it was going to send his internal organs tumbling out. Thankfully, during his training, Ming Yu had taken the precaution of using precious medicinal herbs for daily medicinal baths to temper Xiao Chen's physique.

For Xiao Chen, minor external injuries could heal in the time it took an incense stick to burn. Moreover, in close-quarters combat, the impact of his adversary's blows would be significantly lessened.

Had it not been for this fortification, Yim Wuxie's punch might have spelled the end for Xiao Chen.

Struggling, Xiao Chen fished a pale green pill from his clothes and popped it into his mouth. Swallowing it with great effort, his complexion gradually regained some color.

"A Qi Tian Pill?"

Atop the grand hall, the Chiang family's Fourth Ancestor voiced his amazement.

Beside him, Chiang Chen, the Second Ancestor, inquired with confusion:

"Fourth brother, how can that pill be so miraculous? It actually brought Xiao Chen, who was just moments ago at death's door on the ground, back to his feet!"

The Chiang family, a renowned clan in Central State, was no stranger to the extraordinary. As stewards of power, they had seen a wide array of wonders.

Their collection boasted rare treasures, mystical pills, exotic beasts, divine weapons, and jade artifacts.

Yet, the Qi Tian Pill was unfamiliar to Chiang Chen.

"This pill is of the highest echelon among medicines. Across the entire continent, only Medicine Valley has the expertise to craft such a remedy," the Fourth Ancestor of the Chiang family explained, pausing for effect.

"Keep in mind, within Medicine Valley itself, there are but a handful who can produce the Qi Tian Pill."

"This ninth-grade, top-tier pill can bring you back from the brink of death as long as you draw breath. No matter how grievous the injury to the body, once the pill is ingested, it can mend the flesh."

"Our own ancestor, during his cultivation, was once on the verge of death due to impure energies invading his body. It was only through the pill provided by Ming Yu of Medicine Valley that he was saved. That's the very reason our entire Chiang family is indebted to Ming Yu."

In that moment, Xiao Chen felt a chill settle in his heart. The Heaven Opening Pill was his ace in the hole, meant to be used only in the direst of circumstances. Yet, Yim Wuxie's single punch had left him with no choice but to consume the precious ninth-grade pill.

As Xiao Chen pondered his next move, the sky above abruptly darkened with gathering black clouds. What had been a clear sky was now ominously overcast, the winds howling with what sounded like mournful cries.

"Your Highness, the Immortal Sealing Array is in place!"

At that moment, unease was etched on the faces of everyone in the square, including the elders of the Chiang family, not just Xiao Chen.

"What... What is this?"

"Such an oppressive force, it's an array! But when was it set up?"

A wave of panic swept through the crowd in the square.

"There's no need for alarm," Yim Wuxie announced. "I've simply deployed this array to prevent Xiao Chen from escaping. It's meant only to seal the area and will not harm anyone. Please, be at ease."

With Yim Wuxie's reassurance, the crowd's anxiety subsided. However, Xiao Chen's expression was far from relieved.

It now made sense why Yim Wuxie seemed to hold back during their confrontation; he had been secretly preparing this array to thwart any escape attempts. The entire skirmish had been nothing more than a ruse!

Realization dawned on Xiao Chen, and with it came a wave of remorse. He lamented not heeding Ming Yu's advice to leave earlier. Now, he was trapped, and worse, his actions had ensnared his master as well.

It was a classic tale of youthful impulsiveness leading to lifelong regret.

Yim Wuxie looked down at Xiao Chen, who was now struggling futilely, and spoke with a calm authority, "Xiao Chen, no matter how much you struggle, it's all in vain. You're a cornered animal. Surrender quietly."

Cornered and filled with a sense of helplessness and defiance, Xiao Chen had nowhere to turn.

"Chen, it's time to use that technique," Ming Yu's voice, silent until now, whispered in Xiao Chen's ear, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the despair.

A flicker of shock crossed Xiao Chen's face, followed by a wry smile in the depths of his heart.

He took a deep breath, steadied himself, and fixed his gaze on Yim Wuxie, who was a short distance away.

His eyes blazed with an intense killing intent. Xiao Chen brushed the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand and let out a contemptuous snort.

"Hmph, if I were to die so easily, would I have dared to keep this appointment? Yim Wuxie, if you're set on chewing through this tough bone, you'd better have the teeth for it!"

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